Welcome to my Guestbook! Here are some of the previous entries.

John - 12/06/00 02:34:17
My URL:http://americanmedicalclub.com

Need medical supplies or equipment? Know someone who does? "Please pass this on" http://www.americanmedicalclub.com/index.php $ 1.00 from each membership will be donated to the "Feed the Children Foundation" We have message boards to "sound off on"! We have chat rooms to get to know new friends We have polls for you to take to let our politicans know how you feel! We have "Ask the Doctor" feature! Ask Dr. Baily your health questions! We will soon have an "Online Pharmacy"! We have "Dailey News" feature! We have "Health Updates"! We have information on "Term Care"! We have "Travel Specials" for senior or church groups! We have information for seniors on Financal Services Three-Wheel Rollators from $ 134.50 Lift Chairs starting at $ 375.95 Electric scooters from $ 1,195.50 This is actual DEALER COST !! Call around to check our prices, You will NOT find lower prices anywhere, GUARANTEED!!! MOST PRODUCTS ARE SHIPPED ** FREE FREIGHT ** INSIDE DELIVERY IS ALSO AVAILABLE This club is in no way related to or endorsed by the Feed the Children Foundation....We have simply just choosen to donate to them because we think they are a worthy cause.

David Ertur - 10/05/00 02:40:04
My Email:venymus@msn.com

Hey Karen! Melanie forwarded me the link to your website. Didn't get a chance to look at it all, but from what I saw, it looks pretty elaborate. Nice work. Just thought I'd say hi. Tell Jim I said hello too, will you?

DD Gwennie - 09/04/00 19:50:00
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition! Or maybe you'd like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our webring! http://www.digitaldelilah.com

angela hackney - 09/02/00 05:19:50
My Email:xenia01@yahoo.com

i'm so glad to see that other parents are going thru what i am. thank you for letting me know that i'm not alone.

Mike Tringali - 08/24/00 04:10:42
My URL:http://rexall.com/online
My Email:mike@preventivehealth.cc

Hi Karen! I don't want to sound like a commercial but I feel compelled to mention a fiber product I've had great success with for reflux; additionally a natural remedy for my allergies; all from Rexall, the old drugstore we know so well - feel free to email me i you'd like to learn more about them! They come with a thirty day money back guarantee.

Cherilyn Orick - 07/17/00 18:43:34
My URL:http://members.aol.com/logansplace52899/Page2Birth.html
My Email:LogansRefluxMom@aol.com

Hi! I came across your page and just loved them all. Mostly the reflux pages. Logan is 14 months now and still has reflux. No one seems to know enough about reflux. I learned from web pages such as GERD Word and PAGER about what reflux was really abo t. Now I have started doing a web page like you to educate mother's. Here it is but not even close to being done! /logansrefluxmom/ LogansRefluxPage.html Cheri

Angela Johnson - 06/23/00 22:10:06
My Email:red1090@yahoo.com

I must say that you web page keeps me drawn to what to expect next. But I guess with reflux and asthma you can't even try to guess what will happen next. Your page is very incouraging to me. Thanks for taking the time to inform others of what has happened and what could happen. Angela

Hani's Mom - 06/01/00 22:12:35
My Email:red1090@yahoo.com

I had no idea that reflux and asthma had anything to do with each other. My 3 1/2 year old has both and it is very frustrating for her and for me. She is now able to tell me what she is chewing on 2-3 hours after dinner that it is dinner and she doesn't understand or like it. She is now going to visit the DR again for the 8th or 9th time in the short three years that she has been around. What do you think of the operative procedure that is offered for the reflux problem and do you believe that it would help or hinder the problem. I think that is the next step for us, and I am not sure that I want to put her through that. Thanks for you site and your time. Angela (Hani's Mom)

Angels and Fun - 05/14/00 16:50:08
My URL:http://nav.to/MotherComfort1
My Email:MotherComfort1@fcmail.com

