To properly setup an aquarium, several conditions must be taken into consideration. These can be generalized into categories such as the fish, the equipment and accessories, and the condition of the water. Under these categories are even broader sub-categories which must be given attention to, if the hobbyist wants to succeed in the hobby. These categories should also be given attention if one wants to breed the fish that he has.
We will try to tackle these things in this part of the site. The goal is to initiate the beginning hobbyist and inform him of the basics of the hobby. More technical articles will also be included but these will be introduced for a latter reading, if the hobbyist will want to spend more effort to his hobby. Visitors who just want to keep a healthy collection of fish but do not necessarily want to "dive in" to the hobby itself will also do well to read this part of the site.
Follow the links to the right side for each category. These links will open to articles that give more focus to each category. If you want to see a particular topic written under these categories, write me an email so I can include it here. Your articles are also welcome, so send them to me.