The team was created on December 8, 1999. Wayne__32 (now known in teams as Unruly_Outlaw) and Miss_Chievous (CribGreat_missy) formed the team in less than an hour on that Sunday afternoon so we could play that night. And then something went terribly wrong. By trying to delete a player who didn't exist the whole team got messed up. We couldn't access Team Editor anymore and the team no longer existed, or so it was telling us. After spending more than two days with Ops at Cases trying to fix it, we had to re-create the team from scratch.
We had a very good team at first and it was great with Christmas holidays, everybody had plenty of time to play during their time off work. It didn't take us very long to gain TT (top ten) status and then it got ROUGH. I learned how to run the team fast and the hard way. Tiger_Shark_4u was really nice and he taught me the rules, how the ranking worked as well as what camping meant and other ladder terms that meant nothing to me at that time. STONECOLD_SLAY was also nice and explained a few things to me. His approach was more direct, serious, and very straight to the point at first and then we kinda became "acquainted" and our dealings took a more friendly turn. Nevertheless, the team lost several players due to the roughness of the ladder room. None of us were prepared for that kind of "fun".
Since then, team members have come and gone. Some have left because the didn't want to deal with the all the crap that comes with team play and others have left because of prior commitments and couldn't give the time that team play requires. Most nights we do have fun, after all that's what it's supposed to be all about. I've made many friends in the ladder room, some people I have met already and others I plan to meet in the future.
Josh and I are the only original CribGreats left on the team. Theo and Bruce joined the team shortly after the team was created. I guess you can call them original players too since they didn't replace anyone on the team, they were just great additions. Then came Steve who replaced the first player to ever leave the team. And then we had quite a parade of players for a while..... Rough times for the team. Josh, Theo, Bruce, and Steve stuck with me through these difficult weeks and I'm so grateful for that! We went on a major losing streak that seemed to last forever, all our personal stats took quite a drop not to mention the team as a whole, but we survived.
We all know that recruiting can be hell. Finding skilled players is easy, it's finding players with the right personality to match the chemistry of the team that is a real challenge. We all want people to show up to play every day. Sitting there waiting for teammates to log on is not fun. So there I was, trying to rebuild again. Then I found Trent (or he found me?). Trent has been a breath of fresh air! He recommended Rob to me and shortly after Rob came on board, then Rob's brother Rick (twins...hummm lol), and Jocko (Jack), Art, Eric, Dick and Dale. All the guys get along great, they tease each other a lot, and most importantly, they love the team and enjoy the camaraderie with their teammates and of team play. I'm glad that we finally found good players, people of all ages, all with a great sense of humour. Today the team is complete and running like a charm, we're back on track and personal stats are on the rise once again and the team's win percentage is going up nicely every day. It took us a while to get there, but Rome wasn't built in one day either. The players' loyalty finally paid off the day the team reached #1 for the first time on April 22, 2000.