Welcome to my Guestbook!

Roxanne Jenkins - 12/13/00 11:04:05
My Email:cookie@oregontrail.net
I just happened on your site, wow! is all I can say. I gave away a baby girl in 1973;but my dream came true in 8/98, my birthdaughter found me after I put my name in to Catholic Famliy Child Services. It only took 1 week for her to find me. She is beautiful, I was really glad we found each other. She is living 8 miles from my Aunt in Wyoming, and my aunt know her parents quite well, but didn't know she was my daughter. Well I have met her a-parents, and she, and they have met her birth dad. Everything came out wonderful. I hope this story will help birth kids and birth parents alike. Just have faith and you will find each other. Thank-You for having a site like this. I hope everyone looking for their families find each other.

Linda Errico - 12/12/00 14:54:02
My Email:jerrico @bellsouth.net
I thought I had been to your site before but I guess I have not. It is very nice. Now I would love to post my info with you. I am a birthmom looking for my son his date of birth is 12-16-71, born at Broward General Medical Center in Ft.LAUDERDALE Fla. the attorney that handled mine was Helen Tanos Hope the adopted parents used Rubin Liebowitz in NY summer of 72 there is no paper trail to be found in the state of Fla. the little bit of info that I have is what I posted here. This could fall both ways blackm rket and graymarket since there is very little bit of info and paper work. Anyway thank you again for having this site for all of us. hugs Linda Errico

- 12/02/00 06:49:37

Julianne Jaz - 12/02/00 06:49:28
My Email:jazwoman@prodigy.net
I was born in Las Vegas 5/27/53 at Las Vegas Southern Memorial Hospital. Dr. E. Basie Wallace was the doctor; attorney, Calvin Magelby. They were part of an ongoing black market adoption ring that lasted at least 4 years (my younger, not blood related si ter also adopted through this ring). Loretta Bowman was asst. Co. Clerk for Clark County, NV, at the time who was involved, later became County Clerk/Clark County for 30 years. Law partner of Calvin Magelby, Dave Zenoff went on to become Chief Justice o NV State Supreme Court. Have found my family - now interested in finding others who have gone through same adoption ring - 1951 or 52 through approx. July of '58. Appears to have been Mob involvement, at least from what my sister and I have been able t uncover in our own story. Please write if you went through this ring, or know someone who did. THANKS VERY MUCH!!

Julianne Jaz - 12/02/00 06:49:21
My Email:jazwoman@prodigy.net
I was born in Las Vegas 5/27/53 at Las Vegas Southern Memorial Hospital. Dr. E. Basie Wallace was the doctor; attorney, Calvin Magelby. They were part of an ongoing black market adoption ring that lasted at least 4 years (my younger, not blood related si ter also adopted through this ring). Loretta Bowman was asst. Co. Clerk for Clark County, NV, at the time who was involved, later became County Clerk/Clark County for 30 years. Law partner of Calvin Magelby, Dave Zenoff went on to become Chief Justice o NV State Supreme Court. Have found my family - now interested in finding others who have gone through same adoption ring - 1951 or 52 through approx. July of '58. Appears to have been Mob involvement, at least from what my sister and I have been able t uncover in our own story. Please write if you went through this ring, or know someone who did. THANKS VERY MUCH!!

Julianne Jaz - 12/02/00 06:49:13
My Email:jazwoman@prodigy.net
I was born in Las Vegas 5/27/53 at Las Vegas Southern Memorial Hospital. Dr. E. Basie Wallace was the doctor; attorney, Calvin Magelby. They were part of an ongoing black market adoption ring that lasted at least 4 years (my younger, not blood related si ter also adopted through this ring). Loretta Bowman was asst. Co. Clerk for Clark County, NV, at the time who was involved, later became County Clerk/Clark County for 30 years. Law partner of Calvin Magelby, Dave Zenoff went on to become Chief Justice o NV State Supreme Court. Have found my family - now interested in finding others who have gone through same adoption ring - 1951 or 52 through approx. July of '58. Appears to have been Mob involvement, at least from what my sister and I have been able t uncover in our own story. Please write if you went through this ring, or know someone who did. THANKS VERY MUCH!!

