These pictures are from my birth mom's visit to Mich.

Dad & Ann (birth mom)& Mom

Mom & me

Mom and her husband Charles and my aunt Rachel

This is from my birth mom Ann.

Our trip to Michigan was truly a blessing from the Lord. To get to meet Mr. & Mrs. Schwartz & be a guest in their home. To hear all about Merle's childhood from his parents sitting in their living room was more than I could have ever imagined. They gave him all the things in life that I could never have provided. They are such wonderful Christian people & reveal God's love in everything they do. To actually be in the place Merle grew up, home, church & school was truly a miracle in itself. We had such a great time in worship & fellowship with the Mennonite & Amish family & friends of Merle & Norma. To meet all the folks at his church that prayed for so long he would find me was a real blessing as well. Southern hospitality does not even come close to the love & warmth we received in Michigan. Praise to our Lord & Saviour for making it all possible.


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