


Kinship of Randy Wayne Guckeen



Name Birth date Relationship with Randy Guckeen

Lantbertus 650 38th great-grandfather

Achise 605 40th great-grandfather

Ada WFT Est. 1097-1151 Wife of the half 26th great-granduncle

Adalbert WFT Est. 848-892 32nd great-grandfather

Adalric WFT Est. 604-663 38th great-grandfather

Adams, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1581-1612 Wife of the 9th great-granduncle

Adela 1009 28th great-grandmother

Adela 1062 28th great-grandmother

Adelaide 824 33rd great-grandmother

Adelaide WFT Est. 838-860 34th great-grandmother

Adelaide WFT Est. 944-967 30th great-grandmother

Adelaide 945 30th great-grandmother

Adelaide 1030 Half 27th great-grandaunt

Adelais WFT Est. 944-964 Wife of the 31st great-granduncle

Adelais Abt. 990 28th great-grandaunt

Adelbert WFT Est. 641-690 37th great-grandfather

Adelheid WFT Est. 770-783 35th great-grandaunt

Adelhelm WFT Est. 647-696 38th great-grandfather

Adeliza WFT Est. 1049-1075 26th great-grandaunt

Adeliza Abt. 1075 28th great-grandaunt

Aethelred WFT Est. 791-830 35th great-grandfather

Aethelwulf 805 35th great-grandfather

Agatha Abt. 380 47th great-grandmother

Agatha WFT Est. 1049-1075 26th great-grandaunt

Agnes WFT Est. 1122-1145 Wife of the 1st cousin 27 times removed

Agnes Abt. 1519 12th great-grandmother

Alberade WFT Est. 921-940 32nd great-grandmother

Albert I 920 32nd great-grandfather

Albert II Abt. 977 30th great-granduncle

Aleis 824 33rd great-grandmother

Alexander WFT Est. 1057-1085 Husband of the half 25th great-grandaunt

Alfonsa, Donna Urraca WFT Est. 1170-1211 25th great-grandmother

Alfonso VIII 1155 24th great-grandfather

Alfred May 12, 849 34th great-grandfather

Alfrith WFT Est. 863-873 33rd great-grandmother

Alice WFT Est. 944-964 Wife of the 31st great-granduncle

Alice WFT Est. 1141-1167 Half 23rd great-grandaunt

Alice WFT Est. 1529-1552 11th great-grandmother

Alice March 26, 1567 Wife of the 11th great-grandfather

Alice Abt. 1578 10th great-grandmother

Aline WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Alix WFT Est. 987-1014 29th great-grandmother

Alix 1009 28th great-grandmother

Allen, Margaret 1560 11th great-grandmother

Allen, Sarah February 09, 1676/77 Wife of the 8th great-granduncle

Alonzo, Don WFT Est. 1133-1185 26th great-grandfather

Alpais WFT Est. 768-796 36th great-grandmother

Alphaida Abt. 650 39th great-grandmother

Alphonso IX 1166 23rd great-grandfather

Amice WFT Est. 1138-1161 24th great-grandmother

Ann Abt. 1638 8th great-grandmother

Anne 1023 Wife of the 28th great-granduncle

Anne WFT Est. 1338-1370 Wife of the 1st cousin 19 times removed

Ansbertus WFT Est. 492-513 45th great-grandfather

Ansfride WFT Est. 1060-1082 Wife of the 26th great-grandfather

Ansigisel 605 40th great-grandfather

Ansoud WFT Est. 522-587 42nd great-grandfather

Arabella WFT Est. 1178-1210 24th great-grandaunt

Argotta Abt. 380 47th great-grandmother

Arles, Boso Abt. 885 32nd great-grandfather

Arles, Theobald WFT Est. 834-863 33rd great-grandfather

Arnoaldus Abt. 560 42nd great-grandfather

Arnold Abt. 560 42nd great-grandfather

Arnold WFT Est. 933-952 Husband of the 31st great-grandaunt

Arnold I Abt. 890 32nd great-grandfather

Arnold II Abt. 962 30th great-grandfather

Arnolphus Abt. August 13, 582 41st great-grandfather

Arnulf Abt. August 13, 582 41st great-grandfather

Arnulf Abt. 840 1st cousin 35 times removed

Arnulph WFT Est. 933-952 Husband of the 31st great-grandaunt

Athildis Private 62nd great-grandmother

Aubri-Geoffrey WFT Est. 988-1020 Husband of the 1st cousin 31 times removed

Augustus, Phillip II August 22, 1165 25th great-grandfather

Aupais WFT Est. 768-796 36th great-grandmother

Ausbert Abt. 450 45th great-grandfather

Ausbert Abt. 520 43rd great-grandfather

Avey, Sarah WFT Est. 1670-1694 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Bacon, George Abt. 1798 Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt

Badlesmere 1275 Husband of the 1st cousin 21 times removed

Bailey, Franklin September 23, 1894 Husband of the grandaunt

Baily, Jo Ann January 03, 1939 Half sister

Baily, Ray Milton March 21, 1917 Husband of the mother

Baldcock, Richard WFT Est. 1501-1530 12th great-grandparent

Baldwin I WFT Est. 805-838 34th great-grandfather

Baldwin II Abt. 865 33rd great-grandfather

Baldwin III WFT Est. 910-941 31st great-grandfather

Baldwin IV 980 29th great-grandfather

Baldwin V 1012 28th great-grandfather

Ballard, Sarah WFT Est. 1636-1659 7th great-grandmother

Bangs, Lydia Abt. 1740 Wife of the 5th great-granduncle

Barbatus 980 29th great-grandfather

Barnes, Scott David June 09, 1984 Half 1st cousin twice removed

Barnes, Sean Ray October 25, 1982 Half 1st cousin twice removed

Barnes, Steve Ex-husband of the half 1st cousin once removed

Barres, Henry WFT Est. 1143-1163 Husband of the 25th great-grandaunt

Barron, Olive February 24, 1765 4th great-grandmother

Barroso, Donna Sancha Fernandez WFT Est. 1232-1281 21st great-grandmother

Bartherus 57th great-grandfather

Basina WFT Est. 417-436 46th great-grandmother

Battelie, Mary 1650 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Bava 779 34th great-grandmother

Beal, David WFT Est. 1694-1720 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Beatrix WFT Est. 955-992 30th great-grandmother

Beatrix WFT Est. 1092-1132 Wife of the half 25th great-granduncle

Beauchamp, Eleanor WFT Est. 1289-1330 19th great-grandmother

Beauclerc September 1068 26th great-grandfather

Beaumont, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1387-1432 16th great-grandmother

Begga 615 40th great-grandmother

Begue WFT Est. 758-794 36th great-grandfather

Bell, Oscar WFT Est. 1821-1858 Husband of the great-grandaunt

Berenger I 850 33rd great-grandfather

Berenger II WFT Est. 877-910 31st great-grandfather

Beringeria WFT Est. 1169-1180 23rd great-grandmother

Bernard 797 35th great-grandfather

Berswinde WFT Est. 610-666 38th great-grandmother

Bertha WFT Est. 770-783 35th great-grandaunt

Berthada WFT Est. 702-731 37th great-grandmother

Bertila WFT Est. 847-881 33rd great-grandmother

Bigod, Hugh Bef. 1195 Husband of the 1st cousin 23 times removed

Billung, Hermann WFT Est. 878-917 32nd great-grandfather

Billung, Matilda WFT Est. 920-943 31st great-grandmother

Blanca, Lorna Bulgado May 25, 1953 Wife

Blanche WFT Est. 1166-1189 24th great-grandmother

Blanchmains Abt. 1121 26th great-grandfather

Bliss, Phelps Abt. 1805 Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt

Blithidis WFT Est. 497-568 43rd great-grandmother

Blithilde WFT Est. 506-510 45th great-grandmother

Blount, Anne 1453 14th great-grandmother

Blount, Thomas WFT Est. 1352-1394 17th great-grandfather

Blount, Thomas WFT Est. 1423-1442 15th great-grandfather

Blount, Walter WFT Est. 1398-1447 16th great-grandfather

Bold, The 1245 22nd great-grandfather

Boldock, Margery 1552 11th great-grandmother

Bossu 1104 26th great-grandfather

Boulter, Daniel Abt. 1781 Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt

Brackett, Edwin Abt. 1890 Half 1st cousin twice removed

Brackett, Helene Abt. 1890 Half 1st cousin twice removed

Brackett, Solon Abt. 1867 Husband of the half great-grandaunt

Braose WFT Est. 1197-1229 Husband of the 23rd great-grandaunt

Brewster, George WFT Est. 1796-1816 Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt

Brewster, Harriet (Coy) March 28, 1845 1st cousin 3 times removed

Brooks, Francis Abt. 1768 Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt

Brown, Ann WFT Est. 1707-1727 Wife of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Brown, Esther July 27, 1809 3rd great-grandmother

Brown, Samuel WFT Est. 1637-1663 Husband of the 7th great-grandaunt

Brown, Solomon 4th great-grandfather

Bruce, Robert 1243 1st cousin 23 times removed

Bryant, John WFT Est. 1608-1630 Husband of the half 8th great-grandaunt

Bryant, John August 17, 1644 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Buck, Adelbert Carl June 11, 1895 Grandfather

Buck, Adelbert Clarence July 17, 1855 Great-grandfather

Buck, Barbara 1st cousin once removed

Buck, Charles A. WFT Est. 1831-1860 Great-granduncle

Buck, Earnest LeRoy August 21, 1919 Uncle

Buck, Elizabeth Florence WFT Est. 1831-1860 Great-grandaunt

Buck, Embert C. 1st cousin once removed

Buck, George H. Granduncle

Buck, George Henry WFT Est. 1831-1860 Great-granduncle

Buck, Grenville Norman WFT Est. 1831-1860 Great-granduncle

Buck, Henry July 21, 1810 2nd great-grandfather

Buck, Howard Milton WFT Est. 1831-1860 Great-granduncle

Buck, Howard R. Granduncle

Buck, Huldah Arvilla WFT Est. 1831-1860 Great-grandaunt

Buck, Ira June 03, 1809 2nd great-granduncle

Buck, Jabez December 06, 1807 2nd great-granduncle

Buck, James Abt. 1781 3rd great-grandfather

Buck, James Henry WFT Est. 1830-1859 1st cousin 3 times removed

Buck, Julia Anna December 29, 1812 2nd great-grandaunt

Buck, Julia Anna WFT Est. 1830-1859 1st cousin 3 times removed

Buck, Leland S. Granduncle

Buck, Leland S. 1st cousin once removed

Buck, Lena WFT Est. 1836-1865 1st cousin 3 times removed

Buck, Lena L. Grandaunt

Buck, Lutie K. Grandaunt

Buck, Madelye E. 1st cousin once removed

Buck, Margaret B. 1st cousin once removed

Buck, Mary E. Grandaunt

Buck, Mary Jane November 05, 1813 2nd great-grandaunt

Buck, Mary Jane WFT Est. 1836-1865 1st cousin 3 times removed

Buck, Miriam B. 1st cousin once removed

Buck, Muriel B. 1st cousin once removed

Buck, Myrna B. 1st cousin once removed

Buck, Percy C. December 11, 1890 Granduncle

Buck, Peter WFT Est. 1730-1759 4th great-grandfather

Buck, Phyllis 1st cousin once removed

Buck, Phyllis Arleen September 26, 1922 Mother

Buck, Rebecca Francis WFT Est. 1831-1860 Great-grandaunt

Buck, Sophia WFT Est. 1830-1859 1st cousin 3 times removed

Buck, William Oliver May 12, 1815 2nd great-granduncle

Buck, William Oliver WFT Est. 1836-1865 1st cousin 3 times removed

Buffy December 26, 1975 1st cousin once removed

Burgess, Keziah November 12, 1727 5th great-grandmother

Busby, Anne Abt. February 02, 1607/08 9th great-grandmother

Busby, Nicholas January 01, 1589/90 Husband of the 10th great-grandmother

Butler, Sandra September 12, 1944 Half sister

Byron, Helena WFT Est. 1375-1436 Wife of the 16th great-grandfather

Calverly, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1404-1468 15th great-grandmother

Canan-Guckeen, T. E. WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Canbert WFT Est. 660-699 38th great-grandfather

Cantelou WFT Est. 1227-1244 Husband of the 1st cousin 24 times removed

Capet, Hugh 939 30th great-grandfather

Card, Ann Wade WFT Est. 1867-1890 Wife of the granduncle

Carloman 713 37th great-granduncle

Carloman 751 36th great-granduncle

Carloman WFT Est. 816-839 34th great-granduncle

Carney, Dode WFT Est. 1836-1871 1st cousin twice removed

Carney, John WFT Est. 1836-1871 1st cousin twice removed

Carney, Mary WFT Est. 1836-1871 1st cousin twice removed

Carney, Maurice WFT Est. 1836-1871 1st cousin twice removed

Carney, Patrick WFT Est. 1804-1836 Husband of the great-grandaunt

Carney, William WFT Est. 1836-1871 1st cousin twice removed

Carney, Winifred WFT Est. 1836-1871 1st cousin twice removed

Carney-Guckeen, Mrs. Patrick WFT Est. 1814-1837 Great-grandaunt

Carol Wife of the 1st cousin

Carter, Bridget 1796 2nd great-grandmother

Carter, Susannah 1593 10th great-grandmother

Caswell, Norman Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Cecelia WFT Est. 1049-1075 26th great-grandaunt

Chaffee Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Chapin, Ebenezer Jones Abt. 1786 Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt

Chapman, Daniel 1684 Husband of the 7th great-grandaunt

Chapman, Martha July 02, 1717 1st cousin 8 times removed

Charlemagne April 02, 742 36th great-grandfather

Charles 772 35th great-granduncle

Charles I 953 Half 32nd great-granduncle

Charles II June 13, 828 35th great-grandfather

Charles III September 17, 879 33rd great-grandfather

Chico, Don Lope Ruys El WFT Est. 1201-1233 24th great-grandfather

Childebert WFT Est. 351-403 48th great-grandfather

Chilodio Abt. 399 46th great-grandfather

Chong, AeRan February 24, 1961 Ex-wife of the brother

Chrotlind July 650 38th great-grandmother

Clare 1294 1st cousin 21 times removed

Clark WFT Est. 1689-1709 Husband of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Clark, Elizabeth C. 3rd great-grandmother

