S T . A N T H O N Y S C H O O L


St. Anthony School
391 Booth Street, Ottawa, K1R 7K5
Phone: (613) 235-0340 Fax: (613) 235-1801

The school and parents want to know that children arrive safely at school. If a child is going to be late or absent, the parent is asked to call the school at 235-0340 before classes begin. We have call answer service so that you may leave a message before or after regular school hours. When a student is absent or late without proper notification, the school secretary, principal or designate will call the parent or guardian to determine the reason for absence or lateness on that day.

8:30am    Entrance Bell for all students
9:45amto 10:00amMorning Recess
11:15amto 12:15pmLunch and Recess
12:15pm    Beginning of Afternoon Classes
1:30pmto 1:45 pmAfternoon Recess
3:00pm    Final Dismissal Bell
Junior Kindergarten Schedule - half day; morning or afternoon
Senior Kindergarten Schedule - half day; morning or afternoon

Students are to congregate in the yard on arrival. Entrance into the school will commence at 8:30 am. Children will be dismissed to the yard at 3:00 pm. Parents are asked to leave their children in the yard (you may stay with them if you wish) prior to school beginning and meet them in the yard at the end of the school day. We request the parents of Kindergarten students also deliver and pick up their children in the same way for the morning (pick up at 11:15 am) and afternoon programs (drop of at 12:15 pm).

Students arriving late must report to the office to obtain a late admission slip before going to class.

The school must be notified if a child is to be dismissed early on a given day. A note signed by the parent or guardian should be given to the classroom teacher. Please indicate the reason for the early dismissal and the time the child will be leaving school. Parents picking up their children during school hours must first report to the office. To avoid disrupting the entire class, the office will call your child to the office.

When a child is ill at school and unable to participate in normal classroom activity, parents will be contacted so they can make arrangements to bring the child home. It is best to keep the child home if suffering with a fever, flu, severe cold or cough. When in doubt, it is best to keep your child at home. A child who is ill cannot learn properly and from a health standpoint may be spreading the illness to others. Your cooperation in this is appreciated by all. If a serious accident occurs at school, parents are notified immediately at home or at work. The emergency contact person will be called when all efforts to reach a parent are unsuccessful.

It is extremely important that we have accurate student records. Please contact the office if there are changes to your address, phone number, place of employment, physician's name or emergency contact person. It is extremely important that we are able to contact parents during the school day. Parents leaving another person in charge of their children due to hospitalization or vacation should advise the school in writing indicating the name of the person and the dates they will be away.


To ensure the safety of our students, all visitors including parents are required to enter the school using the front entrance on Booth Street. All visitors must report to the main office where they may be required to sign the visitors’ book. In order to ensure proper vigilance, parents and caregivers who pick up children at the school are asked to wait outside until the children are dismissed except where the sign-in and sign-out procedures are followed.

At the start of each new school year, parents are requested to complete and return forms as quickly as possible. These forms ensure that we have a record of all changes in important information. Please ensure that all documentation regarding emergency contact persons are also up-to-date.

Medication can only be administered to a child when accompanied by proper medical forms, doctor's instructions and written parental consent. All medications are kept in the office and handed out only by designated staff members..

Students are encouraged to claim lost articles as soon as possible. Each year many items go unclaimed. The solution is simple and takes only a small investment of parent's time and effort. Please label your child's belongings for easy identification. Students are advised to leave valuable watches, cameras, radios, rings, bracelets, video games etc... at home.

All students who normally eat lunch at school must remain on the school grounds during the entire lunch period unless a telephone call from the parent or guardian directs us otherwise. All students will eat lunch in designated classrooms under the supervision of staff assisted by volunteers. We actively promote a litterless lunch program. Peanut products, including peanut butter sandwiches are strongly discouraged as some of our students have life threatening allergies to peanuts and peanut products. During lunch, students are expected to:
  • Eat lunch at their own desk.
  • Stay in their seats during lunch to avoid spilling items on their desks and floor.
  • Eat in a reasonably quiet atmosphere. No shouting. Children are free to talk quietly to those nearby.
  • Clean up - recyclable materials are put into blue boxes, garbage into compost buckets.
  • Follow washroom procedures established by supervisor for the lunch period.
  • Be polite, kind and courteous at all times.

