Hi! Nice to meet you!
My name is Gail and I'd like to welcome you to my home on the web. Things are always hectic here. I always have too many irons in the fire, but that must be the way I like it, because I have been that way all my life!
Sit back and relax and take a look at some of the thing I like to dabble in! Enjoy!!
I have two wonderful children and consider myself
very blessed!
They are grown, with lives of their own.
Shannon Patrick
I have two beautiful kitties!
Sadie is my baby girl--a little Siamese, who doesn't know she's a cat,
and her big brother, Sam, a domestic shorthair who has begun
to act like a Siamese since Sadie came.
The two of them are quite a pair!
My son just brought home his own kitten, so I now have a grandkitty!
Here is a picture of the three of them!
Atlas, Sadie and Sam
I have many interests, but high on the list are:
My Faith
My Cross-Stitch and Other Fun Stuff
My Thorn in the Flesh--Living with MS
My Friends
My Adopted Babies
Logos, Links and Awards
Holiday Pages
Christmas at Gail's
e-mail me at gail_faries@hotmail.com
Last updated 11/12/2000
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