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(?), (?) Booi to Beckmann, Wilhelm Karl Peter
Beckwith, Charles to Brooke, William
Brooks, Bonnie Rebecca to Comstock, John
Comstock, John to Dorsey, Greenbury
Dorsey, Greenbury to Fasig, James Lincoln
Fasig, Jeanette Irene to Fenstermacher, Sally
Fenstermacher, Sally Ann to Graham, William
Grant, Mary Amelia to Hallmark, Nancy
Hallmark, Nancy Cerdilia to Hess, William Jr.
Hewes, John to Hopkins, William Worthington
Horn, Alec to Kibler, Martin
Kibler, Martin L. to Long, Mary Albertine
Louisa, (?) to Minthorne, Mangle
Miram, (?) to Peddicoart, William
Peddicord, Abigail J. to Ranna, Marion
Raper, Narcissa to Rye, William D.
Sachse, Anna Elisabeth to Snowden, William
Snyder, Catherine to Thomas, William J.
Thomen, Anna Barbara to Tyler, Robert
Tyson, Elisha to Wilhite, William Andrew
Wilhoit, Aaron to Zimmerman, Maria

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Every attempt to post correct information has been attempted. If you find any errors, please contact me.
Lori Humphrey

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