Craft Page #1

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For A Start-up Activitity

I found pictures of animals and girls on a piece of paper to match parts of the girl scout law. Then I typed the law in the 10 parts underneath each picture. I put a cover and a back sheet on and then the first page saying" I will do my best to be...." Then I stapled them together. Every start -up they will color in their books and draw what that part of the law means to them.

Pop bottle terrairiums:


Supplies needed:
2 2-liter pop bottles (empty) with the black or green bottoms, dirt, scissors, plants or seeds.
Pull the bottom off of one pop bottle, leave the other bottle's on! Cut the bottle, the one with the end still on, under the neck where it start to widen out. (about 1/4 the way down). Place the dirt and plant or seeds in the bottom. Place the loose bottom onto the top like a cap. These can also be used for holding butterflies.


For some free craft supplies: ask any paint store if you could have their old wallpaper books.

We use pieces of wallpaper for:

caring/sharing: for the covers on our friendship scrapbook.
colors/shapes: for the color and shapes mobile.
movers: to make the wind wheels, and fliers.
numbers/shapes: For the jigsaw puzzles.


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