This is our
growing list of links. If you would like to suggest an addition, submit it using this form. It's still not very organized yet
but hang in there! http://www.rehabnet.com/aft/index.html A collection of original content on the use of animals in medical rehabilitation by Linda Hume. Also contains section with links to sites related to animals and human health. Great section on training and activities for Animal Assisted Therapy. http://www.thepetcenter.com/ http://petsandpeople.astraweb.com/ a great site with loads of information from dog games, to a great list of therapy dog, animal assisted therapy and animal assisted services links Delta
Society,Celebrating Companion Animals - and the Ways They Enrich Our Lives http://www.petsforum.com/DeltaSociety/dsj000.htm
Animal-Assisted Therapy Services This is where those great spay/neuter graphics come from Assessment of
the Effectiveness of a Pet Facilitated Therapy Program in a Nursing Home Setting Therapy three
ways by Bill Clede Cherry Hill Chinese Shar-Pei - Jim and Lois Carter's page, including a PFL page!