It nice to re-visit your fantastic site, Karen. Sincerely, Mother Comfort

Happy Mother's Day

Janny Rae - 05/11/00 02:15:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Forest/8975/hi/hi.html


You have a nice web site. I enjoyed my visit. Keep up the good work!
God Bless You! Janny Rae :o)

Random Acts of Kindness

Carrie Wiltjer - 04/21/00 03:12:40
My Email:jcaehw@yahoo.com

I'm so glad that god led me to you. My son has been suffering with all the same things! We've spent countless nights and days in hospital rooms with what they tell us is pneumonia. 4 times in the last year. Our angel will be three in july and we've done a l the things you have. Perpulsid, zantac, nutramigan, upper gi's, cystic fibrosis tests(x2), cat scans(sinus and chest), countless bloodtests, neb treatments and so on! I'm rambeling on sorry I'm just so glad to know that i'm not the only one out there g ing thru this stuff. Thank you for printing the story of your angel. Good luck and God bless!!!

Stacy Burns - 04/13/00 18:01:21


Mother Comfort - 04/13/00 05:57:38
My URL:http://nav.to/MotherComfort1

Enjoyed your site!

Mother Comfort

says, HAVE FUN

...and SMILE.

Angels and Fun

Mother Comfort

Lori - 04/09/00 22:30:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lorilw2000
My Email:loriw@mail.cwo.com

Great site!

Random Acts of Kindness

Daddy - 03/29/00 04:33:02
My URL:http://qsl.net/ka1kzb
My Email:calciano@home.com

Nice job daughter God Bless and watch over you all hope you get this on a day when you need some lifting up I Love You. Dad.

Vickie - 03/25/00 12:29:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/puddinvj
My Email:armywifeone@aol.com

Nice web pages. I enjoyed my visit very much!

christi pate - 03/24/00 19:41:20
My Email:bcpate@arkansas.net

Your story sounded so familiar. My 2nd son justin was born in 1995. Although he had a very scary birth, he was expected to be fine. He did have respiratory problems and stayed in the ICU nursery for 5 days. That was the end or so we thought. He was 5 da s old and on his 2nd formula. So we take our little bundle of joy home. The first week he was having diarrhea 13 or more times a day. We now went to Alimentum. This fixed our diarrhea. He then had this mysterious rash at 6 weeks. Our pediatrician wa puzzled. We finally got over it never knowing what it was and barely escaping a trip (6 hours) to the childrens hosp to a ped dermatology clinic. He did okay until fall. He had this mysteriously rattle all the time but no vomiting. We had a few little heezy illnesses but I chalked them up to normal childhood. Then finally, on Jan 1, 1996, at 11 mos he became really ill. The peds office was closed so we went to the emergency room. The dr there informed me that the rattle would go away if i just sucti ned his nose with a bulb syringe. Then gave him a shot for pneumonia and sent him home. The next morning we went to see his regular ped who admitted him to the hosp for 6 days. After this we went home with an updraft machine. And it was now chalked up o asthma. We tried every inhaler on the market and so many rounds of oral steriods. It was so bad at one point we were giving 14 doses of medicine every day as well as breathing treatments every 2hours around the clock. I was forced to quit my job to st y home to make our dr visits two times a week. He had pneumonia all the time we would take antibiotics for 14 days and by the 15th day he would be feeling and breathing fine. On day 16, he would have a high fever and be so ill again. Through all this h was really swollen and gaining wt although his appetite was down to nothing. He would go days and days without eating any solid food. He survived on milk. Gallons and Gallons of it. When he did eat, all that he would eat was baby food (Corn and peach cobbler until he turned orange). Still nothing clicked that we were dealing with something else. We did this routine for over 9 mos and finally after somehow finding the energy, I got pregnant with our 3rd child. I told his pediatrician that we had to ind some definite answers and some effective treatment. She referred us to a ped pulmonologist and allery clinic at Arkansas Childrens Hospital. Justin went through numerous tests including allergy testing, testing for cystic fibrosis, and several other tests. We walked away from that appointment amazed at what we found out. He was diagnosed with moderate to severe reflux (although he never threw up) and he did not have allergies to anything they tested him for. We also had prescriptons for Propulsid nd Zantac. Propulsid went down okay but he refused to take Zantac. He continued to have respiratory problems. A light bulb came on. He was refluxing and gasping for breath and sucking the stomach acid into his lungs . We would get better and worse ag in. Finally in March 1997 we went back to childrens for an broncoscopy and pH studies. He had raw areas in his trachea from the stomach acid he was getting into his lungs. The pH study also told us he was refluxing hundreds of times a day. We have com along way since then. Justin is still taking Propulsid and has EKGs done due to the side effects of it. I am now a nurse and have researched the drug and discussed it with our pediatrician. We feel the risks in our case our outweighed by the benefits. He recently started taking Prilosec capsules as well. He has occasional stomach aches. But for the most part, he is doing great. He eats everything in site and is growing well. He starts kindergarten in the fall. Although the road was rough in the ea ly years, things are bright again. I was amazed after reading your story that someone else went through similar things due to GERD. Im thankful though that your answers came alot sooner than ours did. Please contact me. Would love to chat..

