Other Environmental WWW Sites
This page lists other clearinghouses of environmental information,
or environmental pages that don't neatly fall into the EcoNet's Issues
Index. We also list some ecologically-conscious commercial
Also check out:
IGC's Act Locally Page
IGC's News Services and Publications
EcoNet's Directory of Organizations.
...A to Z...
2111 Foundation for Exploration
seeks to deepen the links between environmental research and space exploration
by supporting expeditions and exploration endeavor as well as launching
K-12 education programs that connect these two areas.
The Adopt-A-Planet
page is part of an effort to encourage students and activists to develop
their research skills from the "peace and conflict studies" vantage point.
Amazing Environmental Organization
WebDirectory! exclusively environmental organization directory - thousands
of websites.
Alter-Net web site for Australian
environmental and social justice activists, sponsored by Friends of the
Earth Snowy Mountains.
American Whitewater Affiliation.
The mission of the American Whitewater Affiliation is to conserve and restore
America's whitewater resources and to enhance opportunities to enjoy them
The Anthropological Center
for Research and Training on Global Environmental Change is a research
and training facility devoted to studying the human dimensions on global
environmental change in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
Arctic Circle, designed
to stimulate among viewers a greater interest in the peoples and environment
of the Arctic and Subarctic region.
ARK Archives, from
The Association of Polish
Australian Department of the Environment
Biodiversity from Around the World
The Centre for Atmospheric Science
in the University of Cambridge, UK, including Second European Stratospheric
Arctic and Midlatitude Experiment (SESAME).
The Centre for Environmental
Labelling at the University of British Columbia is working towards
the harmonization of eco-labeling programs throughout the world. (See also
Ecolabelling Network.)
The Centre for
Marine Environmental Initiatives aims to promote sustainable utilization
of the marine environment by providing training and education programs,
industrial research and technology transfer, and by participating effectively
and responsibly in public policy initiatives on marine environmental issues.
CERN Virtual
Library of Environmental Resources
CIESIN Information Gateway: The Consortium
for International Earth Science Information Network. Provides thematic
guides on the human dimensions of global environmental change. They also
have a Gopher
Cornell University Center for the
Earth Island Institute. Life
on Earth is imperiled by human degradation of the biosphere. Earth Island
Institute develops and supports projects that counteract threats to the
biological diversity and cultural diversity that sustains the environment.
Through education and activism, these projects promote the conservation,
protection, and restoration of the Earth.
The Council on Economic Priorities
is a public service research organization dedicated to accurate and impartial
analysis of the social and environmental records of corporations.
The Deep Green Exchange,
maintained by Jim Wight: "Please leave your egos at the door."
Directory of Best Environmental
Directories A selection of "the best possible directory for each specific
environmental subject" (150 keywords today). Growing up fastly. Other shorter
hit parades for environmentalists are also linked from there. Center for
Economic and Social Studies on the Environment, Brussels, Belgium.
Earth Communications Office-ECO-uses
the power of the entertainment and communciations industries to educate,
inspire and empower individuals to take action to improve our global environment.
The Earth Council is a non-governmental
organization created as a direct result of the Earth Summit to promote
sustainable development.
Earth Information System, an
environmental news and information service.
Earthtrust-Wildlife Conservation
Worldwide. Earthtrust works at the international level as a non-governmental
organization to promote survival of endangered species, and recruits specialists
into highly focused research projects to resolve wildlife crisis situations.
The mission of Earthwatch is
to improve human understanding of the planet, the diversity of its inhabitants,
and the processes that affect the quality of life on Earth. As a member
of Earthwatch, you may volunteer on scientific expeditions that help to
improve the quality and management of life's resources.
EcoVillage at Ithaca
-"A Model for Land Conservation and Sustainable Neighborhood Development."
EcoNews Africa is an NGO initiative
that analyses global environment and development issues from an African
perspective and reports on local, national, and regional activities that
contribute to global solutions. EcoNews Africa is a joint project of the
Africa Water Network (AWN), Climate Network Africa (CNA), the Environment
Liaison Center International (ELCI) and the International Outreach Program
EcoWeb (University
of Virginia)
Eden Foundation works with
farmers in Northern Africa to turn back desertification of the Sahel.
Electronic Green Journal
(University of Idaho)
Environment Canada, a collection
of Canadian Environmental resources (and not just Canadian).
Environmental Industry
Web Site provides information about companies which provide environmental
services and products, companies which provide services and products to
the environmental industry, opportunities for environmentally oriented
businesses, and resources for the environmental industry as a whole.
Environmental News Link tracks
Federal and state news, congressional legislation, regulations, agencies,
court decisions, and more.
The Environmental Organization Directory
is an extensive reference source, with groups listed by subject category.
Environmental Research
Foundation -- back issues of Rachel's Hazardous Waste News (via ftp).
Environmental Sites on the Internet
-- at the Royal Institute of Technology Library - Stockholm, Sweden.
