St. Anthony's Elementary School Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower the mind as well as the soul and assist all of our students to become self-learners and be the best they can be in all of their endeavours. Our school motto is "We Help Each Other". We strive to enhance the self-concept of each student and to provide them with a sense of belonging.

Who We Are
St. Anthony's is an inner city Catholic School located at the corner of Booth and Gladstone. Approximately 70% of our students speak neither English nor French at home as their first language. Many of our students come from diverse backgrounds and who therefore require compassion, understanding and a welcoming atmosphere. Our diversity is our strength.

What We Do
St. Anthony School offers the Partial Immersion Program (the 50.50 program) in which instruction is carried such as English and French from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 6. Junior Kindergarten students are introduced to school in English. The special needs of students are accommodated through assistance from the Resource teacher, the E.S.L. teacher or through referral for special class placement.

St. Anthony's strongly believes that, "It takes a whole village to educate a child ". In keeping with this philosophy the school has an extensive VOLUNTEER PROGRAM which actively solicits and recruits the volunteer assistance of senior citizens, retired teachers, parents, university students, Algonquin College students, Cite' Collegiale, and High School Co-op students from five different High Schools.

St. Anthony's also participates in a host of PARTNERSHIPS with agencies who wish to assist our students. The Kiwanianne's assist us with our Literacy Programs, the Knights of Columbus help us with the purchase of Religion Textbooks, a Montreal Clothing Establishment helps us with our Clothes Room, the May Court Club assists with our snack program, the Ottawa Carleton Learning Foundation helps us with our Breakfast Program and our Volunteer Program. In addition, the Girl Guides support our After School Programs as do the Ottawa Wado Kai Karate Club, Hoang's Tae Kwan-Do Club, and J & M Walkley Restaurant. Loeb Booth Street supports our Hot Dog Days and Special Events and the Xerox Corporation and Big Brothers supports our in-school Big Buddy program. St. Anthony's has an excellent working relationship with Cambridge Street Community School and both schools attempt to assist each other whenever possible.

The school is very closely aligned to St. Anthony's Church which is situated across the street from the school. We are very fortunate to have its pastor, Father Marcel Brodeur visit our school weekly throughout the entire year. With Father Marcel's assistance we prepare our students to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Grade 2, the Sacrament of First Communion in Grade 2 and the Sacrament of Confirmation in Grade 6. All students from grades 1 to 6 attend monthly Masses and students in grades 3 to 6 are offered the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice a year. The younger brothers and sisters of our students are offered the opportunity of being baptized at a School Mass during Education Week in May.

All students participate in a non-violent Code of Behaviour where infractions are dealt with immediately through adult supervision and a peer mediation program.

An informative monthly Calendar is sent home to all parents at the beginning of each month and a School Newsletter is sent home every second Monday.

The School is closely linked with the St. Anthony's Day Care which is run by the Servite Sisters.