~Chicky~ - 03/20/00 04:46:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/adhdhelp
My Email:chickyoz@ihug.com.au

Great page...keep up the good work

micah - 03/17/00 19:39:16
My URL:http://www.refmaker.com/members/micahtx.shtml

This is a great site!!!

jo ann payton - 03/15/00 02:01:42
My Email:jpayton41@msn.com

nice seeing you again.you have a great looking family.tell your folks i said hi. cousin, jo ann[calciano]

DPKandi - 03/11/00 01:54:21
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com


Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring.

Kim - 02/28/00 23:31:56
My URL:http://www.grierhome.homestead.com/index.html
My Email:kgrier@cnip.net

I really enjoyed your site! Very nice! I hope you'll visit me also.

jimmy - 02/26/00 04:20:42
My Email:jbut1022@aol.com

love you!!!!!!!!

Kim (Farnham) Yates - 02/25/00 00:55:33
My Email:jimykimy@juno.com

Hi Karen! Melanie sent me your web page & told me to check out your kids ... they are beautiful. We are doing well ... 2 kids as well (a boy who is 4 and a little girl going on 1). Glad you are doing well ... take care! My Eric enjoyed Barney lots (I enjoyed your music in general).

Nathan Jones - 02/18/00 17:28:01
My Email:nathan@xlear.com

I was looking over the net for subjects relating to asthma and found this page. I liked it. I was looking for information on asthma because my father, who is a doctor, developed a product that was originally intended to prevent ear infections. It has virtually eliminated ear infections in the children that use it. He also noted that it helped lear up the asthma in many of the patients that used it. He is looking for people to participate in an online study of the effects of this product on asthma. It is 100% natural and there are no side effects. If you are interested check out his webpage t www.nasal-xylitol.com

Juli Ferrante - 02/07/00 18:25:51
My URL:http://www.juli.org
My Email:juliferrante2@usa.net

My friend Glenn here in Florida has been on reflux medication for 25 years, or as he says, ‘Since they invented medication for it”. Says he would wake up with a mouthful of stomach acid. Then he started taking this soy-based nutrition powder (not a medi ation) and has been symptom and medication free since the first 3 weeks he started on it. The same thing happened for my friend Robbie and her friend Jenny (that’s why I told Glenn about it). My friends's friend Janet's little baby girl had GERDS and w ighed 8 lbs at one year because she couldnt hold food down. As soon as she started on it in her bottle she stopped GERDS immediatly. She is now healthy and full-size. If you have any questions email me at juliferrante2@usa.net

- 01/25/00 20:59:41


Kara - 01/23/00 21:54:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cove/2165/kathy.html
My Email:Karabea@aol.com

Hi Megan! I enjoyed visiting your Barney page! Kathy is my favorite person on Barney too! In fact, I have a page just for her! I hope you will visit it and sign the guestbook! Thanks for letting me visit today! Bye!

