Only with love and understanding
can we
break the cycle of abuse,
whether it is
verbal or physical. They are
both very
hurtful. One damages physically
and the
other mentally. For the abused,
wounds to the heart never
heal. They
carry the scars all their
lives and pass
the abuse from one generation
to the next
untill the cycle is finally
" You're so stupid "
" You're worthless"
" This is all your fault"
" You'll never amount
to anything"
"I wish you were never born"
We never mean to hurt the
for they are just children,
full of
blind faith, total trust and
love. All they want
or need is to
"Love" and be"Loved"
boundaries or fear of being
Do you or someone you know
help? You will find an abundance
of information and help
sources at
"Children are worth
Click on the picture below.
Children of Texas
Texas Council on Family Violence
8701 North Mopac Expressway,
Suite 450
Austin, TX 78759
Phone: 512-794-1133
FAX: 512-794-1199
National Domestic Violence
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
The National Domestic Violence
Hotline is
open 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week. It is
also staffed by trained counselors
able to provide crisis assistance and important information
about shelters, legal advocacy,
health care
centers, and counseling. They
also have a toll-
free number for the hearing
1-800-787-3224 (TDD)