    During recess time, students are to remain outdoors until the entrance bell rings. The library, gym, classrooms and washrooms are out of bounds unless the student has specific permission from a teacher or teacher-assistant and is under direct staff supervision.

    Most children enjoy going outdoors at recess time. Those who are reluctant to do so, for whatever reason, sometimes plead illness and ask parents for a note to remain indoors. With rare exception, there are very few instances where the recreation and fresh air of recess would be harmful to a child. Parents should consult with their doctor before sending a note to have their child remain indoors. These requests place an added burden to the supervision staff, some of whom have other supervision duties and all of whom are entitled to a break at recess time. In those rare cases where the child must remain indoors, supervision will be provided.


    It is the responsibility of the bus driver to maintain full control of the bus at all times. Even the slightest distraction could cause an accident. Students are expected to behave appropriately on the bus. Their own safety and the safety of others depends on it. Classroom teachers review bus rules with the students each new school year. Parental cooperation and support is greatly appreciated. If your child rides the bus, please review the rules with them as well. Riding the school bus is a privilege. If an infraction occurs, the bus driver will report the infraction to the Principal or designate. Appropriate actions will be taken such as a warning or a letter to parent and may result in a bus suspension.

  • Be at the bus pick up point on time
  • Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus
  • Board the bus in single file
  • Get on and off the bus carefully
  • Take your seat and remain seated
  • Keep the aisle clear. Do not block it with books, lunch boxes etc.
  • No yelling, shouting, or horseplay as this may distract the driver and result in an accident.
  • Children are not to open or close the windows. Only the driver may do this.
  • Be careful leaving the bus. If it is necessary to cross the road, walk three meters in front of the bus, look in both directions and make certain that traffic is stopped before crossing.
  • Obey and respect the bus driver and follow all bus rules established by the Board and bus company.

    Students riding bikes to and from school are to follow established safety rules. This includes:
  • wearing a proper bike helmet
  • riding single file on the correct side of the road
  • no riding double
    In addition:
  • bikes must be walked on and off school property
  • park and lock all bicycles in the approved area
  • students are not allowed to ride others' bicycles

    Walkers, bikers and students driven to school should be at school no sooner than 8:30 am and leave immediately after dismissal. Please use the north end of the school (gym side) when dropping off and picking up students before and after school.

    In the event of severe weather or hazardous road conditions, the Board may close the school or the transportation company may cancel or delay bus service for the day. When such conditions exist, it is advisable for parents to listen to early morning local radio newscasts.

    In the event of school closure due to emergency, it is essential that we know where each student is to go. This information is to be completed for each child on the Student Information Form.


    We expect all students to be responsible for bringing home school communications such as this Agenda as well as newsletters, memos, School Council letters, school pictures, teachers’ notes, etc. We want parents to be well informed.

    The School Council which has a majority of parents meets regularly. Elections of parents to School Council takes place in September. Parents are notified of the meetings on the monthly school calendar and are not only welcome to attend, but are encouraged to attend.

    Communication between home and school is greatly increased by parental involvement. Students benefit from parental support. Parents, please remember that you are your child's first and foremost teacher. Try to take a few minutes each day to go over your child's work and to discuss the school day. This will reap many rewards with increased learning and improved attitudes toward school.

    It is important for parents to meet with teachers concerning their children’s progress. Information shared between home and school will bring about more understanding. For an interview, please contact the school.

    Tests are given in the core subjects - Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and French. At times students are asked to bring tests home for a parent or guardian to sign. Parents are asked to check the Student Agenda regularly as students are asked to record such requests in the Agenda.

