<BGSOUND SRC="/mldodge_52/Precious.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
August 21, 1896 to July 10, 1948
My father, Wilson and me. My father passed away a few months after this picture was taken. My youngest brother was born a few months after his death. Since I was so young when he died, there are no memories of him. However, I am sure that my older sisters have very fond memories of him. He and our mother had eight children. Four sons and four daughters.
March 25, 1911 to October 13, 1985
Edna, my mother, was a very remarkable woman. After the death of her husband, she was left with eight children to raise. She did without so many things in life. Unselfishly giving up many things to care for us. She never remarried. In her words, she did not want another person to rasie her children. Thank you mom for all you have given to me and my brothers and sisters. You have made me the person that I am.
June 4, 1930 to July 30, 1969
Alvin, my oldest brother, was the only father figure that I remember when I was growing up. He taught me to hunt and fish. Activities I still enjoy to this day. To this day, I still remember the great Christmas presents that he gave to me and my younger brother. The first was a set of wind-up cars that he acquired while he was stationed in Germany, second was an electric train set. He was a
cut-up and joked all the time. I guess I learned well from him.
December 14, 1931 to August 31, 1994
Merle, my second oldest brother, was more like a buddy than a brother. There were several years that we worked together and fished together. When I was a teenager we even cruised around together. Even though he was several years older than me, he did not mind a tag-a-long. I remember in my younger years, he was in the Korean Conflict and still took the time to write me letters.
August 2, 1939 to April 12, 1998
Beverly, one of my two youngest ststers, since she has a twin sister. I can remember a few of the trick that twin sisters can play on people. She was more than a sister, she was a play mate. There are so many fond memories of her and her sister that there is not enough room to list them here. But the first that comes to mind, was when they were playing with me and my youngest brother. They were giving us horse back rides. Like all good cowboys, after the ride we put them in a corral and made them eat grass, which they did.
Aspecial thanks to my online sister Barbara for providing the dates.
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