Will of Nicholas HARBUCK
05 Oct 1822 Warren County GA From Warren County, Georgia
Will Book 1810-1829, Pages 129-133

The Last Will and Testament of Nicholas HARBUCK Warren County, Georgia } In the Name of God Amen, I Nicholas HARBUCK of the County and State afforesaid being weak in body of sound & Disposing mind and memory do make ordain and Constitute this my last Will & testament commending my soul to God and My body to Earth in decent burial and as relates to my earthly (word cut off) I give first) to my beloved Wife Barbara HARBUCK the land whereon I now live containing one hundred acres more of less, one negro boy named Da (word cut off) about Sixteen years of age, one Horse, one (word cut off) and Colt, all my Stock of Cows, Hogs, sheep, household furniture, plantation tools and a (word cut off), other Goods chattells rights or credits of whatever name or nature I may did possessed off, all to be and remain in her possession and service during her life (except as is herein after excepted)

2nd) I consider the property allready delivered to my Daughter C. E. GOLDING worth when delivered fifty nine dollars and desire at the Death of my wife she may receive as much mony as will make her share equal to the rest of my Daughters except LUVINIA & ANNA

3rdly) I consider the property allready delivered to my Daughter Rebekah BRANTLEY worth when delivered fifty four Dollars and desire at the Death of my Wife her part or portion my be made equal to the rest of my Daughters except LUVINIA & ANNA

4thly) I consider the property allready delivered to my son William HARBUCK to be worth nine hundred & eighty three dollars when delivered therefore can give him nothing more because tis more than I can give the rest of my children

5th) I consider the property when delivered to my Daughter Mary HUTCHINSON to have been worth one Hundred & fifty four Dollars and desire at the death of my Wife that so much mony may be equally divided between my two Grand children Barbara & Nicholas HUTCHINSON as will make up one share equal to the rest of my Daughters except LUVINIA & ANNA

6th) I consider the property when delivered to my Daughter Luvinia Armstrong to have been worth forty two dollars and desire that she may have one Hundred dollars at the Death of my Wife more than any of my Other Daughters except ANNA because she is infirm

7th) I consider the property when delivered to my Daughter Susan GEESLING to have been worth forty two Dollars and desire that it may be and remain in her possession and Service during her life with as much mony as will Make one share equal to each of my other Daughters except Luvinia & Anna and at her death to be given to my two Grand Children Redian (?) Green & Anna Barbara GEESLING to be theirs equally hoping they will equally divided it with their Brothers and Sisters should they have any

8th) I give to my Daughter Anna HARBUCK at my death her choice of Beds & furniture, One Cow & calf or twelve dollars and at the death of my Wife one hundred dollars and then Share which shall be equal to any of my Daughters except Luvinia and will be precisely equal to her share

9th) I give my Grandson Greenberry Lee HARBUCK Son of Anna one Sorrell Colt say six months old

10th) I desire at the Death of my Wife that each and every part of my Property and Estate be sold except as herein given and the Legacies herein mentioned payed out of the proceeds

11th) I desire that should any part of the personal property of my Estate become useless that it be sold the proceeds placed in the hands of my Wife and she made chargeable with the mony but if sold to be Ordered by the Court of Ordinary provided it is done in Counsel with one or more of the Executors I nominate Constitute & appoint my Wife Barbara, Henry SHELTON, Jeremiah BUTT, William HARBUCK Jr and Thomas GIBSON Executrix & Executors to this my last Will & Testament hereby Revoking all other Wills by me made in Testimony Whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this fifth day of October 1822 Nicholas (X) Harbuck
Henry (X) Shelton
Michael (X) Harbuck
William Harbuck

Thomas Gibson Warren County, Georgia } July Term of the Inferior Court (Sitting for ordinary purposes) Personally appeared in open Court Michael Harbuck, William Harbuck and Thomas Gibson Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will who being duly Sworn on their Oath Depose and say that they saw the above named Nicholas Harbuck the Testator Sign seal publish & pronounce the foregoing instrument of Writing as his last Will & Testament and that at the time of his so doing he was (in their Opinion) of sound mind and disposing Memory and that at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other they all became Witnesses thereto and that they saw Henry Shelton the other Witness named allso Subscribe his name by his mark as a witness allso So help you God Thomas Gibson Michael (X) Harbuck William Harbuck Sworn to and Subscribed in Open Court 3d July 1826 Teste ? Franklin, Clerk C O