Rev. Johannes Erich Myors - 01/16/00 20:33:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Geyser/7165
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com

Shalom from a fellow member of the Messages With Meaning WebRing. I just wanted to drop by and say hello, wish you a happy new year, and drop off a prayer or two so that this year will be more effective and productive for you than last year was. Take care in Y'shua.

Valerie Gill - 01/08/00 07:01:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/ourHomeSweetHome
My Email:valerie_gill@yahoo.com

Wow, I am just so amazed at the similarities between our children! I have 4 children ages 6, 4, 3 and 21 months. Two of them have severe asthma. Three of them have severe allergies. All three were on either Nutramigen or Allimentum till they were 2. he two with asthma were both tested for allergies around 11 months and I was told the same thing about getting a false negative- well the 4 year old was allergic to 5 things (Including Peanuts-we have to carry a shot around everywhere we go now) and my 3 ear old is very allergic to 10 things and somewhat allergic to 10 more! My 21 month old has not been tested yet, she doesn't seem as severe as the other two, although has some definate allergies to milk, eggs and rice among other things. What really sur rised me was that my youngest 2 children are within a month in age of both of your children! ; ) And... we both have fibromyalgia. I'm wondering if maybe there is a connection somehow with all the allergies and stuff??? Thanks for visiting my "old" web site and signing the guestbook : ) If you'd like to see the "new" one the URL is above. You have some beautiful children and really nice web pages : ) Valerie

Theresa - 12/23/99 22:54:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/1951
My Email:t_beireis@yahoo.com

Hi there, Just stopped by to see your wonderful site! We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe New Millinium Year!

Random Acts of Kindness

Dee Bills - 11/16/99 19:07:17
My Email:billsbody@tecinfo.com

I really enjoyed your story and information. I am just going through the beginning stage of checking on asthma and reflux. We hope to find out in a couple of weeks, thanks

FridaysChild_2000 - 11/15/99 05:17:24

">http://="http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/2926/inspirfriend.jpg" alt="Random Acts of Kindness" bo der="0">
My Email:sjhinton@msn.com

You are an inspiration to more then you know.

Shey Ann - 11/11/99 04:35:27
My Email:kyrie23@hotmail.com

Hiya, I am really impressed with your webpage. I enjoy Angels as well as collect them. Thank you for such a wonderful place for us to go and be inspired. God bless.

Karen :) - 10/08/99 10:26:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Forest/3994
My Email:karenmc@chariot.net.au

Hi Karen, I love your site, I am sending you an e-mail.

Siddharth Tamaskar - 09/26/99 15:50:32
My Email:siddharthtamaskar@doctor.com

A very fine site for a dreamer

rachelle mettica - 09/23/99 12:52:38
My Email:metticar@aol


Kimberly Giles - 09/22/99 00:26:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/cabin/4600/GilesFamilyPage
My Email:momlwt@yahoo.com

I love your page you have obviously put a lot of time and reserch into it. Kim

jennifer huston - 09/12/99 21:09:30
My URL:http://kipj


Jocelyn Harvey - 09/04/99 01:40:51
My Email:kog-extender@ccnmail.com


- 08/26/99 17:35:10


karen Halterman - 08/26/99 06:37:42
My Email:haltman@xmission.com

Hi I just surfed in here. I was surprised to see anything about Asthma. I was diagnosed with it about a year ago. I have 3 inhalers and a pill I use daily. I am 46 years old and no person in my family has ever had the disease that I know of. I have had a rough year, however feeling better most days. Learning everything I can about this terrible thing that attacks me when I least expect it. I apprecitate your site. I will bookmark it and keep it as a reference. Thanks Annie

Jennifer Bickford - 08/19/99 04:35:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/9358
My Email:bickford@cybertours.com

I truly enjoyed my visit to your page! What a lot you have all been through! Both of my dd's had milk allergies that they thankfully outgrew. My 2nd dd would wheeze and need pediapred. My son has a GI disorder and is on a formula called Portagen, we tr ed Neocate but he wouldn't drink it. Please come and visit us!