Cloderic WFT Est. 407-459 46th great-grandfather

Clodio, Clodius Abt. 399 46th great-grandfather

Clodius III 56th great-grandfather

Clodius V WFT Est. 286-339 50th great-grandfather

Clogio 56th great-grandfather

Clogio WFT Est. 286-339 50th great-grandfather

Clothary I WFT Est. 461-537 44th great-grandfather

Clovis Bef. 420 49th great-grandfather

Cobb, Hannah October 05, 1639 Wife of the half 8th great-granduncle

Cobb, James WFT Est. 1627-1675 Husband of the half 8th great-grandaunt

Cobb, Thankful WFT Est. 1667-1702 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Cocke 1558 11th great-grandfather

Cocke 1584 10th great-grandmother

Colcomir IV 61st great-grandfather

Colicchio Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Collins, Hannah WFT Est. 1662-1684 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Collins, Moses Abt. 1785 Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt

Collins, Richard WFT Est. 1686-1713 Husband of the 6th great-grandaunt

Colodomir WFT Est. 176-252 53rd great-grandfather

Comyn, Alexander WFT Est. 1199-1227 Husband of the 1st cousin 25 times removed

Conan I WFT Est. 930-960 30th great-grandfather

Conley, Abraham Abt. 1578 10th great-grandfather

Conley, Judith 1630 9th great-grandmother

Constable, William WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-granduncle

Constance WFT Est. 1103-1137 26th great-grandaunt

Cook, Bethia Abt. 1639 8th great-grandmother

Cook, Frances 1577 10th great-grandfather

Cook, Josias 1606 9th great-grandfather

Cooke, Bridget 1584 10th great-grandmother

Cooke, Christopher 1558 11th great-grandfather

Copp, Elvin Half brother-in-law

Corbet, Sybilla WFT Est. 1050-1077 27th great-grandmother

Cote Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Cotton, Elanor WFT Est. 1408-1431 15th great-grandmother

Cousins, Buddy April 02, 1924 1st cousin once removed

Cousins, George September 29, 1933 1st cousin once removed

Cousins, Katherine February 17, 1937 1st cousin once removed

Cousins, Scott July 21, 1894 Husband of the grandaunt

Coy, Clementine July 11, 1839 1st cousin 3 times removed

Coy, Helen September 16, 1842 1st cousin 3 times removed

Coy, Henry W. March 22, 1838 1st cousin 3 times removed

Coy, Nathan WFT Est. 1790-1822 Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt

Coy, Nathan September 29, 1848 1st cousin 3 times removed

Coy, Oliver Buck December 18, 1840 1st cousin 3 times removed

Cram Husband of the half 1st cousin 6 times removed

Cram, Benjamin March 08, 1774 Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Cram, John January 12, 1684/85 6th great-grandfather

Cram, John November 04, 1763 Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Cram, Sarah Holt June 27, 1719 5th great-grandmother

Cram, Thomas WFT Est. 1634-1663 7th great-grandfather

Crane, Henry WFT Est. 1621-1641 Husband of the 1st cousin 11 times removed

Crittenden, Lydia WFT Est. 1639-1674 Wife of the 1st cousin 11 times removed

Crockett, Hannah Abt. 1740 Wife of the 1st cousin 6 times removed

Crohurst, Harriet Abt. 1838 2nd great-grandaunt

Crohurst, Ruth Abt. 1838 2nd great-grandmother

Crouchback January 16, 1244/45 21st great-granduncle

Cunnegunde Abt. 890 32nd great-grandmother

Curthose, Robert II 1054 26th great-granduncle

Curtis, Priscilla WFT Est. 1704-1729 Wife of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Cushing, Daniel August 26, 1686 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Cushing, Hannah WFT Est. 1692-1716 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Cushman, Alfred William August 18, 1841 Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed

Dagobert WFT Est. 140-222 54th great-grandfather

Dagobert WFT Est. 325-366 49th great-grandfather

Dangerose WFT Est. 1048-1083 26th great-grandmother

Danish Wife WFT Est. 927-962 30th great-grandmother

d'Ardennes, Bonnie 925 Wife of the half 32nd great-granduncle

Davey-Guckeen, J. J. WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

David I WFT Est. 1057-1093 Husband of the 28th great-grandmother

Davis, Mary 1631 Wife of the half 8th great-granduncle

Davis, Priscilla Abt. 1742 Wife of the 5th great-granduncle

Davis, William WFT Est. 1615-1635 Husband of the 1st cousin 10 times removed

De Aragon, Don Vela WFT Est. 939-1027 31st great-grandfather

De Audley, Hugh 1289 Husband of the 1st cousin 21 times removed

De Ayala, Don Galindo Valasquez WFT Est. 1046-1115 28th great-grandfather

De Ayala, Don Lopez WFT Est. 1234-1348 21st great-grandfather

De Ayala, Don Pero Lopez WFT Est. 1233-1276 23rd great-grandfather

De Ayala, Donna Inez WFT Est. 1296-1333 19th great-grandmother

De Ayala, Donna Sancha WFT Est. 1329-1355 18th great-grandmother

De Ayala, Lope Sanchez WFT Est. 1010-1086 29th great-grandfather

De Beauchamp, Isabel WFT Est. 1214-1272 21st great-grandmother

De Beaufort, Joan 1375 17th great-grandmother

De Beaugency, Raoul WFT Est. 1041-1069 Husband of the 27th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Adeline Abt. 1117 26th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Amicade Abt. 1112 26th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Aubreye Abt. 1099 26th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Daughter Abt. 1104 26th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Daughter Abt. 1110 26th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Elizabeth Abt. 1086 26th great-grandmother

De Beaumont, Geoffrey Abt. 1146 25th great-granduncle

De Beaumont, Geoffrey Abt. 1161 25th great-granduncle

De Beaumont, Gervace Abt. 1138 25th great-granduncle

De Beaumont, Hawise Abt. 1129 25th great-grandmother

De Beaumont, Henry Abt. 1148 25th great-granduncle

De Beaumont, Hugh Abt. 1106 26th great-granduncle

De Beaumont, Isabel Abt. 1121 25th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, John Abt. 1144 25th great-granduncle

De Beaumont, Mabel Abt. 1162 25th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Margaret WFT Est. 1120-1142 25th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Margaret Abt. 1160 25th great-grandmother

De Beaumont, Maud Abt. 1114 26th great-grandaunt

De Beaumont, Robert 1049 27th great-grandfather

De Beaumont, Robert 1104 26th great-grandfather

De Beaumont, Robert Abt. 1121 26th great-grandfather

De Beaumont, Robert WFT Est. 1125-1154 1st cousin 27 times removed

De Beaumont, Waleron 1104 26th great-granduncle

De Beaumont, William Abt. 1142 25th great-granduncle

De Berkeley, Maurice 1218 Husband of the 1st cousin 23 times removed

De Bethune, Alice WFT Est. 1169-1218 Wife of the 23rd great-granduncle

De Bohun, Maud WFT Est. 1170-1190 Wife of the 24th great-granduncle

De Brabant, Gerberga WFT Est. 967-973 Half 1st cousin 33 times removed

De Braiose, Eva February 15, 1246/47 1st cousin 24 times removed

De Braiose, John WFT Est. 1199-1222 Husband of the half 1st cousin 23 times removed

De Braose, Laurette WFT Est. 1152-1172 Wife of the 25th great-granduncle

De Brittany, Matilda WFT Est. 1076-1100 Wife of the 28th great-granduncle

De Caen, Maud WFT Est. 1104-1107 25th great-grandaunt

De Caen, Robert 1090 26th great-grandfather

De Centelon, William WFT Est. 1227-1244 Husband of the 1st cousin 24 times removed

De Champagne, Alix 1140 26th great-grandmother

De Champagne, Eleonore WFT Est. 1069-1089 Wife of the 27th great-granduncle

De Chastellerault, Aimery I WFT Est. 1044-1090 26th great-grandfather

De Chastellerault, Boso II WFT Est. 1023-1055 27th great-grandfather

De Chastellerault, Eleanor WFT Est. 1082-1106 25th great-grandmother

De Chastellerault, Hugh WFT Est. 986-1031 28th great-grandfather

De Chatrauneuf, Hugh WFT Est. 1016-1049 Husband of the 26th great-grandaunt

De Clare, Alianore 1292 1st cousin 21 times removed

De Clare, Alice WFT Est. 1053-1071 26th great-grandaunt

De Clare, Gilbert 1100 26th great-grandfather

De Clare, Gilbert 1180 23rd great-grandfather

De Clare, Gilbert September 02, 1243 21st great-granduncle

De Clare, Isabell WFT Est. 1147-1177 24th great-grandmother

De Clare, Isabella 1226 22nd great-grandaunt

De Clare, Margaret 1292 1st cousin 21 times removed

De Clare, Margeret WFT Est. 1268-1288 1st cousin 22 times removed

De Clare, Maude 1279 20th great-grandmother

De Clare, Richard WFT Est. 1129-1158 24th great-grandfather

De Clare, Richard 1130 25th great-grandfather

De Clare, Richard August 04, 1222 22nd great-grandfather

De Clare, Robert WFT Est. 1079-1099 Husband of the 27th great-grandmother

De Clare, Thomas WFT Est. 1242-1262 21st great-granduncle

De Clare, Thomas 1245 21st great-grandfather

De Clarmont, Adelaid WFT Est. 1047-1059 27th great-grandmother

De Clifford, Idonea 1303 19th great-grandmother

De Clifford, Robert Baron 1274 20th great-grandfather

De Colekirke, Alicia WFT Est. 1030-1081 26th great-grandmother

De Conches WFT Est. 1058-1085 Husband of the 28th great-grandaunt

De Crepi, Henry Abt. 1075 27th great-granduncle

De Crepi, Hugh Abt. 1051 28th great-grandfather

De Crepi, Son Abt. 1090 27th great-granduncle

De Dammartin, Joan WFT Est. 1187-1206 22nd great-grandmother

De Dunstanville, Rainald 1112 Half 25th great-granduncle

De Falaise, Harlette Abt. 1003 31st great-grandmother

De Fer, Bras WFT Est. 805-838 34th great-grandfather

De Ferrers, Eleanor WFT Est. 1173-1234 Wife of the 24th great-granduncle

De Ferrers, Gundred WFT Est. 993-1052 27th great-grandmother

De Ferrers, Robert WFT Est. 1364-1379 Husband of the 17th great-grandmother

De Flanders, Ermengarde Abt. 1005 28th great-grandaunt

De Gamboa, Don Sancho Perez WFT Est. 1196-1254 24th great-grandfather

De Gand, Adalbert Abt. 1004 31st great-grandfather

De Gand, Baudouin Abt. 1050 29th great-granduncle

De Gand, Ralph Abt. 1022 30th great-grandfather

De Gant Abt. 1066 28th great-grandmother

De Gant, Son Abt. 1049 29th great-granduncle

De Gaunt, Alice Abt. 1088 28th great-grandaunt

De Gaunt, Emma Abt. 1076 28th great-grandaunt

De Gaunt, Felia Abt. 1070 28th great-grandaunt

De Gaunt, Geoffrey Abt. 1080 28th great-granduncle

De Gaunt, Gilbert Abt. 1086 28th great-granduncle

De Gaunt, Henry Abt. 1072 28th great-granduncle

De Gaunt, Matilda Abt. 1082 28th great-grandaunt

De Gaunt, Ralph Abt. 1074 28th great-granduncle

De Gaunt, Robert Abt. 1084 28th great-granduncle

De Gaunt, Walter Abt. 1092 28th great-granduncle

De Gernon, Ranulph WFT Est. 1093-1124 Husband of the 25th great-grandaunt

De Gourey, Gunnora WFT Est. 1074-1095 Wife of the 28th great-granduncle

De Gournay, Hugh III WFT Est. 1062-1082 Husband of the 27th great-grandaunt

De Grentmesnil, Alice Abt. 1136 26th great-grandaunt

De Grentmesnil, Hugh Abt. 1092 27th great-grandfather

De Grentmesnil, Ivo Abt. 1064 28th great-grandfather

De Grentmesnil, Ivo Abt. 1090 27th great-granduncle

De Greystock, John WFT Est. 1373-1395 Husband of the half 16th great-grandaunt

De Guevara, Don Pedro Velaz WFT Est. 1159-1224 25th great-grandfather

De Harcourt, Hawise Abt. 1164 25th great-grandaunt

De Harcourt, Maud WFT Est. 1223-1251 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Harcourt, Pernel Abt. 1166 25th great-granduncle

De Harcourt, Richard 1202 Husband of the 24th great-grandaunt

De Harcourt, Saer WFT Est. 1223-1251 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Harcourt, William 1227 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Haro, Don Diego Lopez WFT Est. 1127-1182 26th great-grandfather

De Haro, Don Lope Diaz WFT Est. 1164-1209 25th great-grandfather

De Huntingdon, Henry WFT Est. 1093-1122 Husband of the half 26th great-grandaunt

De Huntingon, David 1144 Half 1st cousin 27 times removed

De Insula WFT Est. 1111-1134 24th great-grandmother

De La Rochefoucauld, Gerberga WFT Est. 992-1033 28th great-grandmother

De Lacy, John 1192 23rd great-grandfather

De Lacy, Maud WFT Est. 1208-1226 22nd great-grandmother

De Laferte-Gaucher, Godefroi WFT Est. 1051-1080 Husband of the 27th great-grandaunt

