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Power Appendix

Power incorporates the ability to defend ones own life and property and ultimately to attack potential attackers. Thus, power requires an ethic, a kind of plan for its use. As a part of our SeniorPower Rules, we have figured out that some rules for the use of power would be appropriate.

Rule 91: Study the ethics of personal power

There has been written extensively on this topic. Not as much as on the gaining of power, the possession of power and on the use of power. But certainly sufficient to confuse.

Some visitors will allege, that the ethics of one of the old religions will be the right base for our lives in the next future. It is our firm opinion, that we can not cope with the current state of world affair just by sticking privately to such old rules.

For the purpose of seeking a modern and still universal ethical base, we recommend Peter Singer: Practical Ethics. A more updated issue is his How are We to Live: Ethics in an Age of Self-Interest .

Rule 92: Speak softly and carry a big stick

We live in different environments, confess to different religions and have different views on social behavior. In our opinion this old adage (cited by Theodore Roosevelt Sept.2, 1901, with the addition .. you will go far) well express an appropriate fundament for a balanced life.

Rule 93: Study Machiavelli

Rule 94: Study Chinese warfare

The Swiss professor Harro von Senger has written a remarkable book on Chinese Warfare: The Book of Stratagems : Tactics for Triumph and Survival. You may not need these stratagems for your personal "warfare". But you may learn from the tactics of ancient warfare to know more about possible tactics of today's warriors. Sengers book seems to be out of order. But you may read a book translated by Ralph D. Sawyer: One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle and Tactics of Chinese Warfare. We shall cite just the first of these hundred strategies:

"Analyzing the enemy, taking control of victory, estimating ravines and defiles, the distant and the near, is the Tao of the superior general"

Rule 95: Study Karl von Clausewitz

Rule 96: Never reveal everything

One of the best sellers in "power", Michael Korda, has defined following power rule:

Never reveal all of yourself to other people, hold something back in reserve so that people are never quite sure if they really know you.

You may read more about this advice in the book Power!: How to get it, How to use it! It is cheap and it is entertaining and has a cassette.

Rule 97: Coming!

Rule 98: Coming!


Rule 99: Be prepared to fight for your grandchildren

If we intend to live another 25 years or love a grandchild who will enter the future, we should consider the use of power in the battle with two flanks: stopping the population growth and stopping the wasting of resources, including the wasting of conflicts. With the democratic politics of today, acting for re-election, respectively the self-interested dictators, professional senior citizens in all countries may be the foremost force to save this wonderful planet.

We urge all everybody with civil courage to join in the battle for stabilizing and preserving our habitate.


 Rule 100: Coming!


The SeniorPower Site
Date Last Modified: 07.03.99
Staying powerful to the End