The Will of John Cannifax (Sr)
Probated March 3rd 1752
Will Book 1 pg. 52 Cumberland County VA.

In the name of God Amen, I John CANNIFAX of Cumberland Co. being sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory blessed be God do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Vis’t. First I commit my soul into the hands of almighty God hoping through the merits of Jesus Christ to receive pardon of all my sins my body to be decently interr’d at the discretion of my excecutors hereafter mentioned imprimis.

I give and bequeath to my son John CANNIFAX all my land lying between the main road and Jones Creek to him and his heirs forever.

I give and bequeath to my son James CANNIFAX in lieu of a joynture to the said James’s mother of one hundred pounds to be settled on the heir of my body begotton on her all my land and plantation lying between the main road and Fine Creek also my part of Fine Creek Mill to be held and enjoy’d by him after the death of his said mother to whom I give the use during her life and then to the said JAMES and to his heirs forever.My will is that is that my personal Estate be and remain on the premises under the management and direction of my executors untill my son WILLIAM comes of age and then to be disposed of in manner following Vis’t.

That my daughter MARY be paid out of my Estate thirty pounds current money and that she immediately after my decease have her mothers side saddle and gold ring.That my daughter ELIZABETH have five pounds paid her when my son WILLIAM comes of age and that all the residue of my Estate after my just debts are paid I give to be eqully divided amongst my beloved wife, JOHN , EDWARD and WILLIAM CANNIFAX and do appoint my said wife and son John Cannifax of this my last will and testament revoking all wills by me heretofore made in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this seventh day of Febuary 1752.

John Cannifax, L.S.
Signed sealed and acknowlaged in presence of
Thomas Turpin
Joseph Akin
John Epperson.
March 1752.