De L'Aigle, N WFT Est. 1190-1207 Wife of the half 1st cousin 26 times removed

De Latham, Robert WFT Est. 1065-1085 Husband of the 28th great-grandaunt

De Lisignan, Alice WFT Est. 1235-1242 Wife of the 21st great-granduncle

De L'Isle, Agnes WFT Est. 1111-1134 24th great-grandmother

De Lorraine, Gerberga 920 32nd great-grandmother

De Lorraine, Gerberga WFT Est. 938-957 Wife of the 31st great-grandfather

De Lothringen, Laurette WFT Est. 1072-1134 Wife of the 27th great-granduncle

De Mauleon, Aurengarde WFT Est. 999-1036 28th great-grandmother

De Mena, Donna Andrea Diaz WFT Est. 1202-1257 24th great-grandmother

De Meschines, Hawise WFT Est. 1170-1194 Wife of the 24th great-granduncle

De Meullent, Adeline WFT Est. 1074-1094 Wife of the 28th great-granduncle

De Monchensi, Sarah WFT Est. 1069-1108 25th great-grandmother

De Monforth WFT Est. 1099-1124 Wife of the 26th great-granduncle

De Montford, Bertrade WFT Est. 1130-1154 Wife of the 1st cousin 26 times removed

De Montfort, Agnes WFT Est. 1099-1124 Wife of the 26th great-granduncle

De Montfort, Alice Abt. 1040 29th great-grandmother

De Montfort, Almarie WFT Est. 1093-1113 Husband of the 26th great-grandaunt

De Montfort, Amice Abt. 1100 26th great-grandmother

De Montfort, Hugh Abt. 1078 28th great-granduncle

De Montfort, Simon WFT Est. 1125-1158 Husband of the 25th great-grandaunt

De Montgomery, Maud WFT Est. 1027-1046 Wife of the half 27th great-granduncle

De Mortain, Emma WFT Est. 1049-1068 Half 1st cousin 28 times removed

De Mortain, Robert 1031 Half 27th great-granduncle

De Morvois, Beatrice 850 33rd great-grandmother

De Neville, Anne 1411 16th great-grandmother

De Neville, Ralph 1364 17th great-grandfather

De Nove, Hugh WFT Est. 1095-1115 Husband of the 26th great-grandaunt

De Percy, Alan WFT Est. 1059-1079 Husband of the 28th great-grandaunt

De Piedrola, Donna Maria Iniquez WFT Est. 1125-1174 26th great-grandmother

De Poitou, Alix WFT Est. 1069-1089 Wife of the 27th great-granduncle

De Porhoet, Alix WFT Est. 1131-1156 Wife of the 24th great-grandfather

De Quincey, Margeret WFT Est. 1193-1209 23rd great-grandmother

De Quincy, Arabella Abt. 1186 24th great-grandaunt

De Quincy, Elizabeth Abt. 1230 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Quincy, Hawise Abt. 1178 24th great-grandaunt

De Quincy, Helena Abt. 1232 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Quincy, John Abt. 1182 24th great-granduncle

De Quincy, Loretta Abt. 1180 24th great-grandaunt

De Quincy, Margaret 1208 Wife of the 23rd great-grandfather

De Quincy, Margaret Abt. 1238 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Quincy, Orabella WFT Est. 1178-1210 24th great-grandaunt

De Quincy, Reginald Abt. 1184 24th great-granduncle

De Quincy, Robert Abt. 1120 26th great-grandfather

De Quincy, Robert WFT Est. 1171-1201 24th great-grandfather

De Quincy, Robert Abt. 1188 24th great-granduncle

De Quincy, Roger Abt. 1175 24th great-granduncle

De Quincy, Saher Abt. 1090 27th great-grandfather

De Quincy, Saher 1155 25th great-grandfather

De Rameru, Hildoin WFT Est. 979-1011 29th great-grandfather

De Ridelisford, Walter WFT Est. 1116-1151 Husband of the half 1st cousin 26 times removed

De Roet, Katherine 1350 18th great-grandmother

De Rotherfield, Dionysia WFT Est. 1292-1321 20th great-grandmother

De Roucy, Adele WFT Est. 987-1014 29th great-grandmother

De Roucy, Margeret WFT Est. 1036-1062 28th great-grandmother

De Salzedo, Don Garcia Galindez WFT Est. 1083-1144 27th great-grandfather

De Salzedo, Don Sancho Garcia WFT Est. 1120-1171 26th great-grandfather

De Salzedo, Donna Maria WFT Est. 1052-1118 28th great-grandmother

De Salzedo, Donna Maria WFT Est. 1157-1196 25th great-grandmother

De Sanford, Alice WFT Est. 1215-1241 Wife of the 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Saxe, Gerberge 905 33rd great-grandmother

De Seagrave, John WFT Est. 1310-1338 Husband of the half 1st cousin 21 times removed

De Sodington, Johanna WFT Est. 1251-1300 20th great-grandmother

De Thouars, Aimery IV WFT Est. 994-1033 28th great-grandfather

De Thouars, Eleanor WFT Est. 1031-1058 27th great-grandmother

De Thouars, Geoffrey WFT Est. 956-1006 29th great-grandfather

De Toeni, William WFT Est. 1079-1099 Husband of the 27th great-grandmother

De Toledo, Diego Gomez WFT Est. 1290-1330 19th great-grandfather

De Toulouse, Constance 977 29th great-grandmother

De Tracy, William WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-granduncle

De Valoines, William WFT Est. 1163-1183 Husband of the 24th great-grandaunt

De Velasco, Donna Aldonca WFT Est. 1263-1321 22nd great-grandmother

De Vere, Aubrey WFT Est. 1113-1141 1st cousin 27 times removed

De Vere, Aubrey II WFT Est. 1073-1116 Husband of the 26th great-grandaunt

De Vere, Isabel WFT Est. 1231-1258 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Vere, Robert 1240 1st cousin 25 times removed

De Vermandois, Adelaide 950 31st great-grandmother

De Vermandois, Adelaide Abt. 1050 28th great-grandmother

De Vermandois, Adelaide 1060 Wife of the 1st cousin 29 times removed

De Vermandois, Agnes Abt. 1065 27th great-grandaunt

De Vermandois, Alix WFT Est. 877-918 32nd great-grandmother

De Vermandois, Beatrix 875 32nd great-grandmother

De Vermandois, Beatrix Abt. 1079 27th great-grandaunt

De Vermandois, Constance Abt. 1069 27th great-grandaunt

De Vermandois, Daughter Abt. 1085 27th great-grandaunt

De Vermandois, Emma Abt. 981 30th great-grandaunt

De Vermandois, Gisala Abt. 950 31st great-grandaunt

De Vermandois, Herbert I 840 33rd great-grandfather

De Vermandois, Herbert II 880 33rd great-grandfather

De Vermandois, Isabel Abt. 1071 27th great-grandmother

De Vermandois, Lindulf Abt. 957 31st great-granduncle

De Vermandois, Maud Abt. 1071 27th great-grandaunt

De Vermandois, Otton Abt. 946 31st great-granduncle

De Vermandois, Robert 920 32nd great-grandfather

De Vermandois, Simon Abt. 1077 27th great-granduncle

De Vermandois, William Abt. 1087 27th great-granduncle

De Warenne, Ada WFT Est. 1101-1118 Half 26th great-grandaunt

De Warenne, Isabel WFT Est. 1128-1146 Wife of the 1st cousin 28 times removed

De Warenne, Isabella WFT Est. 1138-1149 Half 1st cousin 27 times removed

De Warenne, William 1118 Half 26th great-granduncle

De Warenne, William II WFT Est. 1065-1098 1st cousin 27 times removed

De Warren, William WFT Est. 1038-1074 Husband of the 26th great-grandaunt

De Wentworth, Henry WFT Est. 1149-1178 24th great-grandfather

De Wentworth, Michael WFT Est. 1109-1152 25th great-grandfather

De Wentworth, Richard WFT Est. 1112-1155 26th great-grandfather

De Wynterwade, Rynold Abt. 1040 28th great-grandfather

De Wyntword, Henry 1066 27th great-grandfather

De Zavallos, Donna Elvira Alvarez WFT Est. 1264-1309 20th great-grandmother

DeBraiose, William WFT Est. 1197-1229 Husband of the 23rd great-grandaunt

DeGorges, Robert WFT Est. 1576-1613 Husband of the 1st cousin 11 times removed

Des Barres, William WFT Est. 1140-1168 Husband of the 25th great-grandaunt

Deuteria WFT Est. 464-563 44th great-grandmother

DeValois, Pepin De Senlis WFT Est. 835-841 33rd great-granduncle

d'Evreux, Agnes WFT Est. 1099-1124 Wife of the 26th great-granduncle

Dietrich WFT Est. 839-868 33rd great-grandfather

Doane, Anne Abt. 1600 9th great-grandaunt

Doane, John Abt. 1580 9th great-granduncle

Doane, John 1590 9th great-granduncle

Doane, Martha Abt. 1590 9th great-grandmother

Doane, Mr Abt. 1575 10th great-grandfather

Dobson, Clarence October 08, 1871 Husband of the grandaunt

Dobson, John January 11, 1901 1st cousin once removed

Doda Abt. 590 41st great-grandmother

Doda 630 39th great-grandmother

Dodo, Felice WFT Est. 1134-1154 Wife of the 25th great-granduncle

Dolliver, Gladys Private Wife of the 1st cousin once removed

Donato, Cindy March 16, 1976 Half grandniece

Donato, Jasmine Marie March 07, 1998 Half great-grandniece

Donato, Lisa May 09, 1980 Half grandniece

Donato, Paul August 04, 1954 Husband of the half niece

Dorcas Abt. 1685 7th great-grandmother

Dorman, Alice Mary April 04, 1863 Great-grandmother

Dorman, Fannie Great-grandaunt

Dorman, Leander 2nd great-grandfather

Driscoll, Bernard WFT Est. 1866-1889 1st cousin twice removed

Driscoll, Cecelia WFT Est. 1866-1889 1st cousin twice removed

Driscoll, George WFT Est. 1866-1889 1st cousin twice removed

Driscoll, John WFT Est. 1863-1887 1st cousin twice removed

Driscoll, Patrick WFT Est. 1818-1848 Husband of the great-grandaunt

Dronsfield, Agnes WFT Est. 1323-1397 17th great-grandmother

Dryden, Bridget Abt. 1566 Wife of the 11th great-granduncle

Eadgifu 870 34th great-grandmother

Ealhswith WFT Est. 832-855 34th great-grandmother

Eberhard WFT Est. 796-826 34th great-grandfather

Ebles I WFT Est. 948-989 30th great-grandfather

Edgar 943 1st cousin 34 times removed

Edgiva 870 34th great-grandmother

Edgiva 890 33rd great-grandmother

Edmund 920 33rd great-granduncle

Edward I 870 34th great-grandfather

Egbert 775 36th great-grandfather

Eggertsen, Lars M. Private Husband of the half 1st cousin

Ela 1181 Wife of the half 23rd great-granduncle

Eldrad, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1669-1693 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Eleanor 1123 24th great-grandmother

Eleanor 1217 22nd great-grandmother

Eleanor Abt. 1230 21st great-grandmother

Eleanore Abt. 1005 28th great-grandaunt

Eleanore 1205 22nd great-grandaunt

Elizabeth Abt. 1071 27th great-grandmother

Elizabeth Abt. 1121 25th great-grandaunt

Elizabeth WFT Est. 1572-1608 10th great-grandmother

Elizabeth WFT Est. 1643-1665 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Ellen Abt. 1232 1st cousin 25 times removed

Emery, Hannah Abt. 1785 Wife of the 4th great-granduncle

Emliane WFT Est. 874-900 32nd great-grandmother

Emma WFT Est. 716-739 37th great-grandmother

Emma WFT Est. 973-992 Wife of the 30th great-granduncle

Engeltron WFT Est. 766-813 35th great-grandmother

Engeltrude WFT Est. 769-808 36th great-grandmother

England, Joan Bef. 1200 Half 22nd great-grandaunt

Enguerrand II WFT Est. 1000-1027 Husband of the half 27th great-grandaunt

Erchenaud WFT Est. 527-551 44th great-grandfather

Ermengarde WFT Est. 783-805 35th great-grandmother

Ermengarde WFT Est. 814-833 35th great-grandmother

Ermengarde WFT Est. 875-908 33rd great-grandmother

Ermengarde Abt. 946 31st great-grandmother

Ermengarde WFT Est. 962-969 30th great-grandmother

Ermengarde WFT Est. 997-1022 1st cousin 31 times removed

Ermentrude 830 35th great-grandmother

Ermentrude 870 33rd great-grandmother

Estouteville, Alice WFT Est. 1102-1122 Wife of the 26th great-granduncle

Estrid WFT Est. 995-1013 28th great-grandmother

Ethel April 10, 1914 Wife of the uncle

Etta Great-grandaunt

Etta January 21, 1806 3rd great-grandmother

Etta March 04, 1860 Great-grandmother

Eudes III WFT Est. 1007-1036 Husband of the half 27th great-grandaunt

Eudo Abt. 946 31st great-granduncle

Eureux, Simon WFT Est. 1087-1107 Husband of the 26th great-grandaunt

Eustace WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Eustace 1131 1st cousin 28 times removed

Farabert 60th great-grandfather

Farnsworth, Agnes WFT Est. 1572-1600 10th great-grandmother

Farrington, Alice WFT Est. 1863-1886 Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed

Farrington, Anna 1846 Great-grandmother

Farrington, Barney WFT Est. 1826-1858 Great-granduncle

Farrington, Catherine Kate February 21, 1848 Great-grandaunt

Farrington, James Private Great-granduncle

Farrington, Margaret 1843 Great-grandaunt

Farrington, Marvel WFT Est. 1858-1901 1st cousin twice removed

Farrington, Mary 1831 Great-grandaunt

Fenno, Bethia 1690 Wife of the 1st cousin 9 times removed

Fergus WFT Est. 1094-1115 Husband of the half 25th great-grandaunt

Fernando III 1191 22nd great-grandfather

Ferreolus Abt. 485 44th great-grandfather

Ferrers, Elizabeth 1392 Half 16th great-grandaunt

Fish WFT Est. 1677-1697 Husband of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Fish, Pierce WFT Est. 1685-1711 Husband of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Fitz Henry, Amabilis WFT Est. 1126-1153 Half 1st cousin 26 times removed

Fitz Henry, Henry 1105 Half 25th great-granduncle

Fitz Richard, Gilbert WFT Est. 1047-1069 27th great-grandfather

Fitz Robert, Walter WFT Est. 1108-1135 Half 26th great-granduncle

Fitz Robert, William WFT Est. 1104-1107 25th great-grandfather

Fitz Roy, Maud WFT Est. 1128-1154 Half 1st cousin 26 times removed

Fitz Roy, Reginald WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-granduncle

Fitz Walter, Robert WFT Est. 1163-1195 Half 1st cousin 27 times removed

Fitz Parnell Abt. 1156 25th great-granduncle

Fitz Richard WFT Est. 1079-1099 Husband of the 27th great-grandmother

Flori, Margaret Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle

Florin, John Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt

Flurry, Blake Richard March 16, 1989 Half 1st cousin twice removed

Flurry, Scott Andrew December 20, 1962 Ex-husband of the half 1st cousin once removed

Fogg, Richard Abt. 1793 Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Foreman, Denise August 16, 1579 10th great-grandmother

