
What a crock Stephanie. You all will be in my prayers.
I.W. - Battle Creek, Michigan

If it is happening in Louisiana, I'm NOT suprised. Louisianians were taught by the master, HUEY LONG. I do hope,however, the man is prosecuted,though if any bank is stupid enough to continually loan money on the basis of a juvenile Social Security #,it seems bank stockholders should be the ones' up in arms. The man IS NOT taking money from the SSA,is he??
G.E. - California

You would think he would be too ashamed to show his face in public, let alone do this.
J.M. - Dallas, Texas

Nothing surprises me, but when "men" take advantage of either children (especially their "own"), women and defenseless animals, that is a sign of "ABUSE" and this is what "I" think of this matter! Thank you for giving me a chance to share in this petition in order to maybe do something about people taking advantage and ruining it for others in the process!!!
D.M. - Bayville, New Jersey

This is totally outrageous if I have ever seen one. This has to stop and will stop if I have anything to do with it. These lazy government officials need to do their job. Using another person's social security number is illegal, especially an 8 year old? Stop this fraud now and it "is not" a waste of time. I will see to that.
C.C. - Atlanta, Georgia

This is horrendous!!! Surely the Gov't cannot expect an 8 year old child to be accountable for debts incurred in his name!! That is fraud in this country. A minor may not be held responsible in the first place. And using anothers name, identification, social insurance no. etc to obtain credit falsely is blatant fraud and should be punishable under the law!! Having taken Canadian Criminal Law, and having the Criminal code in front of me I know that in Canada this is fraud. It is also illegal to use another's name, I.D. etc to obtain goods or services illegally. Shame on the United States if they allow this criminal to go unpunished and abuse an 8 year old childs standing in society before he even has a chance!!!
B.K. - Cranbrook, British Columbia - Canada

R.A.R. - Pace, Mississippi

This happens all of the time - about time we end it......
L.P. - Tacoma, Washington

I hope that this helps correct the situation! : )
P.G. - Corning, California

I really feel for this poor kid. It's hard enough to establish good credit when your record is clean. Doesn't this father realize that he's destroying his relationship with his son? I think you should check into suing the father in the child's name to recoup his losses and prevent further damage.
J.J. - Austin, Texas

I've made credit mistakes in the past. They have haunted me for years because, unfortunately, people like myself who do not correct their problems financially, make it that much more difficult for those who were always honest and honorable.
L.J. - Sudbury, Ontario - Canada

This type of crime HAS to be stopped. For any agency to state that it is not worth their time is appalling. Why would we wait until a criminal commits a major crime to do something, when we could have stopped him/her when the crime was not as bad. I know first hand. My daughter was murdered when she was 7 years old. She was murdered by a man that had been in and out of trouble all his life, but nothing BIG. No one paid much attention to his crimes because they were "nothing to worry about." As with anything else, he graduated to the next level. The man in this case is victimizing this little boy, and the Government is allowing it to continue. What will he graduate to next? Will he victimize another child? Or maybe he'll start on the elderly. Or maybe he'll just start on yours or mine!
Please stop this person BEFORE he escallates to the next level of criminal activity.
K.B. - Avondale, Arizona

I know some people who do this and life is hard enough to start with, without haveing someone making it harder. What is this kid and all the other ones going to do when it is time for them to go to college or want to buy a car. I think we need to do whatever we can to stop this.
S.B. - Avondale, Arizona

Why don't you take this to one of the local news stations? Something can and should be done to stop this.
G.B., Jr. - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Do something about this! This man is living off of his son and his acts will most certainly affect this child's future.
C.S. - Poulsbo, Washington

I say he should be prosecuted. This is not fair to your son or to the foundation of social security.
P.S. - Oakdale, California

When will this country and society wake up and take care of their children? If this father cannot treat his son with the respect and dignity that are his birthright then we as a society have to come forward and protect this little boy. Now how would you or I feel or react if our social security number were being used in a fraudalent way that would hurt us and drastically impact our lives in a negative way? Would we not get a lawyer? Contact Social Security? Or, do whatever we had to do to put a stop to this abuse? Standing by and doing nothing for this little boy when we know what is happening is unforgivable. An eight year old has no voice in a matter such as this. Therefore we have to be his voice. As a society and as a nation lets band together and help this little boy. In doing so we will be helping many others that we may never know about.
S.R. - Billings, Montana

That such a thing could happen is a sad commentary on our judicial system.
M.B. - Urbana, Illinois

Do something, this is wrong.
B.C. - Fort Bragg, California

Hang Him.
D.H. - Kansas City, Kansas

This is a form of child abuse. It is a shame that there are not laws stopping this. The father should have to pay back & rectify his sons name.
S.M. - Waterbury, Connecticut

Put this guy in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J.S. - Orem, Utah

Our town just proscuted a woman on asimiliar charge.A girl applied for a credit card was told she already had one maxed out.Seem her mother used her ss# to get one.Who knowes a childs informaation as well as a parent.This moyher was charged with fraud and ordered to make resitution and to inform the card company of her falsehood.This mother can and should press charges through the D.A..
C.F. - Fort Bragg, California

This man needs to be stopped. Time needs to be taken to really view this issue. This is a matter of importance especially to this child. We say that we are a nation that protects our children, it's time to put action infront of our words.
B.H. - Kaneohe, Hawaii

It is incredible how self focus some people are and how they seek self pleasure at the price of others. It seems too common today that people place their wants and desires on a higher priority than the lives of others, and anything is justified in order for them to reach their goal.
Imagine a world whose people live with the basic guideline of "do no harm". A part of that is also not alowing others to do harm.
Lets hope this wrong is corrected. Good luck!
K.J.H. - Roswell, New Mexico

I am appalled by the blatantlack of wisdom and compassion those at Social Security have shown. I'm certain if this were a case involving their child, they wouldn't think it was "more trouble than it's worth". Everyone deserves justice and has the right to a cleared credit record when someone else has stolen their Social Security number. Everyone includes children.
L.C. - Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

No one has the right to infringe on their childrens character. I don't care if they are only minors. Do the parents have power of atterney of their children names. If they are don't this with credit cards and other matters, than what will happen to the innocent. These children should be protected from all kinds of harm.
M.K. - Holland, Michigan

I think the inherent flaw is the fact that the credit system doesnt check/verify the age of the applicant. I find it terribly funny that a nine yr old can get a credit card or incur any kind of debt ..dont these ppl research their clients? This dad is clearly a lowlife, but jerks like this will always exist I think it MUST be up to the credit companies to check FIRST...and in turn protect OUR credit system from getting drianed by a mistake that is clearly out of negligence on the part of the card company. The underlying problem seems to be that a crime of this nature is so easy.

I applaud the efforts to bring scum like this to justice.
B. K. - St. Louis, Missouri

I believe that it is time for us to stand up for the rights of our children. A child should not be forced to endure such travesty. Furthermore, a parent has absolutely no right to place a child in this position. A social security number is assigned to one individual and not that individual and their parent. This situation happened in KY and the woman was sent to prison as she should have been.
S. L. - Falmouth, Kentucky

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