    Children, to be successful in later life, must learn responsibility. Homework gives this type of responsibility. However, parents must be aware that each child differs. The time spent on completing homework will depend on age, grade, maturity and ability of the child. Parents can be most helpful by setting aside a regularly planned routine. Teachers will assign meaningful homework which would be done in a reasonable amount of time. Please check your child’s Daily Agenda to see what must be done.
    A rule of thumb of homework per day is ten minutes times the grade level.
    Suggested times:
  • Gr 1 to 3: 10 to 30 minutes
  • Gr 4 to 6: 30 to 60 minutes

    Please respect school property. Pupils will be charged for lost or damaged books and supplies as well as for broken, damaged or defaced desks, walls, windows, etc. Textbooks and library books should be given special care. Each student should have a school bag to help protect their books when bringing them home to study. Textbooks and library books are very expensive to replace. Thank you for helping to conserve our books and materials so our money may be well spend, expanding opportunities for children.


    All students are expected to participate in physical education classes. Only those who have a doctor's certificate will be excused.
    Each class has regularly scheduled times for gym each week.
    Students are expected to be prepared for physical education classes with running shoes and proper gym attire established by the gym or classroom teacher. Proper gym clothes, such as those listed below, give pupils ease of movement.

  • No students are allowed to enter the gym without teacher supervision.
  • Be certain to return all equipment to the proper storage area before leaving the gym.
  • No food, drink or gum is allowed.
  • Running shoes must be worn are in the gym for athletic activities;
  • During classes, games, and after-school activities, only those persons directly involved may enter the change rooms.
  • Anyone abusing the gym or its equipment will have the privilege of using it taken away.

    Gym wear is recommended for grades 4 to 6 and includes:
  • Gym shoes that do not leave marks and are not street shoes
  • T-shirt as per dress code
  • Shorts as per dress code
  • Socks


  • Students are to dress in a manner that reflects the Catholic faith and values.
  • Neatness and cleanliness are of the utmost importance. A student should not dress in a manner that would distract or interfere with the normal operation of the school.
  • Clothing is to be modest and must not contain profane or suggestive language. Hats are for outdoor wear only.
  • Large earrings can be a safety hazard in the gym and on the playground. They should be removed for physical education classes.
  • If any student comes to school in a manner that might disrupt the classroom or interfere with the normal education process, the student will be asked to change into more appropriate dress before being admitted to class.

  • Safety and health of all our students is a major concern. Thongs, flip-flops, shoes without backstraps, are discouraged.
  • Inside the school building, students must wear shoes or rubber soled slippers as opposed to only wearing socks. Before entering classrooms, students are advised to remove "wet, snowy or muddy" footwear and change into dry shoes.
  • Gym shoes may be worn inside the school. Boots are never allowed in the classroom.


    We are now governed by the Safe Schools Act which came into law in September, 2001. Please become familiar with these new directions of Ontario’s Ministry of Education. Our goal is to create a safe school by working closely with parents and students in the prevention of problems. Communication is key. The most desirable methods are those that foster the development of self-control and self-direction. Parents, teachers, staff and principal working together in an atmosphere of honesty, trust, respect, and understanding are essential to solving any discipline problems that arise. Since good education and discipline go hand in hand, it is our intent to have a well-disciplined school.

    Ontario Schools Code of Conduct - what we must follow

    A school is a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. The Ontario Code of Conduct sets clear provincial standards of behaviour. It specifies mandatory consequences for student actions that do not comply with these standards. These standards apply not only to students, but to parents or guardians, volunteers, teachers and other staff members whether they are on school property or at school authorized events and activities.

    Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others and for the responsibilities of citizenship. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student (a) comes to school prepared, on time and ready to learn; (b) shows respect for oneself, for others and for those in authority; (c) refrains from bringing to school anything that may compromise the safety of others; and (d) follows the established rules and takes responsibility for his or her own actions.

    The Standards of Behaviour for Ontario Schools also addresses the physical safety of the school community by stating that no school member may be in possession of any weapon; use an object to threaten another person; cause injury to any person with an object; inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person; be in possession of, or under influence of, or provide others with, alcohol or illegal drugs.

    Mandatory Consequences in Ontario

    Police will be involved, the student will be immediately suspended and expulsion proceedings will be initiated for the following: possession of a weapon; trafficking in drugs or weapons; robbery; use of a weapon to cause bodily harm or threaten serious harm; physical assault causing bodily harm requiring professional medical treatment; sexual assault, providing alcohol to a minor; engaging in another activity that, under a policy of the Board, is one for which an expulsion is mandatory.

