

His registered name is Jeanne's Sebastian Osceola.
He turned 6 years on 9/21/1998.

It is hard to explain all the joy that Sebastian has given us
over the years :) He has brought us much laughter with his antics.
The soleful ~ begging eyes gets him his own way just about everytime.
He communicates by whimpering and sitting in certain areas in the kitchen.
One location means drink ~ another means treat ~ another to go outside ~ etc.

( His favorite pose)

His best friend is the one who has food at the moment. He generally positions
himself between the two girls, while we are eating, or near me.
He tries very hard not to beg at the table, however, if nothing has been slipped
to him and he senses we are near done eating, he will whimper softly.
When you look at him, he shifts slightly, then resumes his perfect basset pose.
Occassionally, if that doesn't get your attention, then he will administers
a whack along the ankle. Again, when you look ~ a little shift ~
then the perfect pose. Sits up straight and head erect.
He loves most food. However, when it comes to his treats, it is
Old Roy basted dog biscuits or jerky strips.
LOL ~ if we have to substitute ~ he acts insulted.
Yep - Mom drives 46 miles round trips on some ddays
just to get him his treats.

A basset is an excellent pet for children. Very tolerant with their playing.

It gets interesting when the girls are practicing their instruments.
Above he "sings along " with Jamie's Sax. Unfortuanately, I have not been
able to capture a picture of him with Jess playing her trumpet.
If she is playing with the bell pointed towards the floor, he goes over and
puts snoot in the bell to muffle the sound. Told Jess
"if only we could teach him to do that on cue in concerts"
He would have all roaring with laughter. She just keeps on playing,
while he does this.

Jess swears when she is grown and leaves home ~ she gets to take him with her.
Sorry ~ but Sebastian stays with Mom ~
When he decides he has had enough or if too much action ~ noise ~
He heads off to his private domain~

We got the crate for him as a pup to help housebreak him. We figured
we would use for a year then take it down, but we noted he always liked
going in there to rest, so we left his "bedroom" alone. You will note he stole a
pillow and blanket. We don't latch the door, because he just uses
snoot to reopen it. In above picture, this is his usually response if he is
snoozing and you call his name. Always has that look of
"would you please quit bothering me"

Many thought it was silly spending the money it cost to buy him,
but Jim, the girls, and I all agree he has given us so much laughter and love,
that it had outweighed the price.




September 21, 1992 ~ February 20, 2004

It was with sadness that we had to make the decision to have Sebastian put to sleep.
He was diagnosed with Diabetes during the early part of December 2003 and started
on insulin.
At the beginning of February he started to decline and began resisting his insulin.
We finally took it that he was telling us he had enough.

A memorial page was created by a friend of mine in Sebastian's memory.

Angel Sebastian

(Thanks Janie)

jeanne and sebastian

Jeanne and Sebastian

jim and sebastian

Jim and Sebastian, Jess watching in the background

jamie and sebastian

Jamie and Sebastian


You were one of "Mommy's" greatest joy. You brought much laughter and love
 to our home, along with a little "slobber". Well, ok, maybe a lot of slobber.
We thank God and you for the time we had together.

You will live on in our hearts and memory. May your spirit run free in a land
of peace, joy, good health and hopefully as many treats as you want.

Jessica and Jamie
My Greatest Loves
Acknowledgements and Links
Grins ~ n ~ Giggles
Janie's Cup of Tea
Jeanne's Jukebox
Jeanne's Christmas
Ken's Drawings Jeanne's Family Recipes
Memorial Jeanne's Photo Album Remembering Snooks

( sent by Janie)

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