~welcome to saraphin's heaven~

angels :)
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january 30, 2003 @ 11:41 pm
another pic...yes i realize updates are slow blah blah blah give me a few years when i'm out of college and have nothing better to do ;)

september 30, 2002 @ 752pm
hahaha...didn't think you'd see me back now, did ya? :) i updated the pics section...with one pic. blah de dah...i promise there will be more :) eventuallie :P hee,hee...anywhos..yes...check out the pics section and you can see a few of the pepl i talk about in my diary all the time (which, btw, is constantly updated unlike the rest of this page) :)

october 27, 2001 @ 140 pm
like *whoa* i updated!! :) j/my profile, but i think that's something...let me tell you..free time like this doesn't come too often, so if i have an update, you reallie need to appreciate it! :) hee,hee..most of my updates are in my diary, but i'll put notice up here if i update anything else :) in the meantime..happie halloween! :)

july 31, 2001 @ 420 pm
it's about time that i update, don't you agree? :) well, i've decided to go through my page again..i'm getting rid of the things that i see no use for, and i'm trying to make things easier to load...i'll also be trying to fix some of the colors, etc. so although you may not notice all the little updates, i AM updating! :)

june 15, 2001 @ 202 pm
check out the poems & stories page for a special class of 2001 tribute...shs seniors graduate in 6 days!!!! (*^-^*)

may 22, 2001 @ 946pm
i finallie scanned in some new pics! :) hee,hee...i'm warning you, though...there's onlie two and i'm in both of 'em. so don't say i didn't warn you when you get nightmares... :)

april 11, 2001 @ 1124pm
ohmigoodness, ya'll will LUV me!! i figured out what was wrong with my scanner and i scanned in THREE NEW PICS!!! woo hoo!! :) hee,hee...*taking a bow* :) anywhos...have fun! :) i'll try and make some new updates, too...i'm going to be taking off all the music files 'cause i realized that it was taking too long for the page to load :) and some other things... :)

april 1, 2001 @ 913am
there's another poem on the poems and stories page...another email that i got from my auntie...and, as always, my diarie is regualarlie updated... :P :) i'm working on updates, don't worrie :)

march 1, 2001 @ 1126pm
i updated the poems and stories page w/an email that i got the other day....it's reallie cute, i'm sure you'll like it :) sorries this page hasn't been updated for a while, i know...but i promise i'll get to it...i usuallie update my diary every few days, so j/take a look at that and keep an eye out for any more updates :)

februarie 24, 2001 @ 145 am
the music page has FINALLIE been updated...sorries that nothing else has been...but i'll get on it as soon as i can...the pics page is going to be updated eventuallie, but my scanner isn't working right now, so you'll have to wait a whiles for that :)

january 5, 2001
*yea* i updated the music page!! :)

january 1, 2001
wow, how exciting! a brand new year...and what better to start off the new year than with an update that has been lacking for 3 months! go ahead and check it out: i've updated the main page, my profile, and the "poems and stories" sections...the rest will come later, hopefullie. happie new year to you all and best wishes for a safe, happie, and healthie 2001.

just another change...i know that my guestbook has been giving many of you problems lately, so i've gotten a new one...you can still view my old dreambook entries here

Sign My Spiritbook Guestbook View My Spiritbook

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