The History of the 14th Alabama Volunteer Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War
Authored and Researched by James H. (Jim) Foster
This site has been created to honor the memory of the men of the 14th Alabama Volunteer Infantry Regiment. They were undoubtedly one of the best and bravest regiments that served in the Armies of the Confederate States of America. The 14th Alabama Volunteer Infantry Regiment was organized at Camp Johnston, in Auburn, Alabama, in August of 1861. It went first to Huntsville, Alabama, then to Virginia, where it arrived in November. It Proceeded to Yorktown and was brigaded under General Roger Pryor of Virginia, Longstreet's Division. The command fell back with the army and fought at Williamsburg with heavy loss to four of the companies. At Seven Pines it was again in action with but few casualties. It participated at Mechanicsville and was almost annihilated at Gaines' Mill, Frazier's Farm and Malvern Hill losing nearly all the officers after charging the enemy's almost impregnable positions repeatedly. It moved towards the Potomac with the army and was engaged with slight loss at the Second Battle of Manassas or Bull Run. Greatly reduced in strength, the 14th fought at Sharpsburg or Antietam, Maryland, suffering severely in casualties. Placed in Wilcox' Brigade, Anderson's Division, with the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th Alabama Regiments, it was on the line of the Rappahannock during the winter of 1862-3, and was in line of battle on the heights when Burnside was repulsed at Fredricksburg, Virginia. The regiment was hotly engaged and with heavy loss at Salem, Virginia. It went on the Pennsylvania campaign and the blood of its veterans was poured out freely at Gettysburg where it participated in the glorious Pickett's Charge. The winter of 1863-4, was passed in camp near Orange Court House, Virginia, and the 14th was engaged with shocking results at the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and the second Cold Harbor, emerging from those battles with much depleted ranks. Now in Sanders' Brigade, Mahone's Division, the 14th participated in the numerous and bloody struggles around Petersburg, during the last ten months of the war. Its colors were furled forever at Appomattox, where only 70 or 80 men from the various companies were present under the command of Captain Perry of Lowndes County. The names of 1317 men were on its rolls, over 250 of whom perished in battle, 350 died in the service, and 159 were discharged or transferred.
I would like to thank everyone for being patient while I have been under the weather for a few months. I am back and will start entering your submitted data a little at a time as I can.
I would especially like to thank Jerry Brown, back in Alabama for the help he is giving me there near the home front of the 14th and Richard Young for the volumnous information he has supplied for future publication.
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We have begun to add information to this site. It will appear to be a slow process at first but you will see that eventually, if you continue to check back with us, we will add the most useful information first, such as the full rosters of the 14th along with the locations of their engagements and the results of the same.
Please help us. This site relies on input from those of you that have information related to the 14th Alabama. We particularly need old photos of the members whether they are in uniform or not, (before, during, or after the war), letters and other documents related to soldiers of the 14th, family stories that have been handed down about a soldier either uring the war years or not and any other information that you feel may be interesting about the soldier. Thanks in advance.
Company Rosters of the 14th Alabama Volunteer Infantry
Companies A,B,C,D & E
Companies F,G,H,I,K & L
Specific Battles in Which the 14th Participated
These links will be activated soon!*Maryland*/*Pennsylvania*/*Virginia*
View The Actual Battle Flag Surrendered At Appomattox
Commanders of the 14th
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List of Soldiers Paroled At The End Of The War
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The Appomattox Register of Paroles - April 9, 1865
Other Soldiers of the 14th Paroled In Various Locations
Family Lore and Other Stories of the Members of the 14th
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Read Stories Submitted About Members of the 14th
The Final Muster
Burial Places of Some Soldiers of the 14th
View Burial Information - Listings As of 7/18/99
Submit Information Concerning Burial Locations of Members of the 14th
Submit Information About a 14th Alabama Soldier To Be Shared On this Site
Photographs Related to the 14th Alabama
Photos of Individual Members by Company
Uniform Buttons of the 14th Alabama
Belt Buckles of the 14th Alabama
Lost Members of the 14th Alabama
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This Page Will List Members Of The Regiment Who Were Not Listed On Official Muster Rolls Due To Some Odd Circfumstance.
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