This Page Was Created For Jonna !!
With A God Given Talent To Sing !!

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Your Loving Grandfather.
Remember Me !!

May Your Singing Touch The Hearts Of Others,
As It Has Touched Mine !!

This page is deciated to the love of my life (J A )

Your Angelic voice Has Touched My Very Soul And Filled My Heart With Joy !!

May your singing inspire you to greater heights in your life.

This song was written by Jonna's Grandfather and sung by Jonna !!

The name of this song is simply called Angel !!

Now a little about Jonna.

Jonna started singing at about the age of five years old. She has sung in school and made all city choir. She has also sung at churches and weddings and other various functions.
She is now eighteen years old and will be going to Nashville soon.

Jonna has recorded three songs so far The one you hear Angel And two other songs One of which is a Gospel song. I hope in the future all songs will be in her album and released some time in the future !!

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This Music site owned by Richard.