Forester, Matilda 1032 27th great-grandmother

Forester, Richard Abt. 1050 27th great-granduncle

Forester, Robert WFT Est. 1029-1069 27th great-granduncle

Forman, Clement Abt. 1537 11th great-grandfather

Forman, Francis WFT Est. 1564-1572 10th great-grandaunt

Forman, Isobel WFT Est. 1564-1591 10th great-grandaunt

Forman, Mary WFT Est. 1564-1591 10th great-grandaunt

Forman, William Abt. 1519 12th great-grandfather

Forster, Hugo WFT Est. 1071-1100 1st cousin 28 times removed

Foss, Jill Angel February 23, 1959 Wife of the half 1st cousin once removed

Foster, Florence May 10, 1905 Grandmother of the wife

Foster, Ralph W. Husband of the grandaunt

Fowler, The 876 32nd great-grandfather

Fraser, Colin Abt. 1667 Husband of the 7th great-grandaunt

Frederick I Abt. 965 30th great-grandfather

Freeman, Elizabeth Abt. 1703 Wife of the 6th great-granduncle

Freeman, Jenny WFT Est. 1757-1781 Wife of the 1st cousin 6 times removed

French, Samuel July 23, 1704 Husband of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Fry, Mary WFT Est. 1561-1597 10th great-grandmother

Fry, Tamazine Abt. 1612 10th great-grandaunt

Fry, William WFT Est. 1545-1579 11th great-grandfather

Fry, William WFT Est. 1589-1633 10th great-granduncle

Frye, Gregory WFT Est. 1534-1566 12th great-grandfather

Fulbert WFT Est. 944-984 32nd great-grandfather

Fulk WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-granduncle

Fulk II WFT Est. 895-939 31st great-grandfather

Fulk III WFT Est. 948-980 30th great-granduncle

Fuller, Hannah Abt. 1671 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Gand, Gilbert De Abt. 1048 29th great-grandfather

Garry, Ellen Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed

Gaunt Abt. 1048 29th great-grandfather

Gaunt Abt. 1078 28th great-granduncle

Geasley, Thomas Abt. 1320 18th great-grandfather

Geis Husband of the grandaunt

Genebald Abt. 340 48th great-grandfather

Geoffrey WFT Est. 1154-1182 23rd great-granduncle

Geoffrey, Guy WFT Est. 1020-1049 Husband of the half 1st cousin 28 times removed

Gerard WFT Est. 763-814 35th great-grandfather

Gerard, Bridger 1st cousin twice removed

Gerard, Gerry Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Gerberga WFT Est. 503-592 43rd great-grandmother

Gerberga WFT Est. 903-942 31st great-grandmother

Gerberge Abt. 981 30th great-grandaunt

Gerloc WFT Est. 900-924 31st great-grandmother

Gerold WFT Est. 707-736 37th great-grandfather

Gervase WFT Est. 1121-1148 1st cousin 28 times removed

Gibbs WFT Est. 1839-1871 Husband of the 1st cousin twice removed

Gieselbert WFT Est. 794-826 35th great-grandfather

Gilbert Abt. 1114 Half 1st cousin 26 times removed

Gilby, Ellen 1525 12th great-grandmother

Ginn, William David August 20, 1879 Husband of the 1st cousin twice removed

Giron, Donna Berenguela Gonzalez WFT Est. 1209-1236 24th great-grandmother

Gisela 781 35th great-grandaunt

Giselbert WFT Est. 868-905 33rd great-grandfather

Giselbert WFT Est. 891-917 33rd great-grandfather

Giselbert WFT Est. 926-973 31st great-grandfather

Giselbert, Adelaid WFT Est. 910-932 32nd great-grandmother

Gisele 820 34th great-grandmother

Gisele WFT Est. 871-899 32nd great-grandmother

Gisele Abt. 1028 30th great-grandmother

Gleiberg, Herbert I WFT Est. 888-951 31st great-grandfather

Godefry WFT Est. 601-657 40th great-grandfather

Good, The Abt. 963 29th great-grandfather

Gorman, Sarah WFT Est. 1834-1861 Wife of the great-granduncle

Gottfried WFT Est. 1051-1080 Husband of the 27th great-grandaunt

Gowen, Margaret November 16, 1699 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Grandmesnil, Petronilla Abt. 1134 26th great-grandmother

Grant, Peter Abt. 1721 Husband of the 6th great-grandmother

Grant, Sarah J. Wife of the 3rd great-grandfather

Great Forester, Anacher WFT Est. 767-813 35th great-grandfather

Green, George H. WFT Est. 1821-1858 Husband of the great-grandaunt

Green, John Abt. 1754 Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt

Green, Mary WFT Est. 1744-1801 1st cousin 5 times removed

Gregory, Mary April 23, 1884 Wife of the granduncle

Grentemesnil, Ivo WFT Est. 1047-1074 Husband of the 28th great-grandaunt

Gresley, Margaret WFT Est. 1355-1401 17th great-grandmother

Greystock, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1410-1433 Half 1st cousin 17 times removed

Grisgonelle, Geoffrey I WFT Est. 933-953 31st great-grandfather

Guckeen, #11 WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, #12 WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, #7 WFT Est. 1814-1837 Great-grandaunt

Guckeen, #8 WFT Est. 1814-1837 Great-grandaunt

Guckeen, Agnes February 21, 1876 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Beverly George November 13, 1916 Father

Guckeen, Blain 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Brandy 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Brian 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Brooke Christine May 05, 1994 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Chandra Marie March 14, 1972 Niece

Guckeen, Darin 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Dion Paul January 03, 1966 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Edward December 22, 1865 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Ella March 26, 1881 Grandaunt

Guckeen, Ellen May 08, 1841 Great-grandaunt

Guckeen, Ellen WFT Est. 1843-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Evaleen Grace November 05, 1978 Daughter

Guckeen, George WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, George April 12, 1878 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, George Peter July 08, 1884 Grandfather

Guckeen, Harold Howard December 19, 1919 Uncle

Guckeen, Henry April 24, 1869 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Jacqueline Michelle June 05, 1984 Niece

Guckeen, James WFT Est. 1843-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, James Henry September 28, 1866 Granduncle

Guckeen, Jason April 06, 1973 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Jessie Lynne February 10, 1993 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, John December 03, 1837 Great-grandfather

Guckeen, John WFT Est. 1843-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, John Bernard November 10, 1873 Granduncle

Guckeen, John James November 26, 1860 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, John W. WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Josephine A December 10, 1881 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Kathrine October 06, 1869 Grandaunt

Guckeen, Larry Edward April 08, 1950 Brother

Guckeen, Lester June 30, 1909 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Marcia Marie July 14, 1948 1st cousin

Guckeen, Margaret WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Margaret 1868 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Margaret Ann May 10, 1871 Grandaunt

Guckeen, Margaret Irene December 21, 1922 Aunt

Guckeen, Mariam 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Mary WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Mary Ann 1862 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Mary Elizabeth April 26, 1864 Grandaunt

Guckeen, Maude WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Mike 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Nicole Marie January 18, 1974 Niece

Guckeen, Patricia Gail September 26, 1949 1st cousin

Guckeen, Patrick WFT Est. 1777-1811 2nd great-grandfather

Guckeen, Patrick 1835 Great-granduncle

Guckeen, Peter Francis February 22, 1872 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Randy Wayne July 20, 1954 Self

Guckeen, Richard Alan August 24, 1959 Brother

Guckeen, Robert Lee July 11, 1944 1st cousin

Guckeen, Rosa Belle March 18, 1887 Grandaunt

Guckeen, Rose WFT Est. 1843-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Sarah March 05, 1874 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Sarah February 16, 1876 Grandaunt

Guckeen, Sarha December 26, 1982 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Shannon Christopher June 08, 1971 Nephew

Guckeen, Stacie March 10, 1970 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Tarha February 24, 1985 1st cousin once removed

Guckeen, Terrance Harold March 31, 1943 1st cousin

Guckeen, Thomas 1822 Great-granduncle

Guckeen, Thomas WFT Est. 1843-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Thomas May 04, 1863 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Thomas Francis October 15, 1878 Granduncle

Guckeen, Thomas J. WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Guckeen, Vaughn Paul July 11, 1944 1st cousin

Guckeen, Vivian C. April 20, 1914 Aunt

Guckeen, William Morris March 28, 1946 Brother

Guess, Carle Wayne September 30, 1936 Half brother-in-law

Guess, Mary March 12, 1960 Half niece

Guess, Teressa October 16, 1958 Half niece

Guidry, Patricia July 07, 1947 Sister-in-law

Gundred WFT Est. 1048-1076 26th great-grandaunt

Gundred WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Gunnild WFT Est. 1109-1128 Wife of the half 1st cousin 26 times removed

Guy Abt. 948 31st great-granduncle

Hales, Alice WFT Est. 1296-1315 Wife of the half 20th great-granduncle

Hall Husband of the grandaunt

Hall, Mary Abt. 1796 Wife of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Hall, Mercy Abt. 1790 Wife of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Hall, Susanna July 23, 1721 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Hamblin, Experience WFT Est. 1671-1691 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Hamblin, Seth Abt. 1805 Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Hamlin, James III WFT Est. 1656-1677 Husband of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Hammer, The August 23, 688 38th great-grandfather

Hamon, Maud Fitz WFT Est. 1086-1102 26th great-grandmother

Hannaman, Anna August 04, 1881 Wife of the granduncle

Hanz, Rosina Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle

Harcourt, Amicia Abt. 1160 25th great-grandaunt

Harcourt, Richard WFT Est. 1173-1216 Husband of the 24th great-grandaunt

Harcourt, Robert Abt. 1156 25th great-granduncle

Harcourt, Roger Abt. 1158 25th great-granduncle

Harcourt, William Abt. 1159 25th great-granduncle

Harding, Abiah 1679 7th great-granduncle

Harding, Abraham 1617 1st cousin 10 times removed

Harding, Agnes Unknown Great-grandaunt

Harding, Alice 1870 Great-grandaunt

Harding, Amaziah November 01, 1671 7th great-granduncle

Harding, Amaziah 1693 6th great-grandfather

Harding, Amaziah April 07, 1759 4th great-grandfather

Harding, Amaziah January 05, 1789 3rd great-granduncle

Harding, Amaziah July 16, 1792 3rd great-grandfather

Harding, Amaziah, Jr. April 20, 1832 2nd great-grandfather

Harding, Amos WFT Est. 1588-1617 9th great-granduncle

Harding, Bethiah March 22, 1730/31 5th great-grandaunt

Harding, Bethiah Unknown 6th great-grandaunt

Harding, Brydone August 22, 1878 Great-granduncle

Harding, Brydone S 1838 2nd great-grandaunt

Harding, Cora Unknown Great-grandaunt

Harding, Cornelius 1716 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Desire April 24, 1729 5th great-grandaunt

Harding, Diana Edith January 07, 1863 Great-grandmother

Harding, Dinah 1700 6th great-grandaunt

Harding, Dora Unknown Great-grandaunt

Harding, Eli April 07, 1866 Great-granduncle

Harding, Elizabeth 1708 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Elizabeth 1749 4th great-grandaunt

Harding, Gideon 1770 4th great-granduncle

Harding, Grace March 30, 1733 5th great-grandaunt

Harding, Grace Unknown 6th great-grandaunt

Harding, Gustavus December 29, 1867 Great-granduncle

Harding, Hannah WFT Est. 1665-1685 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Harding, Hannah 1694 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Hannah 1819 2nd great-grandaunt

Harding, Ida Unknown Great-grandaunt

Harding, James 1702 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, James S 1830 2nd great-granduncle

Harding, James S 1858 Great-granduncle

Harding, John 1567 10th great-grandfather

Harding, John 1594 9th great-granduncle

Harding, John 1615 1st cousin 10 times removed

Harding, John 1625 Half 8th great-granduncle

Harding, John 1629 1st cousin 10 times removed

Harding, John October 09, 1673 7th great-granduncle

Harding, John WFT Est. 1689-1714 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, John 1746 4th great-granduncle

Harding, John Warren March 24, 1801 3rd great-granduncle

Harding, John Warren January 14, 1825 2nd great-granduncle

Harding, Joseph Abt. 1597 9th great-grandfather

Harding, Joseph 1629 8th great-grandfather

Harding, Joseph July 08, 1667 7th great-grandfather

Harding, Joseph February 21, 1724/25 5th great-granduncle

Harding, Joseph Unknown 6th great-granduncle

Harding, Joshua February 15, 1675/76 7th great-granduncle

Harding, Josiah August 15, 1669 7th great-granduncle

Harding, Keziah May 05, 1798 3rd great-grandaunt

Harding, Lemuel WFT Est. 1588-1617 9th great-granduncle

Harding, Lettice March 21, 1781 3rd great-grandaunt

Harding, Lydia 1632 1st cousin 10 times removed

Harding, Margaret WFT Est. 1586-1615 1st cousin 11 times removed

Harding, Martha December 13, 1662 7th great-grandaunt

Harding, Mary WFT Est. 1576-1603 Wife of the 9th great-granduncle

Harding, Mary 1632 1st cousin 10 times removed

Harding, Mary August 19, 1665 7th great-grandaunt

Harding, Mary WFT Est. 1698-1715 Wife of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Mary 1706 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Mary 1745 4th great-grandaunt

Harding, Mary May 31, 1785 3rd great-grandaunt

Harding, Mary 1821 2nd great-grandaunt

Harding, Maziah Abt. 1693 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Nathan 1711 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Nathaniel December 25, 1674 7th great-granduncle

Harding, Nehemiah Unknown 6th great-granduncle

Harding, Oliver WFT Est. 1588-1617 9th great-granduncle

Harding, Orila B 1827 2nd great-grandaunt

Harding, Paul Unknown 5th great-granduncle

Harding, Phebe 1710 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Prince 1740 5th great-grandaunt

Harding, Richard Abt. 1540 11th great-grandfather

Harding, Richard 1583 9th great-granduncle

Harding, Samuel September 01, 1683 7th great-granduncle

Harding, Samuel March 29, 1736 5th great-granduncle

Harding, Sarah 1630 1st cousin 10 times removed

Harding, Sarah 1835 2nd great-grandaunt

Harding, Seth June 16, 1727 5th great-granduncle

Harding, Seth April 10, 1752 4th great-granduncle

Harding, Silvanus May 18, 1723 5th great-grandfather

Harding, Silvanus 1751 4th great-granduncle

Harding, Simeon October 28, 1782 3rd great-granduncle

Harding, Stephen WFT Est. 1604-1627 1st cousin 10 times removed

Harding, Stephen April 25, 1788 3rd great-granduncle

Harding, Susannah Unknown 5th great-grandaunt

Harding, Suzannah WFT Est. 1669-1683 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Harding, Thomas 1699 1st cousin 8 times removed

