There are over 70 cemeteries, small burial plots and individual burial sites in Payne County, ranging from Stillwater's Fairlawn Cemetery with over 10,000 graves, to several individual and double homestead gravesites. Information on 66 (#57 was unintentionally skipped) of these was compiled and published by Mahlon G. Erickson in 1994. The data was arranged alphabetically by surname. Each entry contains, when known, identification # for the cemetery, last, first and middle names, birth and death dates, and a relationship. Nearly 38,000 people are included in this book. Information came from tombstones, obits, funeral home records, family members and county histories. I also maintained an update from nightly obituaries in Stillwater's NewsPress through 2001.
Copies of the "Payne County OK Cemetery Index" are available for $75 plus $5 for shipping from:
Mahlon Erickson
2205 W. 5th
Stillwater OK 74074
Cemeteries included in the book, by code number, are:
1. Bend Cemetery (east of Ripley)
2. Bethel Cemetery (southeast of Glemcoe)
3. Butler Family Cemetery (Sac and Fox Indian, east of Cushing
4. Church of the Brethren Cemetery (west of Cushing adjacent to Big Creek Church of the Brethren church building)
5. Clarkson Cemetery (north west of Coyle)
6. Clayton Cemetery (south of Mehan, both Black and White Sections)
7. Dunkin Family Cemetery (east of Ripley across the road from the Bend Cemetery)
8. Eberle Cemetery (southeast of Glencoe, also called the Van Sickle Cemetery)
9. Elm Grove Cemetery (southwest of Stillwater)
10. Fairlawn Cemetery (north of Cushing)
11. Fairlawn Cemetery (in Stillwater)
12. German Catholic Cemetery (northeast of Ingalls)
13. Glencoe IOOF Cemetery (south of Glencoe)
14. Glenwood Cemetery (northeast of Perkins)
15. Greenwood Cemetery (southeast of Yale)
16. Harrell Cemetery (southeast edge of Cushing)
17. Hart Cemetery (southeast of Glencoe)
18. Henry Hunter Cemetery (Sac and Fox Indian, southeast of Cushing)
19. Ingalls Cemetery (east of Stillwater, northeast of Ripley)
20. Iowa Indian Cemetery (southeast of Perkins)
21. Knipe Cemetery (southeast edge of Perkins, now part of the Perkins Cemetery)
22. Lanier Cemetery (northwest of Stillwater)
23. Lawson Cemetery (north of Yale)
24. Marena Cemetery (southwest of Stillwater)
25. Mt. Hope Cemetery (north of Ripley)
26. Mt. Vernon Cemetery (southwest of Stillwater)
27. New Zion Cemetery (north of Cushing)
28. Oak Grove Cemetery (northeast of Coyle)>br>
29. Old Lutheran (in extreme northwest corner of Payne County)
30. Old Moore Cemetery (north of Stillwater)
31. Olivet Cemetery (southwest of Perkins)
32. Osborne Cemetery (southeast of Stillwater)
33. Paradise Cemetery (northeast of Coyle)
34. Parotte Cemetery (southeast of Ripley)
35. Perkins Cemetery (southeast edge of Perkins)
36. Progress Cemetery (northeast of Coyle, a Negro Cemetery)
37. Ropley-Oak Park Cemetery (at Ripley)
38. Salem Lutheran Cemetery (west of Stillwater)
39. Silver Star Cemetery (east edge of Cushing)
40. St. Leo's Catholic Cemetery (at southeast edge of Cushing)
41. Sunset Memorial Gardens (south of Stillwater
42. Underwood Cemetery (southeast of Yale)
43. Yates Smith Gravesite (husband and wife graves on northwest sude of Lake Carl Blackwell northwest of Stillwater)
44. Union Cemetery (northwest of Cushing)
45. Euchee Valley Memorial Gardens (east of Cushing)
46. Cunningham Gravesite (1 mile north, 2 miles west of Cushing)
47. Koon Gravesite (southwest of Stillwater)
48. Allison Family Gravesite (south of Stillwater)
49. "On the Smith Place" (2 miles south of Yost Lake)
50. J.B. Brock Homestead Gravesite (southeast edge of Stillwater)
51. U.S. Surveying Corps Graves (south of Perkins)
52. S.R. Dunlap Farm
53. J.B. McDaniel Homestead Graves
54. Stella Reuben Cemetery (Sac and Fox Indian, southeast of Cushing)
55. Mattie Ingalls Cemetery (Sac and Fox Indian, southeast of Cushing)
56. Matilda Givens Cemetery (Sac and Fox Indian, southeast of Cushing)
58. Tiger Family Cemetery (Sac and Fox Indian, northeast of Cushing)
59. Dooley Family Cemetery
60. Adeline Saffe Gravesite (near Perkins?)
61. Mrs. Rheid Gravesite (near Glencoe?)
62. West Stevens Gravesite (near Yale?)
63. Lily Mae Golb gravesite (northwest of Yale)
64. Flor Gravesite (south of Ingalls)
65. Fry Gravesite (near Stillwater)
66. Negro Child Gravesite (near Yale)
67. Adam Sligar Gravesite (southwest side of Stillwater)