D. Lounsbury - 11/29/00 00:20:28
My Email:adl@sympatico.ca
Just found out I was illegally adopted 49 years ago. Wanted to know if there was any way of finding out any further information, as there were no papers or anything.

Adrian Mitchell - 11/27/00 17:37:43
My Email:adrian.mitchell@scotiabank.com
I believe I might have been adopted. My birth certificate states my birth date as being Sept. 13, 1962. I believe from something that was said to me that I have a twin. I also belive that the area of origin would be somewhere in the mid or south western U.S.A.

sandy timmons - 11/05/00 18:59:35
My Email:huntlady @prodigy.net
this is the best web page i ever saw ..

Tina LeBlanc - 10/23/00 17:15:09
My Email:tinytina00@go.com
Eagerly searching for adopted B-brother born APRIL 1970 in NEW BRUNSWICK, CA. (The Moncton Hospital of George Dumont Hospital -- I beleive)Mother was 16 yrs. was a redhead and her name was Susan LEBLANC. Father a LEBLANC

Tina LeBlanc - 10/23/00 17:13:03
My Email:tinytina00@go.com
Eagerly Searching for adopted B-brother born APRIL 1970

jacqueline johnson - 10/23/00 05:13:27
My Email:jsiann@aol.com
unable to put info on the registry. please help

Rhonda Hedgecock - 10/17/00 14:14:30
My Email:rgh40@bellsouth.net
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am becoming frustrated. I have been looking for 5 years. Sincerely a sad sister

Margot Iseman - 10/10/00 21:19:17
My Email:imargot@hotmail.com
I was born in the Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York on May 18, 1949. From what I understand, a lawyer acted as a go between and no agency was involved. I'm interested in any information leading to finding my birth parents or any family members. Please et me know if you can help. Thanks, Margot

Sandy DeHart - 10/07/00 17:16:01
My Email:Xx2sjd@aol.com
This is a fantastic site. I am not adopted.! But thank Heaven there are people out there that help adoptees in finding their loved ones. God Bless and Good Luck to all who search for the right to know.

K. Ballou - 10/05/00 12:24:37
My Email:Katballou1@aol.com
Birthmom ISO son, born Florida, adopted in WhitePlains NY, Born 08/06/73

Patricia ann Sechrest - 10/02/00 04:46:42
My Email:kevinmechell@aol.com
I have asked my adoptive mom about my adoption and all she said to me was my adoptive dad said to her dont ask you wonted a girl and now you have one i know i was adopted but dont know where from i may be one of the children from the willows

Grace Jollimore Chodkowski - 09/22/00 14:49:36
My URL:Birthmom ISO Daughter Born 1965
My Email:Clsyldy129@aol.com
Adoption was finalized in the State of New York Kings County Date of Finalization: February 18, 1966 Attorney who handled adoption Jeffrey J Wallace (above information received from F.A.R.R.) Original Date of Birth: April 1, 1965 POB: South Miami Hospital COB: South Miami, Florida (Dade County-23) My maiden name: Grace Jollimore My date of Birth: December 31, 1940 Your sister, brother, niece and nephews are waiting to welcome you back into our family. If you wish contact Fax 561/753-4419 or E Mail Clsyldy129@aol.com. God Bless you and keep you safe until we make again very soon. LOVE

Grace Jollimore Chodkowski - 09/22/00 14:46:51
My URL:Birthmom ISO Daughter Born 1965

Carol Miller - 09/17/00 20:26:25
My Email:milrzteam@aol.com
I am a 38 y/o female born in 1962 in Iowa. I have recently found out that some of the information on my birthcertificate could be false. If you are searching for someone in this year please e-mail me it might make a big difference to both of us.

