The Phoenix's of
County Down Ireland.�
This research goes back in time to the early 1800,s.
This Phoenix has risen from it,s own ashes in different parts of the world.
Ireland , Scotland, England, U.S.A. Canada, Australia, and has now spread to Korea in Asia
From the time John Phoenix married Mary Tate in Ireland in the very early 1800,s
until recent times when William John Phoenix ,married Kim Jong-Hyun in the
American embassy in Seoul, South Korea in 1998, this Phoenix has spread it,s mighty wings all over the world.
If you wish to find out more about this Phoenix Family click on the story page icon
Or use the email below to make contact with a member of this Phoenix Family.
Archibald Phoenix on a recent visit to Ireland
With the village of Tullylish in the background.
E Mail