-- the ALTerNET site for Australian Environmental and Social Justice Activists
and Pacifists, hosted by Friends of the Earth Snowy Mountains.
EnviroWeb (A Project
of EnviroLink)
Friends of the Earth
UK (many graphic files; may wish to turn off auto-loading of images),
and Friends of the Earth International.
Friends of the Earth USA
G7 Environment and Natural Resources Management
is a prototype information server that allows _free_ online registration
and interactive editing of records for global environmental information
resources. In addition to this, it provides an international directory
of Environmentalists to which all ENRM users belong.
Galapagos - Darwin's Enchanted
Islands . Lots of information and images of this World Heritage Site.
Global Futures
Foundation (GFF) focuses on systematically integrating programs which
lead to source reduction, pollution prevention, low-cost market development,
and incentive market driven regulatory structures which tend to reduce
both economic and environmental costs.
Global Response is an international
letter-writing network of dedicated environmental activists who are "on-call"
to communicate public concern on matters of environmental emergency.
The Global Thinking Project
is a 'hands across the globe' education project which provides students
and teachers the opportunity to participate in environmental study and
to communicate, via telecommunication, with students and teachers in other
to Environmental Resources on the Internet by Carol Briggs-Erickson
and Toni Murphy. This is a guide to resources of an environmental nature
which can be found on the Internet and was written to be used by researchers,
environmentalists, teachers and any person who is interested in knowing
and doing something about the health of our planet. The guide is arranged
alphabetically by subject and then by the Internet tools used to locate
those resources.
GreenMarket, brings
together progressive and ecologically conscious companies and organizations
to provide information and products easily and affordably to concerned,
earthwise consumers.
HawkWatch International is dedicated
to monitoring and promoting the conservation of eagles, hawks, and other
birds of prey.
The Institute
for Local Self-Reliance provides research and technical assistance
to both the public and private sectors on environmentally sound economic
The International Academy at Santa
Barbara is a non-profit educational institution established in 1960
to improve understanding of issues affecting life on our planet. Its special
focus is on the environment and international relations. The site describes
and demonstrates the Academy's electronically searchable environmental
database, Environmental Periodicals Bibliography (EPB).
The International Council for Local Environmental
Initiatives is the international environmental agency for local governments.
The International
Dark Sky Association's goal is to be effective -- through education
(a) about the value and effectiveness of quality nighttime lighting and
(b) of the solutions to the problems -- in stopping the adverse environmental
impact of light pollution and space debris.
The International Institute for Sustainable
Development (IISD) is an independent policy research institute on sustainable
development in Canada.
Internet Resources
for the Environmental Industry Internet resources relevant to the environmental
industry, including general starting points, design for environment, government
agencies, ISO 14000, law/regulation/policy, pollution prevention, recycling,
and wastewater.
Linkages (Resources for Environment
Policy Makers). Recommended.
Magic, founded
in 1972, exists to demonstrate how people can learn and apply methods and
principles of ecology to discover and further common interests of humankind.
The National Association of Physicians
for the Environment is a medical organization whose mission is to provide
scientifically valid information about health and the environment.
National Library for the Environment
is a project of the Committee for the National Institute for the Environment
(CNIE). The library addresses the need for objective, scientifically sound
information on environmental issues. It currently offers over 100 short
Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports on environmental issues. CRS
products undergo careful review for accuracy, thoroughness, technical soundness,
balance, nonpartisanship and objectivity.
The National Parks and Conservation
Association, a private non-profit citizen organization dedicated to
protecting, preserving, and enhancing the U.S. National Park System.
The Natural Resources Development
Centre, Dublin, Ireland, is concerned with environmental management,
natural resources and rural development using GIS and remote sensing.
The Nature Conservancy(TNC) Online
Directory -- "To preserve plants, animals and natural communities that
represent the diversity of life on earth by protecting the lands and waters
they need to survive." Here are links to TNC sites around the U.S.
Research and Education Center, a place of gathering and a community
of kindred spirits, created to serve people and institutions interested
in working toward a sustainable and just society.
Action focuses on stratospheric ozone pollution and UV-B radiation.
Paul Mobbs' Envrionmental Activism
Page -- sited on EcoNet's UK/European sister network, GreenNet
-- looks like a good resource for British activists.
is designed to give preservationists and those involved in related areas
of endeavour a foothold on the Internet.
Radio Safari, Craighall, South Africa,
"where you can get closer to nature through the power of imaginative sound."
The station's broadcasting policy is in line with the conservation ideals
of the Wildlife Society, the Endangered Wildlife Trust and the Worldwide
Fund for Nature (SA). Radio Safari also seeks to promote an Afro-centric
conservation approach, which demands that development should be sustainable
and that local communities must be stakeholders in conservation.
Randy's Environmental Protection
Campaign page features links to information useful in the campaign
to protect our hard-won "Environmental Bill of Rights".