Heather - 08/18/99 18:50:11
My Email:odie@simcoe.ig.net

very creative page

rosas kids - 07/27/99 13:01:32
My Email:reinadeperu

it was cute -my 5 kids liked it

Claudette Letendre - 07/26/99 13:12:38
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html

Hello I've enjoyed visiting you and your site very much.... you've done a great job! I would be honored to give you my Rose Angel Award for wonderful work done! I will be sure to visit a ain!

The Love World Peace and Harmony Webring

Vanessa - 07/22/99 04:26:43
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/ps/schwoob/index.html
My Email:schwoob@ivillage.com

Loved your site it felt comfey! Beautifuly put together I enjoyed my visit!

Michele - 07/20/99 05:58:11
My URL:/Heartland/Farm/6420/
My Email:mlewis@d-k.com

I enjoyed your homepage. Surfed in from abc's of parenting. Asthma drew my attention as one of my boys has asthma since age 2, he is 9 now. I'm thinking of adding an asthma page to my site as well. (he also has allergies, they seem go hand in hand!) Visit my parenting page if you can. Thanks.

Katrina - 07/15/99 13:04:51
My Email:charwell@hotmail.com

I hope that Ryan is doing better now. I enjoyed your site, especially Megan's barney page!!!

Karen Sandler - 07/13/99 18:04:01
My URL:http://www.para-bellum.com/steph
My Email:krnsandler@aol.com

This site is great !--It's so cool that you did this...I'm going to tell some friends about it. Kare

Amy (Ryan's Mom) - 07/13/99 02:15:09
My Email:randyamy@juno.com

This is a great site. My son is two and he has Cerebral Palsy and a genetic syndrome that the doctors think is Neurofibromatosis type 1. I love sites like yours, because like you said in the begining- sometimes you just need a break and a place to go and relax. Thanks for giving me a place!!! :-)

- 07/11/99 17:01:25


leah kateiva - 07/10/99 11:46:16


jessica butler - 07/09/99 17:27:04
My Email:jmb19@ivillage.com


Tyler's Aunt - 06/20/99 23:29:43
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/7349/tylers.htm


Tyler's Aunt - 06/20/99 23:27:19
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/7349/tyler.htm
My Email:sassynga@geocities.com

Your page is a heartwarming place to visit...You have done a wonderful job in putting it together...I am working on my nephew's page... He is 5 years old and has Cornelia Delange Syndrome...a rare disorder...I hope you can visit it sometime...

Steady Sue - 06/19/99 01:57:23
My Email:sherlock@stargate.net

Karen, You have done a beautiful job! I did not get a chance to see everything yet. Three girls want my attention. Ryan's birthday page was wonderful. I'll be back.

Kevin G. Starr - 06/16/99 01:59:49
My Email:starrman@scc.net

I had asthma starting as early as I can remember. Allergy shots once a week in the winter, and twice in the summer. I had my last attack on my eleventh birthday, and that was it. Untill about 19 or twenty. Now I have two inhailors and take clariton fo my 24hr a day, seven days a week congestion. I suppose I should get rid of the two cats and dog. But that wouldn't be practicle for our family of 5. Thanks for putting so much effort into your sight. Sincerely, Kevin G. Starr St. Paul, MN

cindi - 06/14/99 02:07:59
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/clrobbins/reflux.html
My Email:clrobbins@mindspring.com

I feel for you, believe me I know how it is. My son was born with severe reflux and had surgery at 51/2 weeks old and again this past Dec. he had the milk intolorence to and he had to drink Vivonex we went through all the formulas until finally because of the failure to thrive they had to change him again. He has the ashma to but now only on occasion do we use the nebulizer. He was feed via g-button until he was 14 months old we have been through so much with him but thankfully now things are so much bette . I have always told myself through this whole ordeal that "God will not put more on me than I can bear" and I believe that is what got me through. And I know that God is what has gotten my son where he is today and I am so thankful for that. Bless you an yours

