Christian Banner Network
Christian Banner Network

Quote of the Month

(10/99) This months quote is from:
Ingatius letter to Polycarp,
exhorting him in the ways of the church. (2:11)
"Labor with one another; Contend together, run together,
suffer together; sleep together and rise together;
as the stewards, accessors and ministers of God."

(11/99) This months quote is from:Clement of Rome's letter to the Corinthians..
It is a very long epistle that touches base on alot of ground....
(20:19,20,21)Your schism has perverted many,
has discouraged many: it has caused diffidence in many,
and grief in us all.
And yet your sedition continues still.
Take the epistle of the blessed Paul the Apostle into your hands;
What was it that he wrote to you
at his first preaching the Gospel among you?

Verily he did by the spirit admonish you

concerning himself and Cephas and Apollos,
because that even then you had begun
to fall into parties and factions among yourselves.

(12/99) This months quote is from
Ignatius letter to the Magnesians,
it concerns the being of one accord:
(2:9,10)Neither endeavour to let anything appear
rational to yourselves apart;
But being come together in the same place
have one common prayer; one supplication;
one mind; one hope; one in charity, and in
joy undefiled.


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