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The FAMILY was the brick of society, the cornerstone of the civilization, from the very beginning. Every specie has the instinct to save the descendants, i.e. to maintain the family. In the recent years, the individual in pursuing own happiness forgot this basic wisdom and acted against the advantage of the family. In recognition of these facts and flaws, a major part of the seniorpower rules are linked to the development and the wellbeing of the family.

Rule 21: Stay caring

Care for your spouse, care for your children. This has been the rule for thousands of years in every civilization. Breaking this rule will ruin our society. Following this rule will make you and your family strong and powerful.

There has been written hundreds of book about just family caring. We will find some of the best and present to you.

Rule 22: Communicate

Rule 23: Be open

Rule 24: Compromise with a smile

Rule 25: Care for values

Rule 26: Coming!

Rule 27: Coming!

Rule 28: Coming!

Rule 29: Gather the family for synergy

Write the words FAMILY SYNERGY ten times and start planning the psychological and physical gathering of the family. Consider: Every society with strong family bonds and strong family care taking has an advantage over the less caring and more divided family. The most gathered and cooperating family has an advantage over the less committed, everything else being similar.

A small practical book by Mary Pride All the Way Home : Power for Your Family to Be Its Best tells about family caring for women.

Rule 30: Prepare your will to avoid a family conflict

Prepare your will with the aim of avoiding family conflict. Then you may relax , convinced that your descendants will not spoil power and recourses in dividing the patrimony. You may benefit by reading John F. Goodson: How to Prepare Your Own Last Will & Testament


The SeniorPower Site
Date Last Modified: 07.03.99
Staying powerful to the End