Laurie - 06/13/99 04:28:55
My Email:ZoeJsMom@aol.com


Betty Carlin - 06/11/99 02:03:29
My Email:bcarlin@uniserve.com

I found your site while doing a search for medical message boards. I'm looking for people with a rare blood disorder called hereditary angioedema. We have a family history of it and are looking for others to join our support group. I saw that your site had an allergy page, and most doctors think that allergies may have something to do with our disorder. Any help you could suggest to contact other like us would be really apprciated. Thanks, Betty Carlin

Tammy - 06/02/99 00:02:30
My Email:trluvsmr@aol.com

thank you for the information i might be emailing you some day with questions my son is 2 months old and we found out he has reflux and possibly asthma. thanks again

Stephanie Ward - 05/31/99 16:56:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/parentsplace
My Email:weard@rica.net

This is definitely one of my favorites of all the parents' web pages I've seen. It looks great. I especially loved your heartfelt, and detailed, story about Ryan. I may be joining your support network at some point. My 8-month-old, James, has suffered res iratory problems, off-and-on, for months. We think he may suffer asthma and/or allergies, but I was told it is too soon to diagnose asthma (???) Allergy tests have revealed nothing yet but, like you, I was told by the Pediatric Pulmonologist that these te ts tend to render false negatives this early. We are already started to look into environmental controls (e.g. hypoallergenic mattress cover) "just in case." I'll definitely be back to visit your website. Good luck and thank you!

Stephanie Ward - 05/31/99 16:46:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/parentsplace
My Email:weard@rica.net

This is definitely one of my favorites of all the parents' web pages I've seen. It looks great. I especially loved your heartfelt, and detailed, story about Ryan. I may be joining your support network at some point. My 8-month-old, James, has suffered res iratory problems, off-and-on, for months. We think he may suffer asthma and/or allergies, but I was told it is too soon to diagnose asthma (???) Allergy tests have revealed nothing yet but, like you, I was told by the Pediatric Pulmonologist that these te ts tend to render false negatives this early. We are already started to look into environmental controls (e.g. hypoallergenic mattress cover) "just in case." I'll definitely be back to visit your website. Good luck and thank you!

Stephanie Ward - 05/31/99 16:18:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/parentsplace
My Email:weard@rica.net

This is definitely one of my favorites of all the parents' web pages I've seen. It looks great. I especially loved your heartfelt, and detailed, story about Ryan. I may be joining your support network at some point. My 8-month-old, James, has suffered res iratory problems, off-and-on, for months. We think he may suffer asthma and/or allergies, but I was told it is too soon to diagnose asthma (???) Allergy tests have revealed nothing yet but, like you, I was told by the Pediatric Pulmonologist that these te ts tend to render false negatives this early. We are already started to look into environmental controls (e.g. hypoallergenic mattress cover) "just in case." I'll definitely be back to visit your website. Good luck and thank you!

Stephanie Ward - 05/31/99 16:17:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/parentsplace
My Email:weard@rica.net

This is definitely one of my favorites of all the parents' web pages I've seen. It looks great. I especially loved your heartfelt, and detailed, story about Ryan. I may be joining your support network at some point. My 8-month-old, James, has suffered res iratory problems, off-and-on, for months. We think he may suffer asthma and/or allergies, but I was told it is too soon to diagnose asthma (???) Allergy tests have revealed nothing yet but, like you, I was told by the Pediatric Pulmonologist that these te ts tend to render false negatives this early. We are already started to look into environmental controls (e.g. hypoallergenic mattress cover) "just in case." I'll definitely be back to visit your website. Good luck and thank you!

