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Welcome to Notre Dame

Notre Dame Catholic Church

2335 Highland Road

Hermitage,Pa. 16148

(724) 981-5566

Fr Jeffery Noble

Sr. Associate

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          Parish Staff

  Rev. Fr.. Jeffery. Noble, Pastor
    Rev. MSGR. Zeitler
    Rev. Mr.Jack Tupper,Permanent Deacon
    Mrs. Betty Chess, School Principal
    Mrs. Kathy Higgins, Dir.Adult R.Ed.
    Mrs. Pat Polesnak, Co. Reg. Ed.
    Mrs. Gretchen Wagner, Liturgy/Music
    Mrs. Jill Lindberg,Financial Mgn.
    Mr. Joseph Renelli, Youth Minister
    Mrs. Sylvia Stanley
    Rev. Mr.Owen Wagner Permanent Deacon

Saturday  Evening :  5:30pm

    Sunday:  8:00am,10:00am,12:00 noon

    Holy Day:  7:00am,9:00am,7:00pm

    Sacrament of Reconciliation
    Saturday 9:30 - 10:30 AM or by appoiment

Masses anytime any where:

  Notre Dame Parish and School

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This page was created and Maintained by Dr.R.L.Ammer for Notre Dame.

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