VFW Post 8661 Monthly Newsletters

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Lambert-Wright-Roy, VFW Post 8661
P. O. Box 1416 - Conifer, Colorado   80433

BILL TAYLOR, Commander     BOB CLEMENTS, Quartermaster
(303) 816-0241                             (303) 838-7831

   General Meetings Are Held On The Third Wednesday Of Each Month At 1930 hrs at the Post Home, Highway 285, Shawnee
  Volume:  24

                  JANUARY 2003

Edition 7


Jan 5  Country Breakfast - Shawnee - 0730-1130
Jan 14  Staff Meeting - Commander's Office - 1830
Jan 15  Regular Meeting - Shawnee - 2000, Burgers &
 Dogs -1800 - Auxillary & VOD Participants will
 attend. Regular meeting afterward.
Jan 19  Country Breakfast - Beaver Ranch - 0730-1130


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to:  Dan Callahan, Don Cole,
Ken Garner, Darrell Gillespie, Harlan Helker,
Neal Lawson, Bill Niven, Bob Pole, Slater Simon,
Daniel Soper, George Thompson, Dan Weber,
Joe Wiley, and Robert Williams.

      If we don’t list you in your birth month, we don’t have your birthday recorded. Call your Quartermaster.


   Our regular January meeting will open at 2000 (8 p.m.) on 15 January because we have invited our 10 VOD participants and the Post Auxiliary to join us for burgers and dogs at 1800 (6 p.m.).


   A life membership was won by Don Wellsman whose name was drawn from among those continuous members who paid their 2003 dues by 1 December.


   We are making a concerted effort to form a VFW Post in the Conifer area. To That end, we plan a monthly country breakfast at the Beaver Ranch on Foxton Road. It takes about a year to charter a new Post, and we hope to include this new Post in District 8.


   Our membership has now exceeded the goal of 100% + 1 for 2003. This is necessary to qualify our Quartermaster for all-state honors. Bob Clements deserves the accolade; he has done an outstanding job, all the while keeping up with his duties as State Junior Vice Commander. After Don Gilbreath's death, he took on the additional job of VOD Chair. The best QM we ever had deserves all the praise we can give him, and I speak as one who has been there.


   The  planned turkey shoot was washed out by snow turning the range into a mud hole. Another effort will be tried in the spring. Dave Marlin will chair the project, and it is hoped he will get all the help and participation he needs to make it a regular affair.


Finally, one shipment of flags from Congressman McInnis has arrived, and another is expected. Our next order may come from Congressman Tancredo, who represents the Conifer area. After 9/11 flags were at a premium.

On 12 November, Elk Creek Elementary School put on their annual Salute to Veterans. We were honored by the reception at both schools, in addition to being chosen to Post the colors.


Dear Auxiliary Sister,

    Our Christmas parties are over now. I think everyone had a good time. Thank you Wanda, Julie, and Penny for all you work on both the Auxiliary and Post parties. 
     We are trying to meet our goal of at least 85% membership by the end of the year. Can you help? We only need a few more members to do this. Even if you can't be active now you might enjoy some of the activities. Later when you might have more time on your hands the Auxiliary would be there for you. If we don't keep up our membership who knows?
   When the Post has their Jan. 15th meeting we will join them to honor our V.O.D. winners. Auxiliary members are asked to bring a salad or a desert. This is such a wonderful program for our youth. It gives us all hope in the next generation.
    We will be collecting household paper products at our next two meetings to go to the Fisher house. Please bring anything you can spare.
    We will also be collecting "goodies" to send to our adopted unit in Afghanistan. We have been getting E-mails from them and they really appreciate anything we can send. Let us know if you can help. Thank You.
                      Ginnie Marlin, Auxilary President


   You and your family are invited to attend our Voice of Democracy awards dinner on January 15, 2003 from 6:00 to :00 p.m. Location is the Platte Canyon Community Center on U.S. Highway 285 in Shawnee (5 miles west of Bailey). Casual attire.





Dear Comrades,     

   I want to thank you all for coming to a great Christmas party chaired by the Ladies Auxiliary. Eighty-one people showed up at the Farmer's Union, which I bet was the biggest Holiday Party by far. The food was delicious and almost everyone won a prize.

     I personally would like to thank the Post for already being 100% plus one. This will make everyone's job easier with no pressure. But don't forget our goal is to help veterans and their families. One of the biggest ways we can contribute is by making a veteran a member. Please keep that in mind.  

     This year we will be entertaining two (2) breakfasts a month. The first Sunday of every month the Shawnee Community Center will hold their breakfast with Steve Taylor (303) 838-7014, Neal Lawson (303) 816-9531 and Stan Jackson (303) 816-0743 as co-chairmen. The third Sunday of every month the Beaver Ranch Clubhouse in Conifer will hold their breakfast with Martin Ayala (303) 816-1125, Harlan Helker (303) 838-4999 and Kerry Ginther (303) 816-6592 as co-chairmen. Anyone can help out at either breakfast, but please don't burn your self out and turn negative towards the Post. We have plenty of help! The breakfasts for January will be the 5th and 19th respectively.

    On Monday January 13th there will be a charity basketball game at Platte Canyon Senior High School Gymnasium. The Business people of Platte Canyon will be playing against the Harlen Ambassadors. We will have a representative playing. The game starts about 6 p.m. and tickets are $6.00.

    Our next staff meeting will be January 14th at 6:30 p.m. in the Choice Property Brokers Building at Pine Junction and any member can come.

Have a Happy New Year! See you all then.

Bill Taylor, Commander


