Find an American Veteran

Row Golden Stars

We have received requests from individuals on help in locating veterans
for many different reasons. This Post is unable to devote the time and
monetary resources necessary to locate veterans. However, we have
provided some information that may enable you in locating veterans.

Row Golden Stars

There is a book titled "How to Locate Anyone Who is or Has Been in the
Miliatry", Armed Forces Locator Guide, 7th Edition, MIE Publishing.
The author is Lt. Col. Richard S. Johnson. This book can be ordered
online. The website for ordering this book is:

This site will also provide you with services that hopefully will assist you in
locating a veteran. These are fee based services at this online site.

Row Golden Stars

If you want to know if the veteran you are looking for is or has ever been a
member of Post 8661, please send us email at VFW 8661 and we will
respond to you as soon as possible.


