Since 02/03/00 |
04/05/2000: Yikes! Some of my pages had broken links due to a shift in directory. If you all find anything wrong with my pages, please mail me at! Thanks all! 03/22/2000: Hey, guess what? My CL pages are up! Take a look! 03/20/2000: I did it!! I'm a Heartland Community Leader! Look for new pages soon! 03/14/2000: Well, I'm trying for a spot on the Community Leader's team for Heartland, wish me luck!! Added a new joke and sent out a couple of newly adopted cows! 02/10/2000: Hmmm. I have my GuestBook up and running correctly now. Got rid of all those nasty broken images. Typos can be mean. *G* Also, started my own WebRing and am looking for new members. Head over and join up! 02/04/2000: Added the GeoGuide to the bottom of every page, hopefully that will take care of those pop-up ads. Also, head over and Adopt a Cow! The form is fully functional and there are three cows to choose from who need homes. Backgrounds have been added today as well. 02/03/2000: Whew! Added in some jokes, links, and even a cool word search! Look for more cow things coming soon! 02/03/2000: Well, here I am. I've picked out a home here on GeoCities and have named myself geo_cow. Nice to meet ya, and hope ya like the place. *G* Jokes | Puzzles | Updates | WebRings |