Harding, Thomas April 29, 1738 5th great-granduncle

Harding, Van Rensalaer January 26, 1841 2nd great-granduncle

Harding, William Abt. 1520 12th great-grandfather

Harding, William 1565 10th great-granduncle

Harper, Sharon Ann Private Sister-in-law

Harriman, Reubon Abt. 1727 Husband of the half 5th great-grandaunt

Harriman, Susanna Abt. 1712 Wife of the half 5th great-granduncle

Harris, Sarah Abt. 1615 9th great-grandmother

Harris, Walter WFT Est. 1554-1594 10th great-grandfather

Hasbaye, Ermentrude WFT Est. 754-783 36th great-grandmother

Hasilda Private 61st great-grandmother

Haskell, Blanche Wife of the granduncle

Hastilda WFT Est. 218-285 52nd great-grandmother

Havens WFT Est. 1836-1871 Husband of the 1st cousin twice removed

Hawes, Bethiah Abt. 1700 6th great-grandmother

Hawes, Isaac Abt. 1660 7th great-grandfather

Hawise 1180 24th great-grandmother

Hawke, Deborah January 14, 1691/92 Wife of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Hawley, Agnes WFT Est. 1407-1455 15th great-grandmother

Hawley, John WFT Est. 1369-1426 16th great-grandfather

Hawley, Robert WFT Est. 1223-1309 20th great-grandfather

Hawley, Thomas WFT Est. 1332-1397 17th great-grandfather

Hawley, William WFT Est. 1259-1339 19th great-grandfather

Hawley, William WFT Est. 1296-1368 18th great-grandfather

Hearl, Margaret WFT Est. 1664-1689 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Hearted, The Lion 1157 23rd great-granduncle

Hedges, Dinah Abt. 1667 7th great-grandmother

Hedges, Tristram Abt. 1640 8th great-grandfather

Hedwig WFT Est. 915-939 31st great-grandmother

Hedwiga 915 31st great-grandmother

Hedwige WFT Est. 833-856 33rd great-grandmother

Helie WFT Est. 1000-1019 Wife of the 28th great-granduncle

Henrick, Dorothy Abt. 1660 7th great-grandmother

Henry WFT Est. 1080-1101 27th great-granduncle

Henry WFT Est. 1110-1157 26th great-granduncle

Henry WFT Est. 1163-1202 Husband of the 23rd great-grandmother

Henry I 876 32nd great-grandfather

Henry I 1005 28th great-granduncle

Henry I WFT Est. 1024-1076 Half 1st cousin 29 times removed

Henry V 1086 Husband of the 25th great-grandmother

Herbert III 945 31st great-grandfather

Herbert V 1032 29th great-grandfather

Heristallus, Pipinus 635 39th great-grandfather

Herleve Abt. 1003 31st great-grandmother

Hersent WFT Est. 839-895 34th great-grandmother

Hersey, Hannah March 08, 1728/29 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Higgins, Esther Abt. 1808 Wife of the 3rd great-grandfather

Hildebrante WFT Est. 881-905 33rd great-grandmother

Hildegard 783 35th great-grandaunt

Hildegarde 758 36th great-grandmother

Hildegarde WFT Est. 885-920 32nd great-grandmother

Hildegarde WFT Est. 956-983 Wife of the 30th great-granduncle

Hildegarde WFT Est. 1027-1053 1st cousin 29 times removed

Hilderic 58th great-grandfather

Hill, Esther Blanche March 04, 1860 Great-grandmother

Hill, Roderick 2nd great-grandfather

Hill, Sarah Abt. 1570 11th great-grandmother

Hiltrude WFT Est. 728-760 35th great-grandmother

Hnabi WFT Est. 674-713 38th great-grandfather

Hobbs, Anthony Husband of the half niece

Hollier, Robecca Wife of the nephew

Holt, Henry WFT Est. 1627-1656 7th great-grandfather

Holt, Sarah August 17, 1678 6th great-grandmother

Holzhauer, Ralph N. Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Houching WFT Est. 635-686 39th great-grandfather

Howard, Emma Wife of the granduncle

Howas, Bethiah Abt. 1660 7th great-grandmother

Hrotrud 772 35th great-grandaunt

Hroutrou WFT Est. 672-695 38th great-grandmother

Hubbell, Samuel Richard 1626 Husband of the 1st cousin 11 times removed

Hubert WFT Est. 1102-1131 24th great-grandfather

Huckins, Elizabeth October 01, 1671 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Hudson, Linda Private Sister-in-law

Hugh WFT Est. 1028-1060 28th great-grandfather

Hugh 1147 1st cousin 26 times removed

Hugh II WFT Est. 718-760 37th great-grandfather

Hugh III 765 34th great-grandfather

Hughes, James Dylan October 23, 1996 Half 1st cousin twice removed

Humphrey, Sarah WFT Est. 1712-1734 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Hunno 59th great-grandfather

Hunrock WFT Est. 757-799 35th great-grandfather

Huntingdon, Alice Abt. 1075 28th great-grandaunt

Huntington, Matilda 1072 28th great-grandmother

Hurst WFT Est. 1621-1641 Wife of the half 8th great-granduncle

Hutchinson, Asa November 17, 1759 Half 1st cousin 6 times removed

Hutchinson, Ebenezer March 22, 1753 Half 1st cousin 6 times removed

Hutchinson, Hassas 1768 Half 1st cousin 6 times removed

Hutchinson, Hittie 1760 Half 1st cousin 6 times removed

Hutchinson, Solomon 1721 Husband of the half 5th great-grandaunt

Hutchinson, Solomon November 10, 1750 Half 1st cousin 6 times removed

Hutchinson, William WFT Est. 1581-1601 Husband of the 1st cousin 12 times removed

Ingalls, Ruth WFT Est. 1808-1835 2nd great-grandmother

Inglesby, Margaret June 03, 1840 Wife of the great-granduncle

Inman-Carney, Byron WFT Est. 1836-1871 1st cousin twice removed

Iorwerth, Llewellyn Ap 1173 Husband of the half 22nd great-grandaunt

Iorwerth, Margaret Ap WFT Est. 1212-1222 Half 1st cousin 23 times removed

Irene WFT Est. 1779-1816 Wife of the 3rd great-grandfather

Irmentrude WFT Est. 920-955 31st great-grandmother

Irmentrude WFT Est. 954-978 30th great-grandmother

Irmgard Abt. 984 30th great-grandmother

Irmgarde WFT Est. 851-869 33rd great-grandmother

Isabel Abt. 1086 26th great-grandmother

Isabel WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Isabel WFT Est. 1171-1215 22nd great-grandmother

Isabel WFT Est. 1209-1230 1st cousin 23 times removed

Isabel WFT Est. 1228-1253 22nd great-grandmother

Isabel Abt. 1230 1st cousin 25 times removed

Isabella April 1170 25th great-grandmother

Isabella 1292 20th great-grandmother

Itta Abt. 600 41st great-grandmother

Ives Abt. 1064 28th great-grandfather

Jack November 13, 1916 Father

Jackson, Carol Christina December 17, 1934 Mother-in-law

Jackson, Marlene Joan Private Aunt of the wife

Jacque Wife of the 1st cousin

Jane WFT Est. 1472-1511 13th great-grandmother

Jane Abt. 1660 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Jeanne 1272 21st great-grandmother

Jenkins, Sarah Abt. 1600 Wife of the 9th great-grandfather

Jimmy February 27, 1965 Half nephew

Joan WFT Est. 1228-1312 20th great-grandmother

Joan WFT Est. 1325-1348 Wife of the 18th great-granduncle

John September 06, 1959 Half 1st cousin once removed

Johnson, Anne Marie Private Sister-in-law

Johnson, Carol-Joan June 12, 1958 Wife

Johnson, Deborah Lynn Private Sister-in-law

Johnson, Gregory Wendell January 18, 1981 Son of the wife

Johnson, James Father-in-law

Johnson, Janet Darlene Private Sister-in-law

Johnson, Karen Sue Private Sister-in-law

Johnson, Roy Emroy August 19, 1903 Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Jones, Alton Abt. 1890 Husband of the half 1st cousin twice removed

Jordan, Barbara January 07, 1943 Half sister

Josie December 10, 1881 1st cousin twice removed

Judith Abt. 804 35th great-grandmother

Judith WFT Est. 807-830 35th great-grandmother

Judith 843 34th great-grandmother

Judith 956 29th great-grandmother

Judith Abt. 982 Wife of the 29th great-grandfather

Judith Abt. 990 28th great-grandaunt

Judith WFT Est. 1000-1017 Half 28th great-grandaunt

Judith 1054 29th great-grandmother

Junkins, Joseph October 22, 1701 Husband of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Kaddy February 17, 1937 1st cousin once removed

Kallman, Anna June 07, 1958 Wife of the 1st cousin

Katherine 1494 13th great-grandmother

Kathy March 23, 1962 Half 1st cousin once removed

Kelley, Joe WFT Est. 1849-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Kelley, Mary WFT Est. 1849-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Kelley, Matt WFT Est. 1814-1834 Husband of the great-grandaunt

Kelley, Matt, Jr. WFT Est. 1849-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Kelley, Mayme WFT Est. 1849-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Kelley, Mike WFT Est. 1849-1872 1st cousin twice removed

Kendrick, Mary Abt. 1732 5th great-grandmother

Kennard, Mary WFT Est. 1708-1728 Wife of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Kennedy, Mary F. WFT Est. 1811-1831 Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle

Kent, Sigehelm Of WFT Est. 829-875 35th great-grandfather

Keost, James Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Kidder, Heather Ann April 11, 1966 Wife of the 1st cousin once removed

Kim December 12, 1966 Wife of the half nephew

King Abt. 1590 9th great-grandmother

Klaue, Diane Sue June 13, 1945 Wife of the 1st cousin

Knight, Albion WFT Est. 1821-1858 Husband of the great-grandaunt

Knight, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1601-1630 9th great-grandmother

Knight, Ezekiel WFT Est. 1565-1605 10th great-grandfather

Knowles, Hannah Abt. 1740 5th great-grandmother

Kunigunde WFT Est. 778-805 35th great-grandmother

Kunza WFT Est. 597-645 40th great-grandmother

La Zouche, Alan WFT Est. 1197-1223 Husband of the 1st cousin 25 times removed

La Zouche, Alice Private Wife of the 1st cousin 25 times removed

Lafflin WFT Est. 1826-1846 Husband of the great-grandaunt

Lafflin WFT Est. 1861-1884 1st cousin twice removed

Lafflin, Edward WFT Est. 1861-1884 1st cousin twice removed

Lafflin, George WFT Est. 1861-1884 1st cousin twice removed

Lagge, Kathryn Lianne October 11, 1962 Sister-in-law

Lambert Abt. 1020 30th great-grandfather

Lambert I 590 40th great-grandfather

Lambert II 650 38th great-grandfather

Lambert II 952 Husband of the half 1st cousin 33 times removed

Lame, Siegbert the WFT Est. 392-432 47th great-grandfather

Lane, Andrew Abt. 1619 9th great-granduncle

Lane, Anis Or Avith Abt. 1619 9th great-grandaunt

Lane, Ebenezer August 25, 1650 8th great-granduncle

Lane, Elizabeth Abt. 1619 9th great-grandaunt

Lane, Elizabeth 1646 8th great-grandaunt

Lane, George Abt. 1619 9th great-grandfather

Lane, Hannah February 24, 1638/39 8th great-grandaunt

Lane, John January 20, 1647/48 8th great-granduncle

Lane, Josiah May 23, 1641 8th great-granduncle

Lane, Mary Abt. 1619 9th great-grandaunt

Lane, Mary April 11, 1653 8th great-grandaunt

Lane, Peter July 21, 1656 8th great-granduncle

Lane, Sarah Abt. 1619 9th great-grandaunt

Lane, Sarah March 1637/38 8th great-grandmother

Lane, Susanna June 23, 1644 8th great-grandaunt

Lane, William Abt. 1590 10th great-grandfather

Lantbertus 590 40th great-grandfather

Lawson, Mary WFT Est. 1698-1719 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Le Blount WFT Est. 1018-1089 26th great-grandfather

Le Blount WFT Est. 1055-1118 25th great-grandfather

Le Blount, Gilbert WFT Est. 1024-1078 26th great-grandfather

Le Blount, Gilbert WFT Est. 1102-1131 24th great-grandfather

Le Blount, John WFT Est. 1282-1323 19th great-grandfather

Le Blount, Maria WFT Est. 1133-1175 23rd great-grandmother

Le Blount, Robert WFT Est. 987-1049 27th great-grandfather

Le Blount, Robert WFT Est. 1171-1210 22nd great-grandfather

Le Blount, Stephen WFT Est. 1132-1170 23rd great-grandfather

Le Blount, Walter WFT Est. 1245-1297 20th great-grandfather

Le Blount, Walter WFT Est. 1320-1352 18th great-grandfather

Le Blount, William WFT Est. 982-1059 27th great-grandfather

Le Blount, William WFT Est. 1062-1105 25th great-grandfather

Le Blount, William WFT Est. 1093-1147 24th great-grandfather

Le Blount, William WFT Est. 1200-1264 21st great-grandfather

Le Fort, Robert 830 33rd great-grandfather

Le Mefiant 765 34th great-grandfather

Lenton, Agnes 1524 12th great-grandmother

Lenton, John WFT Est. 1473-1502 13th great-grandfather

LeTyas, Joan WFT Est. 1347-1400 18th great-grandmother

Leuthanus WFT Est. 552-592 43rd great-grandfather

Leuthanus Female WFT Est. 528-591 42nd great-grandmother

Leutwinus WFT Est. 633-671 39th great-grandfather

Lewis, Daniel September 29, 1685 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Ebenezer December 20, 1666 7th great-granduncle

Lewis, Ebenezer Abt. 1671 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Ebenezer July 21, 1728 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Edward 1641 Half 8th great-granduncle

Lewis, Eleazer June 26, 1664 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Elizabeth February 02, 1613/14 9th great-grandaunt

Lewis, Elizabeth July 14, 1719 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Ephraim July 23, 1641 Half 8th great-granduncle

Lewis, Eunice May 09, 1736 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, George 1571 10th great-grandfather

Lewis, George August 31, 1600 9th great-grandfather

Lewis, George 1627 Half 8th great-granduncle

Lewis, George September 1655 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, George 1672 7th great-granduncle

Lewis, George July 23, 1721 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Hannah April 24, 1662 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Hannah 1679 7th great-grandmother

