AAA Matilda Canada Longden Family Genealogy Truly Canadian Web Site Club

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Updated March 4, 2004

Hi and welcome to my site.  This site is dedicated to the Longden family.  My great-grandmother was Maud Longden and married William Graham (check out the link to the Graham Family Genealogy on my links page).  I would like to thank everyone who helped me with this page, especially Garth Woodward(grandson of Alex and Gertrude(Longden) Jackson), who did all the leg work. I am just using excerpts from his works. If you find any errors or omissions in this, please e-mail at the address below. If you have any information I can add to this site, please e-mail me.  This, as any genealogy search, is ongoing and I will be adding on as time goes by.  I hope you enjoy checking this out.  There is also a photo album so check out some of the pictures too.
E-mail me here

Thanks for stopping by.

Laurel Smith -
Great granddaughter of Maud Graham (Longden)

P.S. - All of the backgrounds, etc. used in this site were designed by me by using PhotoImpact, Ulead Gif Animator, Ulead Cool 3D 2, Paint Shop Pro 5 and Paint Shop Pro 5 Animator.  Links to these sites are included as well, so check them out on my links page. To enter the past, click on the animation at the bottom of the page.

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This page created February 8, 1999
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