Veterans of Foreign Wars' Membership







In the presence of Almighty God, I do, of my own free will and accord, solemnly promise and declare:

I will bear true allegiance -- to the Constitution of the United States of America -- and I will always be loyal thereto.

I do further solemnly promise and declare -- that I will comply with the Congressional Charter -- By-Laws and Ritual of this order -- and I will always be loyal thereto -- that I will never wrong of defraud this organization -- nor a member thereof -- nor permit any wrong to be done to either -- if in my power to prevent it.

I will never propose for membership -- any person not eligible -- nor one whom I know to be unworthy.

I will never make know to anyone -- not authorized to receive it -- any of the work of this order.

Should my affiliation -- with the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States -- cease in any way -- I will consider this pledge -- as binding outside of the order -- as though I had remained a member of same.

All this I promise and pledge -- upon the honor of a true comrade -- and a citizen of our great republic.



If you are a veteran of military service, you may qualify for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. See eligibility, or email us at our address located at the bottom of this page. The VFW annual membership is $20.00 for Post 8661; lifetime fees are listed below, rates vary depending on your age:

Attained Age  

 Life Membership Fees

Through 30

31 - 40 $235.00
41 - 50  $215.00
51 - 60 $195.00
61 - 70 $165.00
71 - 80 $125.00
81 and over $  85.00






   The fundamental difference between our Organization and other veteran organizations, and one in which we take great pride, is our eligibility qualifications. There are three requisites for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States: (1) Citizenship; (2) Honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States; (3) Service entitling the applicant to the award of a recognized campaign medal or as set forth in the Congressional Charter and/or by-laws.

Checking Eligibility: Checking eligibility is comparatively simple. Assuming that a person is a United States citizen and has an honorable discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces, it only remains to be proven that the person served outside the continental limits of the U.S. and has earned a campaign or service medal recognized by the VFW as meeting the campaign medal requisite for VFW Membership. (The only exception is for service in Korea after June 30, 1949, until present.)

Discharges issued during and immediately after the close of World War II have a section on the back listing the medals and decorations which have been earned. Persons discharged later received a DD-214, "Report of Separation" form, which has a space showing medals and decorations. Lost separation documents can be replaced by completing and submitting GSA Standard Form 180, "Request Pertaining to Military Records."

There is always a possibility of an omission on the separation documents. If an applicant claims entitlement to a medal which is not shown on the individual's separation papers, that person may request verification and correction of records by submitting a GSA Standard Form 180.

The GSA Standard Form 180 is available from any office of the Veterans Administration or state Veterans Departments. The form must be completed and signed by the veteran in order to receive the information requested or authorize the release of the information to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Eligibility Regulations: The following table is to be used as a guide in determining eligibility for membership, and is furnished as a matter of information concerning the periods during which campaign and/or service medals were authorized.

The following campaign medals, and the periods for which issued, have been authorized by the United States of America, and the holder of any such medal or medals is recognized as possessing the campaign medal requisite of eligibility.