Lewis, Hannah January 10, 1686/87 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Hannah May 24, 1723 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Hannah December 03, 1731 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Isaac Abt. 1675 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Israel April 19, 1727 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, James April 17, 1603 9th great-granduncle

Lewis, James March 25, 1632 8th great-grandfather

Lewis, James June 03, 1664 7th great-granduncle

Lewis, James September 09, 1712 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, John November 01, 1606 9th great-granduncle

Lewis, John March 02, 1637/38 Half 8th great-granduncle

Lewis, John September 29, 1656 7th great-granduncle

Lewis, John January 01, 1665/66 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, John October 13, 1683 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Jonathan December 03, 1714 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Joseph Abt. 1647 Half 8th great-grandaunt/uncle

Lewis, Joseph July 1676 7th great-granduncle

Lewis, Joseph December 01, 1705 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Lucy October 23, 1730 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Margery December 04, 1597 9th great-grandaunt

Lewis, Mary Abt. 1608 9th great-grandaunt

Lewis, Mary November 16, 1629 Half 8th great-grandaunt

Lewis, Mary 1670 7th great-grandaunt

Lewis, Mary June 02, 1700 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Mary September 06, 1717 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Nathan July 26, 1678 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Nathaniel Abt. 1645 Half 8th great-grandaunt/uncle

Lewis, Paul March 25, 1710 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Rachel June 19, 1694 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Ruth WFT Est. 1651-1676 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Samuel April 10, 1659 7th great-granduncle

Lewis, Samuel June 28, 1724 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Samuel October 28, 1725 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Sarah February 02, 1643/44 Half 8th great-grandaunt

Lewis, Sarah March 04, 1660/61 7th great-grandaunt

Lewis, Sarah July 12, 1690 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Sarah December 15, 1703 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Shubael Abt. 1673 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Susanna January 05, 1692/93 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Susanna December 09, 1697 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lewis, Susannah 1668 7th great-grandaunt

Lewis, Thomas January 05, 1629/30 Half 8th great-granduncle

Lewis, Thomas July 15, 1656 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Thomas March 1668/69 Half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lewis, Thomas September 30, 1707 1st cousin 8 times removed

Libby, Betty WFT Est. 1753-1775 Wife of the 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lincoln Abt. 1670 Husband of the 7th great-grandaunt

Lincoln, Benjamin August 17, 1699 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lincoln, Ebenezer April 09, 1694 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lincoln, Elisha WFT Est. 1678-1705 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lincoln, Hannah September 10, 1659 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Lincoln, Mary January 14, 1695/96 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lincoln, Mary April 11, 1696 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lincoln, Sarah October 21, 1685 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lincoln, Susanna September 19, 1688 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lincoln, Thomas December 22, 1652 Spouse of the 7th great-grandaunt

Lincoln, Thomas August 30, 1692 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lion, The 1187 24th great-grandfather

Littlefield, Hannah Wife of the half 1st cousin 6 times removed

Llewelyn, Helen Verch WFT Est. 1184-1203 Wife of the 24th great-granduncle

Lombard, Bathshuah December 03, 1776 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Ebenezer March 12, 1705/06 6th great-granduncle

Lombard, Ebenezer January 03, 1773 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Ephraim August 18, 1716 6th great-granduncle

Lombard, Hannah October 04, 1718 6th great-grandaunt

Lombard, Hannah March 22, 1756 1st cousin 7 times removed

Lombard, James October 11, 1703 6th great-granduncle

Lombard, Jedediah, Jr. December 25, 1669 7th great-grandfather

Lombard, John August 11, 1764 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Joseph December 24, 1768 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Lewis February 23, 1711/12 6th great-granduncle

Lombard, Lewis 1742 1st cousin 7 times removed

Lombard, Lewis December 19, 1757 1st cousin 7 times removed

Lombard, Lydia March 16, 1770 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Mary October 08, 1637 Wife of the half 8th great-granduncle

Lombard, Paul June 30, 1766 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Rebekah September 12, 1747 1st cousin 7 times removed

Lombard, Richard February 23, 1743/44 5th great-granduncle

Lombard, Richard June 03, 1782 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Sarah August 04, 1709 6th great-grandaunt

Lombard, Sarah June 09, 1754 1st cousin 7 times removed

Lombard, Sarah June 28, 1789 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Simon August 11, 1784 1st cousin 6 times removed

Lombard, Solomon April 05, 1702 6th great-grandfather

Lombard, Susanna August 04, 1734 5th great-grandmother

Longespee, Stephan WFT Est. 1203-1226 Half 1st cousin 24 times removed

Longspee, Ida WFT Est. 1203-1225 Half 1st cousin 24 times removed

Longspee, William 1176 Half 23rd great-granduncle

Lopez, Don Sancho WFT Est. 1262-1315 22nd great-grandfather

Lord, Abraham October 29, 1699 7th great-granduncle

Lord, Mary July 29, 1691 7th great-grandaunt

Lord, Mary Bef. 1711 6th great-grandmother

Lord, Nathan 1603 9th great-grandfather

Lord, Nathan 1657 8th great-grandfather

Lord, Nathan May 13, 1681 7th great-granduncle

Lord, Patience March 21, 1704/05 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lord, Samuel June 14, 1689 7th great-grandfather

Lord, Simon September 09, 1717 1st cousin 8 times removed

Loring, Mary WFT Est. 1683-1707 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Lorraine, Bertha Abt. 863 33rd great-grandmother

Lorraine, Lothair II Abt. 835 34th great-grandfather

Lothair 778 35th great-granduncle

Lothair I 795 35th great-grandfather

Louis I August 778 35th great-grandfather

Louis II 846 34th great-grandfather

Louis IV 919 32nd great-granduncle

Louis IX April 25, 1215 23rd great-grandfather

Louis VII 1120 26th great-grandfather

Louis VIII 1187 24th great-grandfather

Louisa 2nd great-grandmother

Ludolph Abt. 816 34th great-grandfather

Luetscler, Verona Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle

Luitfride I WFT Est. 680-720 36th great-grandfather

Luitfride II WFT Est. 719-751 35th great-grandfather

Lumbard, Mercy WFT Est. 1669-1689 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Lyons, Frances See Notes 2nd great-grandmother

Lyons, Reubin 3rd great-grandfather

MacMurough, Eva WFT Est. 1126-1145 25th great-grandmother

Mafonache WFT Est. 1104-1107 25th great-grandfather

Magnus, Hugh 915 31st great-grandfather

Magnus, Hugh 1057 1st cousin 29 times removed

Ma'Loney-Guckeen, Tom WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Mancer, Ebles WFT Est. 874-891 32nd great-grandfather

Mansfield, Marie Annette March 27, 1948 Wife of the 1st cousin

Marble Abt. 1730 Husband of the half 5th great-grandaunt

Marbury, Anne WFT Est. 1583-1601 1st cousin 12 times removed

Marbury, Catherine 1560 11th great-grandmother

Marbury, Francis WFT Est. 1542-1568 11th great-granduncle

Marbury, John WFT Est. 1399-1428 15th great-grandfather

Marbury, Robert 1490 13th great-grandfather

Marbury, William 1446 14th great-grandfather

Marbury, William 1524 12th great-grandfather

Marcis WFT Est. 1048-1068 Husband of the 27th great-grandaunt

Marcomir IV Private 62nd great-grandfather

Margaret WFT Est. 1338-1401 17th great-grandmother

Margret WFT Est. 995-1013 28th great-grandmother

Marguerite WFT Est. 1205-1234 23rd great-grandmother

Marguerite 1259 22nd great-grandaunt

Marion March 19, 1885 Wife of the granduncle

Marsh, Hannah WFT Est. 1703-1742 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Marsh, Sarah WFT Est. 1665-1691 Spouse of the 7th great-granduncle

Marshall, Abbie Goss WFT Est. 1803-1822 Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle

Marshall, Eva Abt. 1200 23rd great-grandaunt

Marshall, Isabell WFT Est. 1170-1204 23rd great-grandmother

Marshall, Joan WFT Est. 1167-1196 23rd great-grandaunt

Marshall, Maude WFT Est. 1193-1229 1st cousin 23 times removed

Marshall, Sybil WFT Est. 1227-1232 1st cousin 23 times removed

Marshall, William 1146 24th great-grandfather

Marshall, William WFT Est. 1168-1213 23rd great-granduncle

Marshel, Matilda 1104 25th great-grandmother

Martel, Charles I August 23, 688 38th great-grandfather

Martha Abt. 1578 10th great-grandmother

Martin, Anne Abt. 1867 Wife of the half great-granduncle

Martin, Myrza M December 12, 1915 Wife of the half uncle

Martin, Rick Half brother-in-law

Mary WFT Est. 1121-1147 1st cousin 28 times removed

Mary WFT Est. 1141-1165 Half 23rd great-grandaunt

Mary WFT Est. 1141-1197 Wife of the 25th great-granduncle

Mary WFT Est. 1628-1648 Wife of the 8th great-grandfather

Mary WFT Est. 1661-1692 Wife of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Mathilda 1279 20th great-grandmother

Matilda WFT Est. 861-885 34th great-grandmother

Matilda WFT Est. 1049-1075 26th great-grandaunt

Matilda Abt. 1071 27th great-grandaunt

Matilda WFT Est. 1090-1113 Wife of the 27th great-granduncle

Matilda WFT Est. 1098-1121 27th great-grandmother

Matthew WFT Est. 1111-1146 Husband of the 1st cousin 28 times removed

Maud 1032 27th great-grandmother

Maud 1072 28th great-grandmother

Maud WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Maud WFT Est. 1097-1119 Wife of the 26th great-granduncle

Maud 1104 25th great-grandmother

Maud WFT Est. 1132-1173 Wife of the half 26th great-granduncle

Maurice, Julian Fitz 1249 21st great-grandmother

Mayo, Bethiah WFT Est. 1690-1714 Wife of the 6th great-granduncle

Maziah November 01, 1671 7th great-granduncle

Maziah 1693 6th great-grandfather

McCarty, Eliza Husband of the great-grandaunt

McCarty-Guckeen, Mrs. Eliza WFT Est. 1814-1837 Great-grandaunt

McDonald, Abner Abt. 1775 4th great-granduncle

McDonald, Abner Abt. 1804 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Abner August 08, 1808 3rd great-grandfather

McDonald, Ada Francis June 28, 1897 Grandmother

McDonald, Alice May 22, 1921 1st cousin once removed

McDonald, Benjamin Bet. 1805 - 1815 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Benoni 1785 4th great-granduncle

McDonald, Carroll Edwin Abt. 1920 1st cousin once removed

McDonald, Charles Abt. 1742 5th great-granduncle

McDonald, Charles Bet. 1762 - 1785 1st cousin 6 times removed

McDonald, Chester September 29, 1892 Granduncle

McDonald, Edwin February 08, 1888 Granduncle

McDonald, Ernest Abner April 16, 1865 Great-grandfather

McDonald, Eva 1891 Grandaunt

McDonald, Fez Abt. 1838 2nd great-grandaunt

McDonald, Forest Abt. 1865 Great-granduncle

McDonald, Francis 1801 3rd great-grandaunt

McDonald, Frank Abt. 1838 2nd great-granduncle

McDonald, George Abt. 1809 3rd great-granduncle

McDonald, Georgie July 03, 1894 Grandaunt

McDonald, Hannah Bet. 1805 - 1815 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Harriet Bet. 1805 - 1815 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Infant Stillborn Abt. 1887 Granduncle

McDonald, Jacob Bet. 1762 - 1785 1st cousin 6 times removed

McDonald, James Abt. 1804 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, John 1803 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, John 1806 3rd great-granduncle

McDonald, John B. April 15, 1773 4th great-granduncle

McDonald, Joseph Bet. 1762 - 1785 1st cousin 6 times removed

McDonald, Joseph Edwin 1838 2nd great-grandfather

McDonald, Julia Abt. 1890 Half 1st cousin twice removed

McDonald, Kenneth Earle Abt. 1920 1st cousin once removed

McDonald, Lilla Aft. 1867 Half great-grandaunt

McDonald, Mariam Bet. 1805 - 1815 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Marian Bet. 1805 - 1815 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Mary Bet. 1762 - 1785 1st cousin 6 times removed

McDonald, Mary Bet. 1805 - 1815 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Mirirch Bet. 1762 - 1785 1st cousin 6 times removed

McDonald, Moses Abt. 1804 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Nancy Bet. 1762 - 1785 1st cousin 6 times removed

McDonald, Pauline July 21, 1922 1st cousin once removed

McDonald, Peletiah Abt. 1756 4th great-grandfather

McDonald, Robert Abt. 1732 5th great-grandfather

McDonald, Robert 1775 4th great-granduncle

McDonald, Robert Bet. 1805 - 1815 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Ruth June 08, 1896 Grandaunt

McDonald, Samuel M. 1771 4th great-granduncle

McDonald, Simon D. Bet. 1762 - 1785 1st cousin 6 times removed

McDonald, Stuart 1803 3rd great-granduncle

McDonald, Susan Bet. 1805 - 1815 1st cousin 5 times removed

McDonald, Susanne Bet. 1762 - 1785 1st cousin 6 times removed

McDonald, Walter Aft. 1867 Half great-granduncle

McDonald, William 1779 3rd great-granduncle

McNeil, George Private Nephew of the wife

Mechtilde Abt. 890 32nd great-grandmother

Mehitable Abt. 1718 Wife of the half 5th great-granduncle

Meigs, Concurrence Abt. 1638 1st cousin 11 times removed

Meigs, Elizabeth 1635 1st cousin 11 times removed

Meigs, John February 29, 1611/12 Husband of the 10th great-grandaunt

Meigs, John February 18, 1640/41 1st cousin 11 times removed

Meigs, Mary 1633 1st cousin 11 times removed

Meigs, Tryal 1646 1st cousin 11 times removed

Meservey, Mary Ann Abt. 1788 Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle

Meuli, Casper Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt

Meullent, William WFT Est. 1145-1165 Husband of the 25th great-grandaunt

Miller, Martha Unknown Wife of the 8th great-granduncle

Minck, Harry Husband of the grandaunt

Mirfield, Jane WFT Est. 1433-1484 14th great-grandmother

Miske, Helen Agness August 01, 1918 Wife of the uncle

Mitchell, Jacob III December 27, 1697 Husband of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Monthermer, Ralph WFT Est. 1249-1299 Husband of the 20th great-grandaunt