Leah - 09/09/00 05:39:18
My Email:leahcdb@aol.com
Wonderful site! I glance through these things to see if I may know anyone and I read them all. My Husband, he was adopted-It has been implied that it was not a legal adoption by his aunt, who will not say anymore. My husband was born in Guadalajara Mex co on May 5, 1962. The name on his citizenship Paper work "Ricardo Jose Hidalgo Anaya Bromley" we have never seen a birth certificate. I believe his Grandmother's or Mother's name is Blanca. The name Blanca Bromley appears on the paperwork, however it s crossed out, yet the paperwork is signed by her. Any Information anyone may have would be helpful.

Cindy H. - 09/06/00 06:51:16
My Email:bigdaddy@cybrzn.com
Thanks for this wonderful site. I have been looking for black market registeries. I have an older sister that I'm trying to locate that we think was part of a ring in Tennessee/Georgia. Good luck to everyone! God Bless.

Karen - 09/01/00 00:22:55
My Email:funnyfarm969@yahoo.com
Looking for brother born 11-04-64 in Atlanta, Ga. Adoption was handled by an attorney, Crenshaw. Birth moms name Nancy Allen

Karen McElroy - 08/29/00 00:31:23
My Email:KarenMack0@aol.com
Hi, I'm 38 years old and was adopted at birth. Thanks. Karen

Peggy - 08/26/00 01:39:34
My Email:tandy_bear@hotmail.com
Hi! You have a great site. I'm trying to help locate a friends child born 08/23, 24, 0r 25/60 at the Methodist Hospital in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Ia. The lawyer that handled the case for her in my opinion wasn't exacatly ethical. He denied before a judge that he had nothing to do with the adoption; when in fact he did. There is documentation to prove otherwise. She has an adopted daughter whose real birthday is in 1958 but, was listed as 1956. Also, we have a friend whose birthcertificate states e was born at a certain hospital in Iowa & had a doctor's name listed. Guess what! The hospital never existed and there never was a doctor by the name on the certificate. So, this makes us wonder what has happened to her child. My friend has Leukemia nd some other major medical problems. Any help someone can give would be appreciated. Thanks! Great site! Keep up the good work. Peggy

Virginia Scott - 08/21/00 22:31:40
My Email:silverdragonVS@netscape.net
Hope someone can help me with my search into my past.

Carol Lee Fisher - 08/21/00 01:37:37
My Email:sasclcretire@aol.com
I beleive that I might be a black market baby as I have an adoption papper with no judge signiture and a lot of funny info. Need help. Was born Sally Anne Smith.

Shirley Stanford - 08/20/00 22:20:45
My Email:SRStanford@aol.com
I have heard that my Oct. 12, 1950, birth mother was Mary Sue or Mary Lue Payne who lived at 2005 7th Ave., Phenix City, AL. Her husband was in Korea at the time I was conceived (he as killed in the war?) and, due to embarrassment and existing 2-3 childre , she was not a candidate for the "mother of the year" award. The obstetrician placed me with loving parents who handled all expenses and, after my birth, my mother left town with her children. I also heard her father owned a Ford or Chevrolet dealership in Phenix City or Columbus, GA. I would love to find my birth mother and any siblings I might have. I had a blessed life, want to cause no harm, have no hard feelings and, from my own experiences, know that we make the best decisions we can given the in ormation we have at the time. My adoptive parents are both deceased, I am an only child(with teeth, a good job and a great sense of humor). I also have a lovely daughter that anyone would be proud to know. It would make me very happy to be able to see nd talk with my mom.....and, I think it would help us both finish a chapter in the book of life. Thanks for listening...Wish me luck!!

Alta - 08/20/00 00:29:15
My Email:caddy7@prodigy.net
Searching for brother placed for adoption born August 11, 1953 in Rochester,NY. Weight: 6 lbs. 6 oz. Name at birth: Baby boy Appleman. Have no adopted name. May have been placed through Monroe Co. dept of Social Services. Birthmother name: Alice Mae Terry Appleman born oct. 23,1922. Irish/Catholic. Children born to this birthmother:1945,1946,1948,1953,1956. Contact alta at caddy7@prodigy.net

Mary Rindahl - 08/16/00 18:32:48
My Email:MaryRindahl@yahoo.com
My own child was born November 25, 1970 in Wheatridge Colorado at the Lutheran Medical Center.He weighed 8lbs.14ozs. and his alleged "body" disappeared from the delivery room, and it as though he never existed. The doctor, Mark Pfenninger of Denver, and t e hospital refuse to take any responsiblity for his disappearance. My son will be 30 years old on November 25th. I will never stop searching for him.