    Immediate suspension will be the minimum penalty faced by a student for the following: uttering a threat to inflict serous bodily harm; possession of illegal drugs; acts of vandalism causing extensive damage to school property or property located on school premises.

    A student will be immediately suspended for the following: swearing at a teacher or other person in authority; being in possession of alcohol; being under the influence of alcohol; engaging in another activity that, under the policy of the Board, is one for which suspension is mandatory.

    In addition to these mandatory consequences, the Principal may suspend a student for an activity for which the suspension is discretionary. It is recommended that parents and guardians take time to review all school rules, the Standards of Behaviour and their accompanying consequences as a family.


    School rules are developed in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and School Board Policies and are established to ensure that rules and consequences are fair, sensible and understood. The advice of School Council on matters of discipline is also given consideration in the establishment of the code of behaviour. The following are a list of behaviours which constitute the basic expectations this school community has of its students:

    1. Students are expected to be attentive in class and complete all assignments to the best of their abilities.

    2. Students will use proper manners towards teachers, support staff, guests and fellow students. Efforts are directed at recognizing positive social behaviour through Student of the Week Awards and other programs. Rudeness, insolence or disrespect will not be tolerated in this school.

    3. Students will use appropriate language. Swearing, name calling, racial, ethnic, gender slurs are unacceptable forms of language.

    4. Bullying is not allowed. Bullying includes a variety of aggressive behaviour directed at a victim, including exclusion of a student by peers.. Parents are contacted regarding bullying incidents. Consequences of bullying behaviour are progressive, from loss of recess privileges, to in-school and out-of-school suspensions.

    5. Students will not be allowed to wear T-shirts with profane or suggestive language and /or drawings.

    6. Students will stop playing when the bell rings and then assemble at their designated areas

    7. Students must enter and exit the school through the assigned doors and must walk quietly through the halls. This lets our school run more orderly and safely and allows our fellow students to learn.

    8. Students will stay in the designated play areas and will behave cooperatively and safely during recess and lunch breaks. Fighting, rough play, throwing objects (such as snowballs and stones) or are unacceptable as they could cause injury.

    9. Students will respect the property of other students and the school, as well as the building and gardens. They will not deface textbooks or walls; waste supplies or deliberately destroy property belonging to the school or other students.

    10. Students will not bring weapons or play weapons, lighters, or other potentially dangerous materials to school.

    11. Students are discouraged from chewing gum in the classroom or on the playground area.

    A safe, positive environment is a prerequisite for learning.
    We believe that all members of our community of learners
    have the right to a safe learning environment and
    responsibility to help to create that environment.
    Respect for self and others,
    and the promotion of self-discipline are cornerstones.

    St. Anthony School
    School Year Calendar

    2002-2003 School Year Calendar

    First Day of School …………..Tuesday, September 3, 2002

    School Holidays
    Labour Day ………………….. September 2, 2002
    Thanksgiving Day ……………October 14, 2002
    Christmas Break …………December 23, 2002 - January 3, 2003
    Mid-winter Break …………….March 10 - 14, 2003
    Good Friday ………………….April 18, 2003
    Easter Monday ……………….April 21, 2003
    Victoria Day ………………….May 19, 2003
    Last Day of School Year ……...June 25, 2003

    Professional Development Days
    Friday, October 18, 2002
    Friday, November 29, 2002
    Friday, January 31, 2003
    Thursday, June 26, 2003


    Thank You God for our families who love us faithfully,
    for our friends who make us feel special
    and for us.
    We are unique creations of God,
    brothers and sisters to each other.
    Help us everyday as we learn more about your Love.
    Encourage us to keep our environment clean,
    to preserve our trees
    and to take care of our gardens.
    Encourage us to save our endangered species.
    Inspire us to believe in ourselves,
    to be the best that we can be.
    Teach us to work with others
    and comfort those in need.
    Guide us Lord as we follow in Your footsteps
    at St. Anthony School.