Monthermer, Thomas WFT Est. 1280-1332 1st cousin 21 times removed

Mooney, Ann 1817 Wife of the great-granduncle

Morea, Madelene Ann June 18, 1965 Wife of the 1st cousin once removed

Mortimer, Edward WFT Est. 1345-1369 Husband of the 1st cousin 19 times removed

Morton, Elisha WFT Est. 1751-1777 Husband of the 1st cousin 6 times removed

Morton, Joseph WFT Est. 1745-1775 Husband of the 1st cousin 6 times removed

Mountjoy, Lord, K.G. WFT Est. 1398-1447 16th great-grandfather

Munderic WFT Est. 444-486 45th great-granduncle

Murphy, Catherine July 10, 1871 Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed

Narbonnaise WFT Est. 464-563 44th great-grandmother

Nash, Mary WFT Est. 1805-1825 Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle

Nellie Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed

Nest WFT Est. 1064-1086 Wife of the 26th great-grandfather

Nevill, John, K.G. 1328 18th great-grandfather

Neville, Cecily May 31, 1395 Wife of the 1st cousin 19 times removed

Nickerson, Anne May 07, 1635 8th great-grandmother

Nickerson, Thomas 1515 12th great-grandfather

Nickerson, Thomas 1542 11th great-grandfather

Nickerson, William WFT Est. 1464-1493 13th great-grandfather

Nickerson, William October 16, 1604 9th great-grandfather

Nickerson, William A. Abt. December 15, 1571 10th great-grandfather

Nield, Burt Husband of the grandaunt

Nield, Stanley 1st cousin once removed

O`Connor, Joseph Thomas November 23, 1908 1st cousin once removed

O'Connor, Patrick Henry October 06, 1903 1st cousin once removed

O'Connor, Sibyl Cecelia September 09, 1905 1st cousin once removed

O'Connor, Thomas Francis November 26, 1867 Husband of the grandaunt

Oda WFT Est. 540-563 42nd great-grandmother

Oda WFT Est. 796-823 34th great-grandmother

Odo WFT Est. 762-805 36th great-grandfather

Odo WFT Est. 795-833 35th great-grandfather

O'Donnell, John WFT Est. 1815-1841 Husband of the great-grandaunt

Ogive Abt. 986 29th great-grandmother

One, Mistress WFT Est. 743-762 37th great-grandmother

Orabella 1131 26th great-grandmother

Ordgar, Elfrida 945 Wife of the 1st cousin 34 times removed

Osburh WFT Est. 807-830 35th great-grandmother

Oslac WFT Est. 765-804 36th great-grandfather

Otto Abt. 836 33rd great-grandfather

Otto May 25, 1000 30th great-grandfather

Paduano, Patrick Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Paganel, Felice WFT Est. 1142-1162 Wife of the 25th great-granduncle

Pagnel, Alice WFT Est. 1070-1093 Wife of the 28th great-granduncle

Paine, Jonathan WFT Est. 1694-1720 Husband of the 6th great-grandaunt

Paine, Thomas WFT Est. 1660-1699 Husband of the half 1st cousin 9 times removed

Palmer Abt. 1809 Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle

Parker, Sarah Abt. 1720 Wife of the 6th great-granduncle

Parricide, Cloderic the WFT Est. 407-459 46th great-grandfather

Parvia Abt. 1000 29th great-grandmother

Patty July 07, 1947 Sister-in-law

Pavie Abt. 1000 29th great-grandmother

Paynel, Gervase WFT Est. 1104-1134 Husband of the 25th great-grandaunt

Pearsons, John Abt. 1797 Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt

Penfield, Nathan Cook WFT Est. 1739-1798 Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Pepin Abt. 590 41st great-grandfather

Pepin 817 34th great-grandfather

Pepin I 714 37th great-grandfather

Pepin II April 773 36th great-grandfather

Pepin III WFT Est. 859-890 1st cousin 34 times removed

Pepper, Ed WFT Est. 1859-1879 Husband of the grandaunt

Percy, Henry February 06, 1300/01 19th great-grandfather

Percy, Maud 1335 18th great-grandmother

Perez, Don Fernan WFT Est. 1264-1306 20th great-grandfather

Pernel Abt. 1134 26th great-grandmother

Pharomond Abt. 380 47th great-grandfather

Philippa 1314 19th great-grandmother

Phillip III 1245 22nd great-grandfather

Phillip IV 1268 21st great-grandfather

Phinney, Ebenezer Abt. 1764 Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt

Pike Abt. 1805 Wife of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Pike, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1728-1751 Wife of the 1st cousin 7 times removed

Plantaganet, Edmund June 05, 1341 18th great-granduncle

Plantaganet, Joan 1272 20th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Alianore 1205 22nd great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Alice WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Constance 1066 26th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Constance WFT Est. 1092-1134 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Edmund January 16, 1244/45 21st great-granduncle

Plantagenet, Edmund August 05, 1301 20th great-granduncle

Plantagenet, Edward June 17, 1239 21st great-grandfather

Plantagenet, Edward WFT Est. 1333-1361 18th great-granduncle

Plantagenet, Edward II April 25, 1284 20th great-grandfather

Plantagenet, Edward III October 13, 1312 19th great-grandfather

Plantagenet, Eleanor WFT Est. 1147-1177 24th great-grandmother

Plantagenet, Eleanor WFT Est. 1306-1327 19th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1091-1105 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Euphamia WFT Est. 1093-1116 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Hamlin WFT Est. 1129-1173 Husband of the half 1st cousin 27 times removed

Plantagenet, Henry WFT Est. 1154-1182 23rd great-granduncle

Plantagenet, Henry 1281 1st cousin 22 times removed

Plantagenet, Henry I September 1068 26th great-grandfather

Plantagenet, Henry II March 05, 1132/33 24th great-grandfather

Plantagenet, Henry III October 10, 1207 22nd great-grandfather

Plantagenet, Joan WFT Est. 1138-1188 23rd great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Joan WFT Est. 1306-1327 19th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, John December 24, 1167 23rd great-grandfather

Plantagenet, John 1316 19th great-granduncle

Plantagenet, John March 1339/40 18th great-grandfather

Plantagenet, Julian WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Lionel WFT Est. 1333-1360 18th great-granduncle

Plantagenet, Maud WFT Est. 1138-1188 23rd great-grandaunt

Plantagenet, Richard WFT Est. 1364-1437 1st cousin 19 times removed

Plantagenet, Thomas June 01, 1300 Half 20th great-granduncle

Plantagenet, William I October 14, 1024 27th great-grandfather

Plantagenet, Phillipa WFT Est. 1355-1369 1st cousin 19 times removed

Plantagenet, Margeret WFT Est. 1320-1339 Half 1st cousin 21 times removed

Pollyngton, Isabel 1319 19th great-grandmother

Poole, Joseph H. February 17, 1911 Husband of the aunt

Poole, Michael J. Private 1st cousin

Prentice, Mildred Elizabeth June 27, 1911 Wife of the 1st cousin once removed

Primeau, Raymond A. Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Puckett, Mary Abt. 1793 Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle

Purrinton, Sarah Abt. 1704 6th great-grandmother

Putnam, Archelaus May 29, 1718 Half 5th great-granduncle

Putnam, Ephraim February 10, 1718/19 5th great-grandfather

Putnam, Ephraim July 30, 1799 3rd great-granduncle

Putnam, Hannah March 04, 1721/22 Half 5th great-grandaunt

Putnam, Hannah March 09, 1742/43 4th great-grandaunt

Putnam, Hannah March 17, 1797 3rd great-grandaunt

Putnam, Helen 2nd great-grandmother

Putnam, Jacob March 09, 1711/12 Half 5th great-granduncle

Putnam, John 1760 4th great-grandfather

Putnam, John May 12, 1793 3rd great-granduncle

Putnam, Jonathan June 19, 1789 3rd great-granduncle

Putnam, Kezziah Abt. February 01, 1728/29 Half 5th great-grandaunt

Putnam, Lucy Abt. 1805 3rd great-grandaunt

Putnam, Mehitable February 26, 1726/27 Half 5th great-grandaunt

Putnam, Micah Barron Abt. 1795 3rd great-granduncle

Putnam, Nathanial August 25, 1686 Husband of the 6th great-grandmother

Putnam, Nathaniel October 01, 1710 Half 5th great-granduncle

Putnam, Nathaniel April 04, 1714 Half 5th great-granduncle

Putnam, Nathaniel May 28, 1724 Half 5th great-granduncle

Putnam, Olive May 22, 1785 3rd great-grandaunt

Putnam, Rebecca July 08, 1791 3rd great-grandaunt

Putnam, Sally Olive May 29, 1838 2nd great-grandmother

Putnam, Sarah June 01, 1716 Half 5th great-grandaunt

Putnam, Sarah October 05, 1786 3rd great-grandaunt

Putnam, William Barron August 27, 1807 3rd great-grandfather

Raedburh 788 36th great-grandmother

Ragelinde WFT Est. 973-992 Wife of the 30th great-granduncle

Randall, John WFT Est. 1680-1707 1st cousin 9 times removed

Randall, Richard 1659 Husband of the 8th great-grandaunt

Randall, Richard WFT Est. 1677-1701 1st cousin 9 times removed

Randall, Samuel WFT Est. 1680-1707 1st cousin 9 times removed

Randall, William WFT Est. 1680-1707 1st cousin 9 times removed

Ranulf I WFT Est. 799-832 34th great-grandfather

Ranulf II Abt. 855 33rd great-grandfather

Raoul I Abt. 1073 27th great-granduncle

Reginald Abt. 1040 28th great-grandfather

Regnier I WFT Est. 833-869 34th great-grandfather

Renaud WFT Est. 913-941 32nd great-grandfather

Renaud I WFT Est. 973-993 Husband of the 28th great-grandaunt

Rice, Elizabeth Wife of the granduncle

Rich, Miriam May 20, 1800 Wife of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Richard 1055 26th great-granduncle

Richard 1101 Half 25th great-granduncle

Richard I WFT Est. 918-959 30th great-grandfather

Richard I 1157 23rd great-granduncle

Richard I Aft. 1194 Half 1st cousin 26 times removed

Richard II Abt. 963 29th great-grandfather

Richard II January 06, 1366/67 1st cousin 19 times removed

Richard III Abt. 997 28th great-granduncle

Richard, Robert Fitz WFT Est. 1080-1109 Husband of the 27th great-grandmother

Richardson, Marshall Abt. 1805 Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Richimir II WFT Est. 212-281 52nd great-grandfather

Richwin WFT Est. 871-900 32nd great-grandfather

Ricomer WFT Est. 467-562 44th great-grandfather

Riddle, Susan Wife of the half 1st cousin 6 times removed

Ring, Elizabeth Abt. 1590 9th great-grandmother

Ring, Mary WFT Est. 1564-1595 10th great-grandmother

Riparian, Clovis the Bef. 420 49th great-grandfather

Robert 620 39th great-grandfather

Robert Abt. 1011 28th great-granduncle

Robert WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Robert I 866 32nd great-grandfather

Robert II March 27, 972 29th great-grandfather

Robert II 1000 28th great-grandfather

Roberts, Ephraim Abt. 1660 7th great-grandfather

Roberts, Hannah WFT Est. 1672-1699 6th great-grandmother

Robertus 620 39th great-grandfather

Robertus 685 37th great-grandfather

Rodney April 17, 1882 Granduncle

Rogers WFT Est. 1693-1713 Husband of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Rogers WFT Est. 1708-1728 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Rogers, Hannah 1669 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Rohese WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Rohese WFT Est. 1171-1198 Wife of the half 1st cousin 27 times removed

Rohese WFT Est. 1176-1214 Wife of the 22nd great-granduncle

Rollo WFT Est. 859-901 32nd great-grandfather

Rorick WFT Est. 766-807 35th great-grandfather

Rorick Female WFT Est. 807-833 34th great-grandmother

Roscelin WFT Est. 1125-1144 Husband of the half 25th great-grandaunt

Rosela WFT Est. 931-957 30th great-grandmother

Ross, Marion WFT Est. 1837-1861 Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed

Roy, Richard Fitz WFT Est. 1188-1214 22nd great-granduncle

Rudd, Margaret 1520 12th great-grandmother

Rudd, Richard WFT Est. 1461-1498 13th great-grandfather

Rutpert I 685 37th great-grandfather

Rutpert II 740 35th great-grandfather

Rutpert III 770 34th great-grandfather

Rutpert IV 830 33rd great-grandfather

Saher 1155 25th great-grandfather

Saint Liz Or Senlis, Simon De Abt. 1046 28th great-grandfather

Saint Liz, Simon De Abt. 1098 27th great-granduncle

Saint Louis April 25, 1215 23rd great-grandfather

Saint William WFT Est. 739-775 35th great-grandfather

Sally 4th great-grandmother

Sanchez, Donna Elvira WFT Est. 1234-1283 23rd great-grandmother

Sanz, Donna Alberta WFT Est. 1088-1147 27th great-grandmother

Saunders, Martin WFT Est. 1606-1632 Husband of the 1st cousin 10 times removed

Sawyer, Elizabeth March 12, 1765 Wife of the 1st cousin 6 times removed

Scharke, Kenneth September 27, 1950 Husband of the 1st cousin

Scharke, Robert Nelson August 12, 1986 1st cousin once removed

Scharke, William Edward May 31, 1977 1st cousin once removed

Schrlene Wife of the 1st cousin

Sellew, John November 23, 1746 Husband of the 1st cousin 7 times removed

Senlis Abt. 1094 27th great-granduncle

Senlis Abt. 1098 27th great-granduncle

Shaw, Eunice 1801 3rd great-grandmother

Shaw, Hannah Abt. 1770 Wife of the 4th great-granduncle

Shaw, Julia Abt. 1838 Wife of the 2nd great-grandfather

Shi Wife of the 1st cousin

Shumacker, Brian Husband of the 1st cousin

Shumacker, Jennifer 1st cousin once removed

Shumacker, Mathew 1st cousin once removed

Sibyl WFT Est. 1090-1112 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Siegbert WFT Est. 392-432 47th great-grandfather

Siegfried Abt. 922 31st great-grandfather

Sigmerus I Abt. 450 45th great-grandfather

Sigrada WFT Est. 559-616 41st great-grandmother

Silla, Fanny April 09, 1768 Wife of the 1st cousin 6 times removed

Simpson WFT Est. 1826-1863 Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed

Sinnett, Kimberly Michelle December 12, 1966 Wife of the half nephew

Smalley, Hannah Abt. 1758 Wife of the 4th great-granduncle

Smart, Arianne Michelle September 22, 1987 Half grandniece

Smart, Ciara Elizabeth November 01, 1990 Half grandniece

Smart, Dawn Marie August 08, 1968 Half niece

Smart, James Patric February 27, 1965 Half nephew

Smart, Phillip Martin Half brother-in-law

Smith Husband of the grandaunt

Smith, Judith Abt. 1626 9th great-grandmother

Smith, Sarah WFT Est. 1664-1686 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Smith, Simon WFT Est. 1549-1589 11th great-grandfather

Smith, Thomas WFT Est. 1575-1616 10th great-grandfather

Spencer, Hannah Richardson May 31, 1797 3rd great-grandmother

Sprague, Knight WFT Est. 1690-1717 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

St Liz, Waltheof De Abt. 1094 27th great-granduncle

St. Amalaberga 620 39th great-grandmother

St. Liz, De WFT Est. 835-841 33rd great-granduncle

St. Liz, Maud Abt. 1096 27th great-grandmother

Stalfgifu WFT Est. 903-928 Wife of the 33rd great-granduncle

Stephan WFT Est. 1038-1069 28th great-grandfather

Stephen WFT Est. 1108-1152 26th great-granduncle

Steven 1100 27th great-granduncle

Stevens, Nathaniel, Jr. Abt. 1775 Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt

Stevens, William WFT Est. 1608-1634 Husband of the 1st cousin 11 times removed

Stgondolphus WFT Est. 483-510 1st cousin 46 times removed

Stockwell, Isaac Abt. 1791 Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt

Stockwell, Mary Abt. 1789 Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle

Stoddard, Rachel Abt. 1799 Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle

Stodder, Lydia WFT Est. 1702-1724 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Stone, Leah December 31, 1698 Wife of the 1st cousin 9 times removed

Stuart, Achsah June 08, 1793 1st cousin 5 times removed

Stuart, Amos Abt. 1717 6th great-granduncle

Stuart, Anna October 31, 1775 4th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Charles June 05, 1661 7th great-granduncle

Stuart, Dorcas Abt. 1715 6th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Dorcas Abt. 1733 5th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Dorcas June 08, 1766 4th great-grandmother

Stuart, Duncan Abt. 1617 8th great-grandfather

Stuart, Ebenezer 1676 7th great-granduncle

Stuart, Elizabeth November 02, 1662 7th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Hannah 1667 7th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Henry May 01, 1669 7th great-granduncle

Stuart, James October 08, 1664 7th great-granduncle

Stuart, Jeremiah Abt. 1713 6th great-granduncle

Stuart, John March 1663/64 7th great-granduncle

Stuart, John Abt. 1709 6th great-granduncle

Stuart, Joseph Abt. 1707 6th great-grandfather

Stuart, Joseph April 03, 1759 4th great-granduncle

Stuart, Joseph July 01, 1780 1st cousin 5 times removed

Stuart, Josiah Alden April 20, 1798 1st cousin 5 times removed

Stuart, Katherine June 08, 1658 8th great-grandmother

Stuart, Martha April 04, 1659 7th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Mary January 20, 1754 4th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Samuel 1672 7th great-grandfather

Stuart, Samuel Abt. 1705 6th great-granduncle

Stuart, Sarah Purrington June 28, 1764 4th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Solomon April 22, 1796 1st cousin 5 times removed

Stuart, Solomon Lombard February 03, 1762 4th great-granduncle

Stuart, Solomon Lombard February 24, 1773 4th great-granduncle

Stuart, Susanna May 21, 1757 4th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Susanna April 01, 1768 4th great-grandaunt

Stuart, Wentworth October 20, 1731 5th great-grandfather

Stuart, Wentworth August 17, 1770 4th great-granduncle

Stuart, Wentworth September 26, 1790 1st cousin 5 times removed

Stuart, Zebulon Abt. 1711 6th great-granduncle

Sullivan, Gertrude Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed

Sullivan, Julia Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed

Sunno 59th great-grandfather

Suppo WFT Est. 803-856 34th great-grandfather

Sweeny WFT Est. 1836-1871 Husband of the 1st cousin twice removed

Sybilla WFT Est. 1091-1119 Half 25th great-grandaunt

Synford, Katherine Abt. 1345 Wife of the 18th great-granduncle

Tabaracci, Lorrie July 11, 1945 Wife of the 1st cousin

Tacke, Amdrea Gale September 26, 1968 Half 1st cousin once removed

Tacke, Anthony John September 06, 1959 Half 1st cousin once removed

Tacke, Hannah Angel September 28, 1995 Half 1st cousin twice removed

Tacke, Mary Catherine March 23, 1962 Half 1st cousin once removed

Tacke, Richard Byron January 02, 1934 Husband of the half 1st cousin

Tacke, Terresa Anne August 11, 1960 Half 1st cousin once removed

Taillefer, Isabella 1188 23rd great-grandmother

Taylor, Jerry Layton Husband of the half 1st cousin

Terry, Arleen August 12, 1935 Half 1st cousin

Terry, Arthur Ray November 01, 1911 Half uncle

Terry, Ashley Marie February 11, 1989 1st cousin once removed

Terry, Beverly Ray July 22, 1944 Half 1st cousin

Terry, Christine Luann September 22, 1979 1st cousin once removed

Terry, Clarence David July 19, 1918 Husband of the aunt

Terry, David Hartwell June 01, 1955 1st cousin

Terry, George Arthur August 29, 1946 1st cousin

Terry, George Arthur August 25, 1967 1st cousin once removed

Terry, Guy April 03, 1883 Husband of the grandmother

Terry, Joey Michael July 19, 1969 1st cousin once removed

Terry, Michell Marie January 14, 1971 1st cousin once removed

Terry, Sandra Kay February 15, 1941 Half 1st cousin

Terry, Vivian Irene July 31, 1949 1st cousin

Thakell, Beatrice WFT Est. 1173-1244 21st great-grandmother

Thaxter, Elizabeth September 18, 1692 Spouse of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Theobald IV WFT Est. 1081-1102 27th great-grandfather

Theobald V WFT Est. 1110-1157 26th great-granduncle

Theoderata 740 35th great-grandmother

Theodomir WFT Est. 249-310 51st great-grandfather

Theuderic III 628 39th great-grandfather

Thomas WFT Est. 1333-1361 18th great-granduncle

Thornton, Roger WFT Est. 1400-1431 Husband of the half 1st cousin 17 times removed

Thurincbertus 710 36th great-grandfather

Toeni, Ralph De WFT Est. 1058-1085 Husband of the 28th great-grandaunt

Tonantius WFT Est. 462-500 45th great-grandmother

Tonantius, Ferreolus WFT Est. 420-471 46th great-grandfather

Torgerson, Leslie Roy October 08, 1946 Husband of the 1st cousin

Torgerson, Stephanie Anne December 26, 1975 1st cousin once removed

Torgerson, Susan Lynn August 18, 1972 1st cousin once removed

Tornvel, William WFT Est. 1097-1117 Husband of the 26th great-grandaunt

Tozer Abt. 1626 9th great-grandfather

Tozer, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1653-1675 8th great-grandaunt

Tozer, John Abt. 1665 8th great-granduncle

Tozer, Richard Abt. 1660 8th great-granduncle

Tozer, Simon WFT Est. 1638-1674 8th great-granduncle

Tozer, Thomas May 05, 1657 8th great-granduncle

Tozier, Martha 1659 8th great-grandmother

Tozier, Richard Abt. 1626 9th great-grandfather

Two, Mistress WFT Est. 1159-1181 Wife of the 23rd great-grandfather

Tyler Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Uchtred WFT Est. 1109-1117 Half 1st cousin 26 times removed

Udo WFT Est. 851-888 32nd great-grandfather

Usher, Robert Abt. 1805 Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed

Valasquez, Sancho WFT Est. 974-1057 30th great-grandfather

Vath, Sophia Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle

Vaubertus Abt. 485 44th great-grandfather

Vermandois, Nn WFT Est. 861-889 32nd great-grandmother

Vickery, Elizabeth March 07, 1692/93 Spouse of the 7th great-granduncle

Vickery, Joanna WFT Est. 1707-1729 Wife of the 6th great-granduncle

Von Eschen, Allie M. Grandaunt

Von Eschen, Barbara December 04, 1826 2nd great-grandaunt

Von Eschen, Barbara August 04, 1839 2nd great-grandaunt

Von Eschen, Blanche February 26, 1891 Grandaunt

Von Eschen, Cecilia February 01, 1837 2nd great-grandaunt

Von Eschen, Charles Osio Great-granduncle

Von Eschen, Clinton O. August 31, 1886 Granduncle

Von Eschen, Ester Ursala Great-grandaunt

Von Eschen, Florian October 31, 1841 2nd great-granduncle

Von Eschen, Georg February 16, 1835 2nd great-granduncle

Von Eschen, George 3rd great-grandfather

Von Eschen, George William May 26, 1856 Great-grandfather

Von Eschen, Hans August 10, 1844 2nd great-granduncle

Von Eschen, Helen Olive September 24, 1887 Grandmother

Von Eschen, Jakob September 02, 1830 2nd great-granduncle

Von Eschen, Leonard September 25, 1828 2nd great-grandfather

Von Eschen, Marguerite Grandaunt

Von Eschen, Marguerite January 29, 1907 1st cousin once removed

Von Eschen, Peter November 16, 1832 2nd great-granduncle

Von Eschen, Peter Ray September 29, 1884 Granduncle

Von Eschen, Roderick Leonard April 17, 1882 Granduncle

Waiet Abt. 1100 26th great-grandmother

Wake, Margaret 1295 Wife of the 20th great-granduncle

Waldrada 800 34th great-grandmother

Waldrada WFT Est. 822-845 34th great-grandmother

Waleran 1104 26th great-granduncle

Walter WFT Est. 104-193 55th great-grandfather

Waltheof II Abt. 1042 29th great-grandfather

Ward, Andrew, Jr. Abt. 1645 Husband of the 1st cousin 11 times removed

Warinus WFT Est. 594-644 40th great-grandfather

Warren WFT Est. 1065-1098 1st cousin 27 times removed

Warren, Hannah February 19, 1760 4th great-grandmother

Warren, John Abt. 1740 5th great-grandfather

Waters, Jennie Wife of the 1st cousin

Wathem, Margaret Abt. 1578 10th great-grandmother

Weare, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1643-1666 7th great-grandmother

Weldephus WFT Est. 377-414 47th great-grandfather

Welf I WFT Est. 731-776 36th great-grandfather

Welf IV WFT Est. 989-1016 Husband of the half 28th great-grandaunt

Wentworth, Benjamin WFT Est. 1650-1678 8th great-granduncle

Wentworth, Charles 1684 1st cousin 9 times removed

Wentworth, Christopher 1556 11th great-grandfather

Wentworth, Hugh Abt. 1200 23rd great-grandfather

Wentworth, John WFT Est. 1281-1364 18th great-grandfather

Wentworth, John 1649 8th great-granduncle

Wentworth, John III WFT Est. 1344-1456 16th great-grandfather

Wentworth, John IV WFT Est. 1415-1465 15th great-grandfather

Wentworth, John, Jr. WFT Est. 1317-1394 17th great-grandfather

Wentworth, Kathrine July 28, 1694 7th great-grandaunt

Wentworth, Martha February 09, 1683/84 7th great-grandmother

Wentworth, Martha WFT Est. 1695-1718 1st cousin 9 times removed

Wentworth, Oliver WFT Est. 1450-1514 13th great-grandfather

Wentworth, Paul 1655 8th great-grandfather

Wentworth, Robert WFT Est. 1160-1213 22nd great-grandfather

Wentworth, Sylvanus Abt. 1662 Husband of the 7th great-grandaunt

Wentworth, Thomas WFT Est. 1427-1481 14th great-grandfather

Wentworth, William 1525 12th great-grandfather

Wentworth, William June 03, 1584 10th great-grandfather

Wentworth, William I 1308 21st great-grandfather

Wentworth, William II WFT Est. 1202-1240 20th great-grandfather

Wentworth, William III WFT Est. 1238-1296 19th great-grandfather

Wentworth, William, Jr. March 15, 1614/15 9th great-grandfather

Wight Husband of the great-grandaunt

Wight, Eliza WFT Est. 1832-1858 Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed

Wilcox Husband of the half niece

Wilcox, Sean James January 25, 1988 Half grandnephew

Wilcoxson, Sarah WFT Est. 1627-1650 Wife of the 1st cousin 11 times removed

Willa WFT Est. 881-900 32nd great-grandmother

Willa WFT Est. 904-923 31st great-grandmother

William 1001 28th great-granduncle

William Bef. 1103 Half 25th great-granduncle

William WFT Est. 1104-1124 Husband of the 25th great-grandaunt

William WFT Est. 1108-1152 26th great-granduncle

William 1132 1st cousin 28 times removed

William I 925 31st great-grandfather

William II WFT Est. 935-964 30th great-grandfather

William II WFT Est. 945-964 Half 30th great-granduncle

William III WFT Est. 975-1004 Half 1st cousin 31 times removed

William IV WFT Est. 1028-1060 Husband of the half 1st cousin 28 times removed

Williamson, Kirt H. WFT Est. 1864-1884 Husband of the grandaunt

Williswint 680 37th great-grandmother

Wiltse-Carney, Charles WFT Est. 1836-1871 1st cousin twice removed

Windsor, Martin WFT Est. 1613-1633 Husband of the 1st cousin 10 times removed

Witham-Guckeen, A. J. WFT Est. 1859-1882 1st cousin twice removed

Wood, Nellie Abt. 1887 Wife of the granduncle

Wood, William Abt. 1734 Husband of the 5th great-grandmother

Woodhowsse, Emma WFT Est. 1159-1216 22nd great-grandmother

Woodman Husband of the 1st cousin once removed

Woodward, Eleazer January 08, 1738/39 Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt

Woodward, Huldah June 23, 1765 1st cousin 5 times removed

Woodward, Sarah February 06, 1779 1st cousin 5 times removed

Work, Polly Abt. 1782 Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle

Wulfhilda WFT Est. 1046-1081 Wife of the half 1st cousin 29 times removed

Young, Elizabeth WFT Est. 1687-1714 Wife of the 1st cousin 8 times removed

Young, Rebecca WFT Est. 1673-1696 Wife of the 7th great-granduncle

Young, Susannah WFT Est. 1768-1793 3rd great-grandmother

Zanusk, Esther Ursala January 21, 1806 3rd great-grandmother
