This is the title of the personal 'zine I produced on and off since my arrival in Minnesota back in 1983. At first it was actually published on real dead trees, which was made a lot easier and less expensive by my employment at Xerox. Following my departure from Xerox in 1989, the BMFP lapsed too until I gained access to the Internet and began inflicting the zine on my friends through their e-mail. Mostly the BMFP has contained a brief summary of what's going on in my life and that of my family -not always the same thing, and even less so now- a list of books read (new & old) with comments, movies/videos and comments, music acquired (with comments) and occasional rantings on politics, which are less common now than they used to be in the 1980s when life was considerably more interesting what with the Evil Empire trying to make things difficult. I finally gave up doing the BMFP in the winter of 2003-2004 and started blogging, after a fashion; you can see the ugly results of this at Wombat Rampant. So how do you get copies of the BMFP? E-mail me and ask. It's that simple.

Other stuff going on: the Rebel Baseball Review, a home page
for the now-defunct e-zine I published from 1995 until last fall that covered baseball's independent minor leagues. Page has not been updated since 2001 and I believe it's had its plug pulled since I got way behind on the bills. Life's been like that, and I swear I'll pay you off after I get the IRS off my back, John.

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