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BAAT Commemorates Independence and Union Days of Myanmar (BURMA)

BAAT is a social organization to serve cultural and social needs of the Burmese / American families in Texas and surrounding areas. BAAT is a non profit organization whose goal is to help improve the lives of less fortunate member and community around BAAT.

BAAT keeps open communication with everyone and strives to promote friendship among BAAT members. We welcome anyone who is interested in our activities, culture and our friendship.

BAAT respects opinions and beliefs of individuals but BAAT neither represents nor endorses any political parties.


Independence and Union Days


Myanmar (Burma) was under British Colonial rule, partially since 1824 and entirely since 1885. The loss of sovereignty, established social order, and various threats to national culture and heritage were causes for concern which led many patriots to struggle to recover these at the cost of sacrificing their lives in most cases.

Alas, on January 4, 1948 British Labor Government decided to give Independence to Burma. The Burmese sentiment against colonialism was so strong that Burmese did not want to join such British sponsored institution like Commonwealth.

An event led to the final geographic demarcation of our present Union of Myanmar was the Pen-Lung agreement named after a small town in the Shan State, a state that constituted the Union of Burma. Approximately one year before our independence, on February 12 1947, representatives of ethnic minorities, Shan, Kachin, Chin, Kayin Kaya etc., and General Aung San met in Pen-Lung. They proved the British that ethnic minorities will stay together with other ethnic groups in Burma to demand for independence.

Two important points that one should remember about these days are:

  1. In continuous history of our people, culture, and heritage for 1700 years, we ware under other people’s rule for only 63 years. However, over that short time of loss of independence, Myanmar has suffered social, economics, and psychological aftermath, which were not even remedied until today.
  2. Being cramped by two powerful neighbors, the present geographic boundary is the minimum with which we can stay independent under military, demographic, and economic adversities.

So, Independence Day and Union Day are not just two festive occasions celebrated during fine weather part of the year in Burma, but also the remembrance of our fore fathers who sacrificed their lives to regain sovereignty and heritage. They had handed down that piece of land known as Myanmar (Burma) to sustain and nurture our lives.

Dr. Melvin Thane Kyaw


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