Michael Bryntwick - 08/16/00 11:32:26
My URL:/mabcc.geo/
My Email:mab@qualityservice.com
Thanks for being a link in the chain

Donna Joy - 08/12/00 19:28:31
My Email:PapaBGood
Wonderful web site! I have been searching for my birth father for 29 yrs. and still I have had no luck. Maybe someone can help me? All I know is my fathers' name, his occupation at time of my birth, his birth place. His name is Larwence Frank Joy.

K. Ballou - 08/11/00 22:24:46
My Email:katBallou1@aol.com
I am a birth mother seeking her son, if he would like to have his family history and/or contact. He was born in Sarsota Florida on August 6, 1973, but was wisked away to White Plains NY August 10. His birh certificate said Baby Boy Ballou, but I fear he was give a second birth record in NY. If you read this Baby Boy Ballou, I hope you were given all the love you ever needed, and that is why you are not seeking contact! Love

Patty A Powell - 08/11/00 12:41:51
My Email:Tennessee@kcroyalsfan.com
I was born in 1945 at Eastside hospital in KCMO, records are closedd here, but I do not know how to find out much. Am looking for birth mother with only a few clues and little luck. How does one find out if they were illegally adopted? I was not born of a married couple, or so I am told. Have suspicions about the legality of it all tho.

debby - 08/10/00 13:18:14
My URL:www.angelfire.com/ks/wingwalker/index.html
My Email:cheleycamper@excite.com
Altho I was raised by my birthparents, I think the whole idea of private property/children as commodities stinks! When I feared I might be pregnant back in the early 60's I thought about finding parents for my child... I was never taught about birth control being brought up as a Catholic I worked as a mother's helper in Boulder Colo that summer and saw what it was like to be a single mother trying to raise 3 children They could not afford a phone, lived on white bread, peanut butter and sugar except for Kentucky Fried Chicken on Fridays The mother would ask if I wanted to get paid or could she buy groceries.... I wish I had grown up in an adoptive home! My parents were typical WWII survivors who gave little thought to the long range responsibility of raising a family I was a "boom baby" and think many of my generation experienced a similar "bust" after WWII -end euphoria died down Suddenly my mother who lost her job to returning GIs was stuck in a house by herself everyday and took her resentment out on me... after age 3 or 4 I was emotionally abused and found myself orphaned out of high school I have no remaining family, and think every child should be well planned and prepared for... at least adopted children are usually raised by parents who are doing their job by choice and not accident! Thank you for listening to my story

Charleen Adams - 08/01/00 20:36:53
My Email:charjca@aol.com
baby born 12/14/54. Seattle Wa. Providence hospial Dr. helen Templeton was the attending doctor. We were told the baby was a boy and died the following day.We have a live birth certificate,so legally there has to be a death certificate. According to Wash. state bureau of vital statisics there diffently has never been one filed.We are looking foe any help out there

Charleen Adams - 08/01/00 20:36:49
My Email:charjca@aol.com
baby born 12/14/54. Seattle Wa. Providence hospial Dr. helen Templeton was the attending doctor. We were told the baby was a boy and died the following day.We have a live birth certificate,so legally there has to be a death certificate. According to Wash. state bureau of vital statisics there diffently has never been one filed.We are looking foe any help out there

colleen - 07/30/00 21:55:18
My Email:dhansen12@earthlink.net
ISO male twin half brothers supposedly born on 8/11/1970 in St. Petersburg, Florida; placed up for adoption through CSS in Det. MI. Where are you guys??? I'd love to meet you!

Mary - 07/16/00 19:14:27
My Email:Thes1@aol.com
Great site! One question though, weren't all birth dates changed along with birth certificate numbers to "insure confidentiality" and thereby make it harder to search?

