In Genealogy, we are always looking for more clues. It is hoped that this FREE database will assist us in locating long lost ancestors.

The Bible Archives (TBA)

Do you or someone you know have a Family Bible that contains entries that would be of interest to family historians?

Sometimes these entries contain not much more information than "Ma died yesterday". On the other hand, complete marriage certificates, a list of the children, eventually their marriages and then the deaths are included.

Did you know that a bible entry can take the place of a birth, death or marriage certificate when other vital statistic records cannot be found?

These bible entries are usually copied and shared with other family members or included in printed genealogies, but they are rarely circulated outside the family....I would like to change that!

I have embarked on an effort to collect the records contained in Family Bibles, Baptism Booklets, Death Books, etc., and make them freely available to all family researchers.

The resulting file is called "The Bible Archives".

A note from Anna, the originator of The Bible Archives...

TBA (The Bible Archives) has grown so fast in the last two years, that due to work and time restrictions I find it necessary to give up the project.

Fortunately Jessica Veinot was willing to take it over.

Jessica was a natural choice to host TBA - she designed the original TBA area on my homepage, and has enthusiastically followed the progress of this bible archives from the very beginning. Please continue to support and submit your family bible entries to TBA, and Jessica will do it proud.

Best regards
Anna Joan Buxton

Would you like to help? Read the information on how to submit data.

You may download the TBA file from the download page.


Archive Index - Listing of names in TBA

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