Calvary Baptist Church
Arlington, Texas
        We at Calvary would like to invite you to join us
at any of the times listed below.
We would love to have you as our honored guests,
Until then,

         We Wish You Jesus!            

      To bring people to Jesus and
in His family, develop them to Christlike maturity,
and equip them in their
in the church and their
mission in the world,    in order to magnify God's name.
      10:00  - Sunday School
10:55 - Worship

      5:00 - Christian Growth Ministries/
            GMAs & Youth Classes/Adult Choir
6:00 - Praise & worship in song &
            the presenting of God's Word

      Current church news in Visit Us.
Wednesday services  changed to 7:00 p.m.
Calvary Youth's Web Site is
                            7:00 - Praise & Prayer
            Where is WORSHIP in your list of priorities?  Man by nature has a desire to worship, and does worship, but....what or whom?
        Only One is worthy of our worship and praise.  Revelation 4:11 says, " Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created."  What many refer to as worship is attending a church of their choice, sitting through the services to sing, hear preaching, prayers prayed, etc.  But true worship is much more.  True worship is our bowing down in our hearts to God and His Son in reverence and awe.  That is not just a Sunday thing.  It's an everyday thing!.
        Sunday is the day set aside for community worship where the 'church' comes together to exalt the name of Jesus, show our love and honor to Him as we sing praises to Him, pray prayers to Him, study the Word of God about Him and hear the messenger of God proclaim a message from Him
We at Calvary would love to worship with you in our sanctuary dedicated to His worship and praise.  Come grow with us...You are always welcome at Calvary.                                                                                         ..........Bro. Phillips
      Bro. Jerry Phillips
Would you like for us to pray for you?
            The Road to Salvation
                What's Happening at Calvary in Photos
2101 South Davis Drive • Arlington,Texas 76013
Phone 817-275-7941 • Fax 817-275-7327

This site last updated 6/10/02
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