Sue Williams - 07/16/00 18:31:31
My Email:sueinlexington@webtv.net
I'm not sure but my daughter may have beena blacmarket baby. Maybe thats why theres so many secrets. She was born 12/3/69 either in Hollywood or Ft lauderdale Florida. They may evened altered her dob My name at her birth was Susan marie Pohto

mary dodson - 07/05/00 18:34:10
My Email:dpettie@netcarrier.com
twins born 4/22/38 in NC, But adopted in VA.looking for any information possible. Adopted parents also adopted other child one year earlier. LAwyer David J wood handled case

tyne jenna(deborah moomaw) - 07/01/00 15:40:14
My Email:tyne@vcu.org
I'm not sure if my registration went through. I think I've had a twin sister. Please check into it for me. Tell me if or if the registration went through or not.

dede nigh - 06/29/00 16:57:59
My Email:pogo@sedona.net
My husband and I have been searching for several years, trying to find out if there are any possible siblings or family looking for him. Bill was born 9/30/40 in CO. He was placed in the CO. state home for neglected and dependent children, where his ado ted parents were notified via a telegram, stating a 7 week old baby boy was awaiting their approval. This was sent to them in Pueblo on Nov. 23, 1940.Needless to say, they feel in love with him and his brilliant blue eyes. His adoption was finalized in P eble, CO. in May of 1941. His BIRTH Name was ROBERT (BOBBY) Gene KLEIN. His ancestry is suppose to be german and swedish. His parents were said to be quite young. They also were suppose tp be living or working in the mines around RABBIT EARS Pass out ide of Littleton. Bills adopted parents are both deceased. Unfortunately, when Bill had the chance for any info he wanted from his adoptive mom, he declined. Alas, it is now to late. His mom did give us the impression that she had met Bills mom, howev r, we weren't sure if this was true. Bill was raised as an only child. He's a retired policeman full of love and life. We'd appreciate any information that might come our way. Thanks, for having a site such as yours, Bill and Dede Nigh

Peggy - 06/29/00 05:22:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/2074/
My Email:Degal@dol.net

Charleen Adams - 06/22/00 22:09:59
My Email:charjca

laura - 06/15/00 00:46:03
My Email:nyckid135@aol.com
i was born 5-12-70 at baptist hospital - miami, florida. lawyers involved were helen tanos hope and joseph spencer (ny). i have no luck getting any information from anyone. if you can help - please contact me.. thanks.. i have been searching for about 6 yrs

Denise Seymour - 06/14/00 10:41:20
My Email:denise_seymour@hotmail.com.au
My name is Denise and I live in Sydney, Australia. Melanie Haviland and I exchanged Emails most of last year (1999) and in 1998. Melanie sent me photos of herself and her husband Rob and 'the light of her life' her little dog Casey. I had not heard from Melanie for several months and because I was so busy with my studies and family, I thought she would just email when she was ready. I found out today that Melanie has passed away. Can anyone tell me what happened? when she passed away and how? I am deeply saddened by the news and need to find out what happend. Please email me if you know. thank you Denise

Sarhonda - 06/07/00 03:33:32
My URL:http://kellysadoptionsearch.homestead.com/HOME.html
My Email:skn@webcombo.net
I am the best friend of a female adoptee born on 9-15-72 in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Her adoption was handled through Cookson Hills Childrens Home in Kansas, Oklahoma.

Rachel Ryals - 06/01/00 19:46:03
My Email:rachelryals@westquality.com
If you can help me, please let me know! THANK YOU!

Margarett ann - 05/30/00 02:04:00
My Email:kidz5@bellsouth.net

JACQUELINE - 05/28/00 01:56:17
My Email:J DAWGY21

Rev. Jack Sweeley - 05/26/00 13:04:47
My Email:d513adrian@email.msn.com
I am collecting materials for an edited edition titled: "Adoption: The Case for Open Records" to be published by University Press of America in Fall 2000. I have read all the pages on the ring and will include an article on Black Market Babies and black arket practioners.

