VFW Meeting Opening
O, Sovereign Ruler of the universe who art the Lord of
Hosts and God of
Peace,without thee our efforts are vain.
Continue thy blessing upon us and our families, we pray thee, and guide us
during our deliberations.
We beseech thee, O God, to bless the Dependants of our departed comrades,
and to comfort all who gave their loved ones to our National cause.
Bless and strengthen the sick, the needy and the afflicted.
Bless, we ask thee, the widows and children in our National home and help
us to fulfill our duty toward them.
Continue thy favor upon our order, and help us to practice the spirit of true
comradeship, both in our councils and with the world at large.
Enable us to better the community in which we live through our devotion to
duty as citizens.
We now have a moment of silent prayer for our departed comrades and for
those missing in action and those held as prisoners of war.
These and all other necessary blessings we ask of thee, mighty ruler of the
Amen. |