"Unless you become
like a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God."Our Lady will Lead you to her Son, Jesus. SCMC 99 Apparition
Notes from an Observer
On November 6, 1999, at 11:45 pm, the Blessed Mother appeared to Gianna Talone Sullivan and delivered the following message for those attending the Steel City Medjugorje Conference:
"My dear little children...praised be Jesus. Dear little ones, do you not know that my Son will never abandon you. He lives in your hearts and He loves you and I am your mother of mercy and I take you all my dear little children into my mantle to comfort you, to cleanse you and to present you to my Son. Do not be afraid little ones but do not seek signs either. You have all that you need. Look ahead. Do you not see Him. Do you not see Him within your heart. Close your eyes and repeat the name of Jesus and there you shall be safe for all eternity. The day will come when you will truly know of the tremendous love and gift that God has given to you. The love of My son. The love of His life that He desires to share with you. Take it, do not be afraid to take a risk. You seem to be afraid and your fear is preventing you from being free. He is with you. I cannot tell you that many more times because He is with you. You have the choice to believe it or not. My son has healed you tonight my little ones in many areas. It is for you to thank Him, to claim it and to rejoice and to move forward never to doubt Him. I bless you little ones on this very special evening in honor of My Son. I bless you my dear beloved priests. Those of you have given your life, your very breath to my Son. I bless you in his most glorious and humble name. Thank you for bringing Jesus into the lives of so many who are so hungry for love. I bless you all in the name of my Son and I take all of your petitions this evening to the throne of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for responding to my call and thank you for allowing me to be here with you in this special way. Adieu
During the apparition Gianna's facial features, demeanor, composure, action, and reactions were identical to that of Vicka, whom I have been with on many occasions, during private apparitions. Gianna is real! There is no way that she could have "made up" this message instantaneously after her state of ecstasy during the apparition (which she receives daily, except Friday). When she arrived at the conference Saturday evening, Gianna mentioned that she had not as yet received her apparition, and following the appartion she stated that she had been concerned that Our Lady would not appear to her that day, due to the lateness of the hour.
I think it is impossible to compose such prophetic prose, especially the bold portion, which seemed so fitting for the struggle and the risks taken in producing SCMC-99. "Be not afraid, Mary--the Lord is with thee!" Our Lady is in control. The reason why SCMC-99 was so successful spiritually is that we volunteers do the "oink and grunt" work, and she tells us what to do. I ask everyone appreciative of these conferences to offer up a fifteen decade Rosary daily, for Our Lady's intentions. Pax Vobiscum!
Apparitions in India
In February, 1985, the Blessed Mother began appearing to visionary Mary Amma, a Catholic converted from Hinduism, in the village of Vadiakkado. Fr. Ignatius Prasad, from the Sacred Heart Seminary in Madras, began visiting the site in 1993, traveling over dirt roads for 300 miles, either by bus or motorbike. On one journey the Blessed Mother interceded and his life was spared from a serious accident about to unfold.
Our Lady has helped Father make some very important decisions in his life, and the way he speaks of "Mamma Mary" (as he refers to the Mother of God), it is as though Our Lady were on earth in the role of his natural mother. Once, on January 10, 1999, "Mamma Mary" appeared and talked to 100 villagers individually, from 9:57 pm to 1:20 am, in simple conversation--that is, the villagers wanted to know where to find their cows that had wandered off into the hills. And when they asked why she had arrived later than the "appointed time," Our Lady replied, "I have many children and problems to resolve." The Blessed Mother told the villagers that, hopefully, they will treat Mary Amma as well as her children are treated in Medjugorje.
When these villagers heard the message that Our Lady delivered to Gianna Talone Sullivan at the SCMS-98 for the conferees--"Do not be afraid to take a risk for my Son. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain"--they all cried, recalling the events and "risks" they have endured these past 14 years.
The Church's Stand on Apparitions and Locutions
CANON LAW: Since the abolition of Canon 1399 and 22318 of the former Canon Law by Pope Paul VI in AAS 58 (1966) page 1186, publications about new apparitions, revelations, prophecies, miracles, etc., have been allowed to be distributed and read by the faithful without the express permission of the Church, providing that they contain nothing which contravenes faith and morals.
SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL: The Holy Spirit...distributes special gifts amoung the faithful of every rank...Such gifts of grace, whether they are spread more simply and generally, must be accepted with greatness and consolation, as they are specially suited to, and useful for the needs of the church...Judgments as to their genuineness and their correct use lies with those who lead the church and those whose special task is not to extinguish the Spirit, but to examine everything and keep that which is good.
POPE URBAN VIII: In cases which concern private revelations, it is better to believe than not believe, for if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you believed, because Our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, and you believed it to be true.
In conformity with the decrees by Pope Urban VIII, we recognize and accept the final authority regarding the prophecies and messages as revealed in this text to the final judgment of the Holy See of Rome to whom we willingly submit.