Stephanie Ward - 05/31/99 16:10:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/parentsplace
My Email:weard@rica.net

This is definitely one of my favorites of all the parents' web pages I've seen. It looks great. I especially loved your heartfelt, and detailed, story about Ryan. I may be joining your support network at some point. My 8-month-old, James, has suffered res iratory problems, off-and-on, for months. We think he may suffer asthma and/or allergies, but I was told it is too soon to diagnose asthma (???) Allergy tests have revealed nothing yet but, like you, I was told by the Pediatric Pulmonologist that these te ts tend to render false negatives this early. We are already started to look into environmental controls (e.g. hypoallergenic mattress cover) "just in case." I'll definitely be back to visit your website. Good luck and thank you!

Aunt Laurie - 05/17/99 22:06:51
My URL:http://wy2fd.hotmail.com
My Email:ladygizmo_61@hotmail.com

I love it, Karen. I could use you to create an Herbalife website for me... I'm not an experienced chatter on the net. Tell me how, and I'll chat with you. See ya soon.

Christine Johnson - 05/06/99 11:28:24
My Email:Chrissyx3@aol.com

Thank you so much for your story it really meant alot to me. I am a 23 yr old asthmatic w/ numerous allergies and suffered much the same way as your son as an infant, but I guess I am not getting to the point. When i was 18 I gave birth to my first daug ter, whom when the nurse brought her for feeds constantly vomited what felt like gallons of formula, I was confused and scared and the medical staff was cruel. This continued for 4 mos as well as a chronic cough, rsv, sinus infections ect. and I was a st y at home mom at 5 mos she was finally diagnosed with asthma, colic and milk allergies. Today she is a happy healthy petite 5 yr old who continues to have severe allergies as well as a few other probs. wish I would have had someone like you to help me u derstand her probs were not due to "bad parenting" and just a medical condition. This definitly was the most difficult year of my life.

Marti - 05/03/99 04:54:47
My Email:lazytech3@juno.com

Karen-I love your site! I just joined the asthma group (mom to Cody). Write to you there!! Marti

Graham - 04/18/99 04:45:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~graham01
My Email:graham01@geocities.com

Love your site, very well presented and wonderful midis to go with each page. Congratulations Karen!! I am awarding you the Heartland Hallmark Award!!

Trisha M.Ali - 04/09/99 07:20:36
My URL:/Heartland/Oaks/1229
My Email:trishavs025@hotmail.com

Hi Karen, you have such beautiful children. I'm a stay at home mommy too with three children and I can understand fully what you're saying about taking a break! I wish you and your family a wonderful Spring!!

teahouse banner

Trisha's Kitchen banner

Lisa - 04/09/99 05:10:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/5695
My Email:petalsnpearls@yahoo.com

Thanks for coming by my page and signing my guestbook..I enjoyed my stay at your page. You have done a great job.

Kellie - 04/09/99 02:39:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~rainbows_end
My Email:blueiizs@hotmail.com

Hi Karen! I'm glad I got the chance to visit your site after you had applied for my award. Your babies are absolutely adorable!! I pray that Ryan will continue to get better and be able to be a happy and healthy little boy...he sure is cute! You're de initely off to a great start designing your site and I will be back again to see what's new! Oh, and yes, you have won my award :o)) (watch for it in the mail *S*)

Take care, Kellie

jennifer - 04/06/99 02:04:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/4279
My Email:mycountrylane@geocities.com

Karen, You have such a lovely site! Thanks for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. Your always welcome. I have bookmarked your site for future visits...Take care

Gary and Joy - 04/04/99 05:01:31
My Email:Mach1@erols.com

To our really great friends. Excellent Web page. Beautiful kids. Isn't life just wonderful?

Amanda - 04/03/99 21:23:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/2947/
My Email:amandashome@yahoo.com

Your page looks great Karen. I love Megan's new Barney page. She's a real cutie!!!!! My daughter LOOOVVEEESSSS Barney too. "I love you, you love me, we're best friends... laaa laaa laaa". All day long... you know the tune *L* Talk to you soon.

karen - 03/27/99 21:03:22

I am testing out my guest book here, not being pathetic! LOL Testing 1, 2, 3, ..... BEEEEEPPP!

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