  Eligibility Information


Campaign Medal

Military Service

Period During Which Issued

Expeditionary Navy 12 Feb. 1874
Spanish Campaign Army


11 May 1898
16 Aug. 1898
20 Apr. 1898
10 Dec. 1898
Army of Cuban Occupation Army 18 July 1898
20 May 1902
Army of Puerto Rican Occupation Army 14 Aug. 1898
10 Dec. 1898
Philippine Campaign Army 4 Feb. 1899
31 Dec. 1913
Navy 4 Feb. 1899
15 Sep. 1906
China Campaign Army 20 Jun. 1900
27 May 1901
China Relief Expedition Navy 5 Apr. 1900
27 May 1901
Army of Cuban Pacification Army Oct. 1906
1 Apr. 1909
Cuban Pacification Navy 2 Sep. 1906
1 Apr. 1909
Mexican Service Army 12 Apr. 1911
16 Jun. 1919
Navy 12 Apr. 1914
7 Feb. 1917
First Nicaraguan Campaign Navy 29 Jul. 1912
14 Nov.1912
Haitian Campaign Navy 9 Jul. 1915
6 Dec. 1915
1 Apr. 1919
15 Jun. 1920
Dominican Campaign Navy 4 May 1916
5 Dec. 1916
World War I Victory
(with Battle or Service clasp including Siberia and European Russia)
Army 6 Apr. 1917
1 Apr. 1920
Navy 6 Apr. 1917
30 Mar. 1920
Army of Occupation of Germany Army 12 Nov. 1918
11 Jul. 1923
Second Nicaraguan Campaign Navy 27 Aug. 1926
2 Jan. 1933
Yangtze Service Navy 3 Sep. 1926
21Oct. 1927
1 Mar. 1930
31 Dec. 1932
China Service Navy 7 Jul. 1937
7 Sep. 1939
2 Sep. 1945
1 Apr. 1957
American Defense Service
(with Foreign service clasp)
Army- Navy 8 Sep. 1939
7 Dec.1941
American Campaign
(30 consecutive days or 60 days non-consecutive duty outside continental limits of United States)
Army- Navy 7 Dec. 1941
2 Mar.1946
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Army- Navy 7 Dec. 1941
2 Mar. 1946
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Army- Navy 7 Dec. 1941
8 Nov. 1945
Army of Occupation
(30 consecutive days)
Italy 9 May 1945
15 Sep. 1947
Germany (except West Berlin) 9 May 1945
5 May 1955
Germany (West Berlin) 9 May 1945
2 Oct. 1990
Austria 9 May 1945
27 Jul. 1955
Korea 3 Sep.1945
29 Jun. 1949
Japan 3 Sep.1945
27 April 1952
Navy Occupation Service Meda Italy 8 May 1945
15 Dec. 1947
Trieste 8 May 1945
26 Oct. 1954
Germany (except West Berlin) 8 May 1945
5 May 1955
Austria 8 May 1945
25 Oct. 1955
Asiatic Pacific 2 Sep. 1945
27 Apr. 1952
Korean Service Meda Army- Navy-Air Force 27 Jun. 1950
27 Jul 1954
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal Berlin 14 Aug. 1961
1 Jun. 1963
Lebanon 1 Jul. 1958
1 Nov. 1958
Quemoy and Matsu Islands 23 Aug. 1958
1 Jun. 1963
Taiwan Straits 23 Aug. 1958
1 Jan. 1959
Congo 14 Jul. 1960
1 Sep. 1962
23 Nov. 1964
27 Nov.1964
Laos 19 Apr. 1961
7 Oct. 1962
Vietnam 1 July 1958
3 July 1965
Cuba 24 Oct. 1962
1 Jun. 1963
Dominican Republic 28 Apr. 1965
21 Sep.1966
Korea 1 Oct. 1966
30 Jun. 1974
Cambodia 29 Mar.1973
15 Aug. 1973
Thailand (direct support Cambodia Operation) 29 Mar.1973
15 Aug. 1973
Evacuation of Cambodia 11-13 Apr. 1975
Evacuation of Vietnam 29-30 Apr. 1975
Mayaguez Operation 15 May 1975
Grenada Operation 23 Oct. 1983
21 Nov.1983
Lebanon 1 June 1983
1 Dec. 1987
Libyan Operation-El Dorado Canyon 12-17 Apr. 1986
Persian Gulf- Earnest Will 24 Jul. 1987
2 Aug.1990
Panama - Operation Just Cause 20 Dec. 1989
31 Jan.1990
Somalia - Operation
Restore Hope
5 Dec. 1992
31 Mar. 1995
Haiti - Uphold Democracy 16 Sep. 1994
31 Mar. 1995
Operation Southern Watch (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Arabian Gulf, Red Sea) 1 Dec. 1995
El Salvador 1 Jan. 1981
1 Feb. 1992
Bosnia - Operation Joint Endeavor 20 Nov. 1995
20 Dec. 1996
Operation Joint Guard 20 Dec. 1996
Operation Vigilant Sentinel (Persian Gulf) 1 Dec. 1995
15 Feb. 1997
Operation Northern Watch (Iraq) 1 Jan. 1997
Persian Gulf intercept operations 1 Dec. 1995
Navy and Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal Thailand Military Operation 16 May 1962
10 Aug. 1962
Cuban Military Operation 3 Jan. 1961
23 Oct. 1962
Iranian, Yemen & Indian Ocean 8 Dec. 1978
6 Jun. 1979
21 Nov. 1979
20 Oct. 1981
Lebanon 20 Aug. 1982
31 May 1983
Libyan Expedition 20 Jan. 1986
27 Jun. 1986
Persian Gulf 1 Feb. 1987
23 Jul. 1987
Panama - (pre and post
1 Apr. 1988
19 Dec. 1989
1 Feb. 1990
13 Jun. 1990
Liberia (Operation Sharp
5 Aug. 1990
21 Feb. 1991
Rwanda (Operation Distant
Runner) (11th Marine Expeditionary Unit USS Peleliu)
7-18 Apr. 1994
Vietnam Service Medal   4 Jul. 1965
28 Mar. 1973
Southwest Asia Service Medal (Operation Desert Shield/ Operation Desert Storm) Combat areas of opeartion only 2 Aug. 1990
30Nov. 1995
Personnel in support units serving in Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Jordan 17 Jan. 1991
30 Nov. 1995
Combat Action Ribbon   1 Mar. 1961
Combat Infantry Badge & Combat
Medical Badge
  6 Dec. 1941
Korean Service
(no campaign medal issued)
Service on the Korean Peninsula, or in its territorial waters for thirty (30) consecutive or sixty (60) non- consecutive days. 30 June 1949

                               Last updated 13 October 1999




Email: VFW 8661


