Now what is this SPEAKING section for you ask? Well not am I only the most amazing speaking in the world (Besides the OTHER Speaking) But i almost have an entirely different language then you do!! [sorta-almost-maybe-kinda..] So to solve all this confusion, I'm going to make a Aundie Dictionary... This way.. you'll be able to know what i'm SPEAKING aboot!

**at the end of words you change the 'y' to 'ie'. Ex. Sorrie.** don't ask me why!!!

Aboot -Canadian; meaning: About.

Arrrrrbra -if you know me well enough, you understand this:) Usually followed by 'Hesu Maria' (see Hesu Maria)

Aundiekis -Used by Michaelkins when talking to me! [Mi bebe!] (see; Wovies, Michaelkins, Mi Bebe)

beast: -1. A large monster like house (see also; Hesus Maria, Arrrrrbra)

Beef -1. From Cow, steak, jerky, hamburgers. -2. Anything that is sexy, is beefy. Catlin describes it as "a beefy piece of sex."

Bulah!-It is said of times of confusion or happiness, never when something bad occurs. Can only be said correctly by Chris [chwis; chrisssssss.. it sounds like a snake, try it]

Boo, that was -Generally used when telling someone that they did something 'mean' or 'bad'.

Boot -Canadian; meaning: boat.

Bourban Chicken -National food chain across america. Tasty asian food. Speaking and I generally immitate the man's voice who gives 'tastes' of his chicken.

Clearence -Anything purchased for a small amount(s) of dollars.

Crapper -1 Depends on how the word is used in the sentence and how the person saying 'crapper' uses it in her tone of voice. Meant to express anger, sorrow, grive, death, illness and or pleasure. -2 Also see; Poopie -3 Malasian Princess, referd to as... "THE CRAPPER".

dontchaknowtherenow- Bobby's mothers voice from hit cartoon show "Bobby's World". Only I can do her voice as well as she can. So there.

England, lets be in - A mystical land which you can only be a part of when driving on the left side of the road. Asked commenly by meeee when in the car with someone. I get to be in England a lot.

Enjoy- When used in a sentece instead of 'like' or liked' (Ex. I really enjoyed that pasta; I really enjoyed his eyes.")

Farty-farr -Fourty Four (it's Irish) For more Irish see; Marrrning

Hesus Maria -Common Hungarian phrase when something good/bad/evil/astonishing/frightening (anything almost) happens, or is seen.

Igen -Hungarian for yes (Ex; "IGEN! IGEN! IGEN!!!)

(I)Love it-Used to describe how much you enjoy (see; enjoy) something. Depends on depiction of the word(s) within a sentence.

incidentally- Common Phrase used by Schno. Ask ANYONE. here, ask him

Jobs, Steve -Evil man. Have you ever seen Pirates of Silicon Valley? It's Terrible, it shows you how evil he really is.. bad evil... (see; Boo, Tuesday(s))

Life Guarding Book, The- A Red Cross booklet that was used to use for the course. My good friend Erv and i used it to pass obscure notes. I will not explain THE book any further... if you have seen it, you know the endless amounts of laughter that is inside of it. Eve, you crack me up!!! BEEFY FOREVER!

mappies -Small white dog. (see; microhund)

marrrning -morning. (it's Irish)for more Irish words see; farty-farr

masochist- "IN my big ass fat websters dicionary from the shelf, it says a masochist is someone who dervies pleasure from pain, then goes on to desribe freaky sexual things, but let's stick with definition # 1..."

Mi Bebe -My Mikey! My baby! (see; Wovies, Michaelkins)

Michaelkins -Aundie's Boyfriend [mine] Used by Aundie [me] when talking to Mikey! (see; Wovies, Aundiekins)

mircohunt: A small attack dog (Ex; a Jack Russel...)See; mappies

Nakie -meaning; naked, to be naked.

Nem-Hungarian for NO (ex; "Nem Aundrea, NEM!" --Ron, Susan, Da Speaking)

Nipple -Niiiiiiiiipple. A HILAROUS word, when used or said correctly can get many homosapians to laugh, sometimes uncontrollably. Cool thought. A chuck of cheese carved into the shape of a nipple.... nipple!

okEy -Meaning "okay". I enjoy how okEy looks.

Oot -Candadian; meaning: out.

Penguin: An evil, super intelligent being made out of clay (Wallace & Gromit)

Pinky: Our """personality A""" lifeguarding teacher. He wears very tight pink swim shorts... very scary. Very smelly.

Pit Stains: A teacher who lives with parents and has large, scented, underarm markings.

Poopies: -1 My cute doggies. They are cute, if you don't think so, tell me because i will have a few choice words i'd like to tell you! 2- Me. Yes, I am a Poopie. The only reason I'm a Poopie is because I call cute fuzzy animals Poopies and someone thought it was so (great? funny? werid?) that he decided to call me Poopie as well. 3-The stuff that comes out of your BE-hind. (see; Crapper)

river, go to the - Used when you get someone ANGRY... upset.. or.. mad.. probably not angry... but you get the drift.. anywhoski.. i probably expect an appology if i aim that phrase your way.

RON -My fathers name. Used to gain respect from others (only when said using RON's voice)

Rudeger -usually followed by a stomp of the foot. Sign of power. No real meaning.

Sexcellent - Word made up by Chwis; often used by him when something is super cool, or excellent[in sexually provocative/ stimulating way mind you!].

Speaking -1 Used when answering the phone. Not 'hello', not 'talk to me' and not 'que passa?'. Just 'SPEAKING!' 2-My other name, and Greg NaNoNuts' other name. It's mutual, we both call each other speaking. Just accept it, okEy?

Stubs -One legged drunken male prostitue [islander] that Connie and I met when we adventured to the West Indies [St. Croix.] Stubs is 'nicknamed' Stubs because he had 2 [two] legs, either of them only extended as for as his knees. You could see his stubs and and he used his crutches to prop up his booze as he lied on the street in a drunken stooper. In any case.. It only seemed fitting to give him a nickname that flatterd his disability. This seems crule and cold hearted, but it really isn't. Stubs is happy and so are we.



Nuff said.

Tree, The -Speaking's multi-talented mother. She bakes. You don't understand, SHE BAKES. The cookies that come oot of her stove are like none other. She takes something anything like a shirt, and cleans it so well you can see yourself in it after she's done with it. There is so much more to THE Tree, but the most important thing that you should know aboot her is that is is THE Clearence (see, clearence)GODDESS. Words cannot describe The Tree, so i won't even bother.

Tuesday(s) -the most evilest day of the week. The theory behind the evilness of it all is that it has to do something with Steve Jobs. Steve, this is a boo to you. (see; Jobs, Steve, Boo)

Waka-Waka -slang term used by homy-wanna-be's. (see; Yo Boy)

Wovies -term used in place of love, commenly used by either Mike or Aundie towards eachother. (see;Michaelkins, Aundiekins, Mi Bebe)

Yo Boy - Yo Boy is sure he's cool and thinks everyone around him thinks he's cool, but he's a pathetic loser that works at Office Depote, and Blockbuster... Yo Boy really likes me; a lot... he just doesn't know it yet. Sometimes he accuses me for smoking cloves, becuase i sprayed freedom ALLLllll over his jacket. I didn't nick name him Yo Boy because he's tries to act like a little catholic boy.. 'nuff said. (See;)

Go back to THE beginning!