Regional Environmental Center for Central and
Eastern Europe
RotWeb: meant
to make basic information about home composting available to a large number
of people.
Sane Aviation
for Everyone (SANE), a coalition of independent citizens groups and
individuals in the greater Metro New York region, is looking to expand
its scope to deal nationally and internationally with the aircraft noise
The basic premise of Save
What's Left is to educate the world of its environmental problems through
community projects.
home of Students for Environmental and Ecological Development at Northwestern
University. (Warning! their opening background graphic is 52k; this will
slow those of you with the new version of Netscape down unless you've disabled
African Exchange Program on Environmental Justice is a non-profit organization
which focuses on the effects of toxics and the deteriorating environment
on the health and daily lives of communities in South Africa, and aims
to bridge communities in the US with their counterparts in South Africa
around environmental justice.
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
was established by the Swedish Parliament in 1989 as an independent foundation
for global and regional environmental research. The Institute is governed
by an international board, and has four main centers: the headquarters
in Stockholm, Boston (USA), York (UK) and Tallinn (Estonia).
The Sustainable Building Sourcebook
(under construction).
Tellus Institute is a non-profit research
research and consulting organization that works on resource management
and environmental issues.
Tervetuloa Ari Paanalan kotisivulle
-- a mostly-Finnish environmental home page.
Keep up with the ongoing toxics saga of Times Beach with The
Times Beach Chronicle NEW!
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Global
Resource Information Database (GRID) center located in Arendal, Norway.
WELL's Environmental Issues Gopher.
The WELL is an online service based in Sausalito, California, that offers
an interested collection of environmental themed materials in their Gopher.
Wildflowers page
organizes wildflower information in one place and identifies other related
Internet resources.
World Conservation Monitoring Centre
brings news and information about current global environmental issues such
as the Dec 94 World Heritage Convention in Thailand, the Convention on
Biological Diversity in the Bahamas, and Siberia's October 1994 Oil Spill.
"If our environment is to be preserved and restored, the corporate policies
of the largest global companies must become a force of positive change.
It is the mission of World Stewardship
Institute to effect this change."
World Wide Fund for Nature/World Wildlife
Fund (WWF)
Index to Environmental Web Sites. Yahoo is a directory of sites on
the World Wide Web. Their environmental section has 262 listings of places
to browse.
A Few Commercial Environmental Sites
The Aegis Wildlife Organization
provides photographs and artwork of wildlife in a natural setting on high
quality, collectible phone cards. A portion of the proceeds go to non-profit
animal and wildlife preservation organizations.
Balogh Scientific Books, booksellers
and publishers of books on the natural sciences, including botany, zoology,
and ecology, as well as paleontology.
The Cygnus Group web is designed
to provide individuals and organizations with information regarding the
most efficient and effective ways to reduce waste and conserve resources.
The focus is on source reduction and reuse, rather than just recycling.
The Earth Observatorium
site will sell you a CD with the complete photographic record from Space
Shuttle flight 59 -- almost 13,000 color photos.
Earthscan Publications, a leading UK
environmental publisher, presents their entire catalog, opportunities for
feedback on their publications and for new ideas, and information on forthcoming
EarthWise Journeys is
an independent resource for travel adventures worldwide with special emphasis
on socially responsible travel, cross-cultural exchange, and the environment.
ECO-HAB International,
Inc., is a service organization of professionals dedicated to finance of
sustainable development, particularly within the Habitat II process.
At Earth Source, you will
find many resources to benefit the balance of plants, people, animals,
and earth.
EcoMall: "A place to help save the
Environmental News Network, a news and
information service focusing on a variety of environmental topics in the
Western United States.
Environmental Protection Online offers
an online magazine archive, hotlists of environmental products and web
sites, and onine spec sheets. Users must register to access the site, but
it's free.
E-Soft, Inc. offers numerous
environmental software products for managing and tracking hazardous waste
for environmental professionals.
The Internet Green
Marketplace at EnviroLink
lists businesses on the Internet that have passed a screening process for
social responsibility.
The Natural History Book Service in
Totnes, Devon, UK, offers an on-line catalogue of environmental/natural
history items for the international environmental community.
Northern Sun features feminist, environmental,
peace/political and other progressive issue oriented items.
a multi-lingual interactive resource maintained by the Bell-Northern Research
facility in Ottawa, Canada, provides ideas to assist corporations in building
effective solutions to their environmental issues.
The companies and organizations listed in the OneEarth
Gallery demonstrate a commitment to cultivating respect and responsibility
towards ourselves, each other, and our natural world.
The Openair-Market
Net is the World Wide Guide to Farmers' Markets, Flea Markets, Street
Markets, and Street Vendors. It aims to provide information about open
air marketplaces around the world, both formal and informal.
EcoNet's Directory of Environmental WWW Sites / EcoNet
/ aalm@econet.apc.org