The Rose

This is my Pro-Life page!

    I don't have any "great wisdom of the ages" to impart to you. I just know the difference between right and wrong...night and and white...

life and death.

Please Don't Dehumanize Life!!!!
A Baby Is More Than "Just A Fetus!"

Here's My Story

    I was 17 years old, and made one really big mistake...I was intimate with a man that I didn't know very well. It was wrong and I knew it, but like so many teenagers, I didn't consider the consequences of my actions till I began to get sick every day...
    At first I thought that it was nerves or something. I would consider anything other than the obvious! So I went to the doctor, and after an embarassing examination, he concluded that it was my nerves, and gave me some sort of medicine to calm me. (In 1973 they obviously couldn't detect pregnancy as easily as they do now.)
    So I went on my merry, if sickly, way, assuming that I would come out of it soon enough. But I was wrong! One month later I was back in the doctor's office, still complaining of nausea, vomiting, and now the lack of two monthlies. This time it was confirmed that I WAS TWO MONTHS PREGNANT!
    I remember hearing the words...but I was in shock! I couldn't be pregnant, and I firmly told the doctor, "No, I'm not!" We argued back and forth for a while and he finally said, "You said that you were sexually active, right? YOU ARE PREGNANT!"
    As I finally let the truth soak into my addled brain, the doctor asked me a question that I'll never forget. "Does this pregnancy present a problem?" I couldn't help but laugh, as I answered sarcastically, "Problem? I'm only seventeen years old. I'm not married. I'm two months pregnant by a guy that I've only known for two months. We've never even discussed how we feel about each other! No, no problem at all!"
    Then the doctor made an unforgettable statement. "I can't help you to terminate this pregnancy, but I have an associate who can."
    Terminate? As in eliminate? An end to the "problem"? I remember stuttering, "No.", then walking out of the office in a daze. I'd heard of abortion; I'd have to be a hermit not to have, but I hadn't liked the sound of it. I hadn't thought much about it at the time it was on the news, but now I drug out any facts I could remember. Then, the real meaning hit me... Terminating! Ending! Killing! Murder!
    I was in the middle of a mess, but it was of my own making, and I knew that I could no more kill the baby growing inside of me than I could kill myself; and I was nowhere near desperation! This life I created, albeit by mistake, was part of me...a living being who's heart was already beating with a life-force of it's own! And I knew that I could not destroy it!
    My "boyfriend", who was 18 at the time, took the news badly. But to his credit, he never once mentioned abortion. And after telling him that I was keeping my baby, I gave him a choice...he could offer marriage and we would try to make something good of the "mistake"....or he could leave without a backward glance, and I would raise my baby with the help of my family. (Unfortunately, he chose to marry me. I still have no idea why, as he was never once faithful to the marriage vows that we took, and we divorced two years later. But that's another story!)
    I was lucky, I had a mom who took the news without throwing my undisciplined, irresponsible behavior in my face. She told me that she would back me up on any decision I made, and she did! She was always there for me!


    Did I have a rough time? YES! I was sick all day long, all nine months; gained 50 lbs; retained water till I had to lay for hours at a time with my feet elevated; and when I delivered, the epidural that was supposed to relieve my pain didn't work, and began to interfere with the baby's heartbeat-so I finished the 14 hour labor with nothing but demeral, totally unprepared as to what to expect.
    And on top of everything, I was in a miserable marriage that had begun for all the wrong reasons! My life was out of my control!
    Do I regret it? The marriage, yes! Having my baby, NO! Not once have I ever regretted having my beautiful Michelle! For a while, after my marriage broke up, she was all I had, and all I needed! And when I fell in love with, and married my wonderful husband, Joe, he took this precious child to his heart and into his home as though she were his!

Michelle at 4 months




    Please, do everything that you can to prevent abortion! Whether it is you or someone else that is considering using that "out", find another way...convince the other person that there are other ways.
    And keeping the baby, as I did is not the only alternative! There are people out there, who cannot have their own children, who will take that baby in and love it as their own!
    A baby is alive FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION!!! Please help stop the slaughter!

I Thank Pat For These Beautiful Graphics!

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