Song:  I Finally Found Someone

Joe's Page
Joe when he got his GED

    Joe is our only son, and a neat person to know. He is an artist, musician, carpenter, loves to cook, and has a very quick wit. (He had to have 'bein's he's stuck in between his two sisters.) He gets a little upset with me once in a while though, because I still tend to call him Joey.

    At almost 19 he hadn't dated anyone yet. He said, "Why go out with just any girl? I'll wait for the right one."
   And, lo and behold, he met her at a friend's party on New Years Eve 96/97.
    She's a very pretty young lady named Jill. This is one of Jill's high school senior pictures with Joe.
    They became engaged in March of 1998.

And were married on September 16th, 2000!

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Gardner, Jr. dancing to "I Finally Found Someone"

Due to the fact that Joe was almost hit by a car and broke his right ankle a week before the wedding, (hence the crutch barely visable in the pic).

    Because of the good insurance and steady work Joe was working as a maintenance mechanic with my hubby for a while. It wasn't something that he planned on as a career though, and then his beautiful wife talked him into furthering his education by going to college! He easily decided what he wanted to do as a career. He loves to cook and watches the cooking channel all the time, so being a chef should come naturally to him. He was accepted at Le Cordon Bleu in Scottsdale, Az. and graduates May 1st, 2004!

    Jill is a wonderful young woman with an abundance of energy, so there's never a dull moment when she's around. She's so crazy for animals that she almost became a veterinary tech! It seems that wasn't meant to be, but it doesn't stop her from loving every creature she comes across!

She decided to become a cosmotologist graduated from a top cosmetology school in June 2002 and is working in her chosen field! Jill fits into our family like a glove, and I'm proud to call her "daughter".

Joe and Jill suffered the loss of a baby...Click Here, or on the "Next" button to visit a page we made for them!

    JOe and Jill have been living in Scottsdale since December of 2002, while he's been in school, but will be moving home in June of 2004!

  Email Joe

  Email Jill

The person I thank for the background on this pagee!