Bill Jayne's Genealogy Site


Peter Beiter
William Cronan
William De Jeanne
Joseph Eisenberg
Carl Horn
Joseph Horowitz
Mauritz Huppert
John Winsor
Chris Jayne's Ancestors
Descendancy Charts
Related Families
Source Documents
Photo Gallery
About Me

On this site I have listed the ancestors of both my wife and myself.

To the Left are links to the listings of our various families, each goes at least back as far as the first person to arrive in the United States or The Colonies. Some a bit further.

I would like to thank those who have contributed to this endeavor by allowing me to  add their family trees to what I've already collected or by correcting mistakes in what is presented

If you are related to anyone in these listings, please contact me and send
me your family history so that I might include your information in what I have .

To Visit my Site Click Here

Home | Peter Beiter | William Cronan | William De Jeanne | Joseph Eisenberg | Carl Horn | Joseph Horowitz | Mauritz Huppert | John Winsor | Chris Jayne's Ancestors | Descendancy Charts | Related Families | Source Documents | Photo Gallery | Links | About Me

This site was last updated 04/17/09