
I think before I go much further with this website, it is time to give thanks for
some specials friends.
First ~ many thanks to Janie : ) LOL- I mention I am "thinking of" and in comes several gifs,midis, poems,jokes, quotes, etc.
She wears me out with her energy and persistance.

Virginia was a close second to Janie in sending me gifs, graphics, and links to help search for just the right thing. She also sends along jokes and poems for future use. I,also, assigned Virginia to be my spell checker :)

The "sundae" background was created by me with graphics sent from Janie:)We spent several days trying to find one with no success. Finally decided I was going to have to make my own. My husband downloaded me a trial version of Paint Shop Pro 5.0 and through many trial and errors I managed to create one. Even succeeded in making matching buttons.

Both Virginia and Janie spent much time sending me "sundae pics" to choose from.

I also must thank Mary and Karen. Those are the two that spent an evening in chat convincing me to get a website. The original plan was to "play" a little to figure things out, so I could help Mary with her new webpage. Didn't take long to get hooked.

I also thank Jim and the girls for putting up with me as I tied up the computer, not allowing much time for any of them to surf.

I thank all of my cyberfriends for visiting my pages and encouraging me along the way.


The Background set here was created by me. I found the Mickey Mouse graphics throughout the web. Anyone close to me can tell you I am an avid Mickey Mouse fan.

I have an oversize Mickey Mouse watch that I wear to work and my patients love it.Have been looking for suspenders to wear as well. I do have a pair of canvas Mickey Mouse sneakers that the patients get a kick out of seeing.
I am fortunate in my Home Health job that I have a little leeway on what I wear. Must be white top and navy bottoms, but can dress up with added accessories.

I recall working in the hospital. They started to allow us to wear color scrub tops with our white pants. I had a patient tell me once that she liked that. She said when you are laying there sick "white is so sterile ~ feel just a little better with the colors and nurses look more like a friend" Makes sense to me :)

Because my original page has grown so large, I will also use this page for

My Favorite Links

 Blue Mountain Electronic Cards

 Angel Stardust CyberCards

 Kenna's Kozy Komforts

Mary's Peaceable Kingdom

Karen's Place

 Ralph's Friends





 Mikey's Tune

 The Friend's Poetry Corner

 Grandmas Home

Creative Designs

Free gifs and Animations


Marybear's Friends and Favorite Places

Laura's Midi Heaven

Midi Mama's

Golden Oldies

Helen Steiner Rice Thoughts


Jessica and Jamie
 My Greatest Loves
Acknowledgements and Links
Grins ~ n ~ Giggles
Janie's Cup of Tea
Jeanne's Jukebox
Jeanne's Christmas
Ken's Drawings Jeanne's Family Recipes
 Memorial  Jeanne's Photo Album Remembering Snooks