Sue - 05/23/00 02:35:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/rombergers/main.html
I just wanted to express my admiration for Melanie Haviland and sympathies to her listmembers and family. Melanie and I corresponded privately on some Pennsylvania black market adoptions and she always exhibited a sense of humor and optimism. I know she represented a lot to the folks on her list, and wanted all of them to succeed at their searches. To Melanie- thanks for your selfless support of black market babies, and for your warmth and friendship to us all. You will be missed. Your friend- Sue

Sherri Lightfoot - 05/15/00 02:16:20
My Email:puddles1@shawneelink.net
He who was adopted for what ever reason has a right to know who he is. Where he came from. Is there aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers'or sister's that want to know him. There is an empty place in his heart. Saved for that special someone who will come for ard and say."You are my brother, come meet the rest of YOUR Family. That hole will only then be filled(with JOY and LOVE). Please stop the adoptions that are not needed. If only given the love and support from inside the home, then there would be thousand of children getting to stay with their parents, or at least a family member.

Barbara Seeger - 05/14/00 09:31:06
My Email:bpaintab@pacbell.net
Searching for daughter born 3/27/63 in Augusta, GA, at St. Joseph Hospital. Was taken by county juvenile department. Miss and love you dearly!!!

Hope Waxweiler Fusco - 05/12/00 17:58:31
My Email:Salem1@prodigy.net
Female adoptee searching for any birth family. I was born in Miami, Fl. 6/?/65. Adoption was handled by Helen Tanos Hope. BM was about 20 years old. She stayed in a home for "unwed" mothers (as they used to call them). Any info, please e-mail me. Th nks!!

Victoria - 05/11/00 06:55:22
My Email:bellabambi40@hotmail.com

Kim Booker - 05/09/00 19:07:46
My Email:booker_kim@hotmail.com
I was born January 10th,1970 in Sterlington LA. Dr Jones was the Dr that arranged the adoption. If any one has any information please let me know.

Barbara - 05/02/00 02:42:55
My Email:MayRogler@aol.com
How can I know if my adoption was illegal? It seems like it was. No one was going to tell me I was adopted and they do not want to help me search, but they say they will an never get to it. I can locate only one person with the name they gave me for a bmo her and her birthdate is aprox. 10 years different from what I had been told by the state of NY and my aparents. The state of NY for non-identifing ID only told me she was 20,white, and USA. This was after 18mths of waiting and 75 dollars. I could use som help.

Cynthia L. Bryant - 04/30/00 22:18:20
My Email:cynthiabryant@hom.com
Birth certificates say 3/27/52 Wellington, KS Have reason to believe these facts may not be true. Got a copy of my (real) ha ha certificate says all the same things except mother's name is different, no father listed written in my adopted mother's handwritting. Want the truth some how. Anyone have information about a house run in Kansas in 1952 ,where the woman was jailed that same year for selling babies? Cynthia

Deborah Kenney - 04/29/00 00:49:19
My Email:deboradale@aol.com
I have a N.J. birth cert. issued in 1957 it says my date of birth was 4-5-53 in Glen Ridge N.J. I'm female

Linda Ann Grant - 04/20/00 16:04:57
My Email:SWard@hiwaay.net
if anyone who reads this knows are may be kin to Christine Pickett/ or Robert Grant please e-mail me,i also have health problems and need medical info-

sharon white - 04/15/00 02:04:28
My Email:zb@citrus.infi.net
i gave birth to a baby girl on 5/29/1970 in st petersburg florida

sharon white - 04/15/00 02:03:39
My Email:zb@citrus.infi.net
i gave birth to a baby girl on 5/29/1970 in st petersburg florida

Karla Johnson - 04/14/00 14:49:06
My Email:mjohnson@vail.net
I was born in Indianapolis, Ind. on 4-18-51 (or so birth cert. says). I was supposed to be adopted from the Child Welfare Dept. sometime in 1951 or 1952 but I'm not sure of anything. Mother has selective amnesia and I'm ISO of any birth relatives that may be out there. Please help me if you know anything. Dr. involved was Gail Eldridge.

denise kakacek - 04/10/00 14:23:03
My Email:akakacek@ncn.net
Adoptee born May 1958 possibly the 8th. Florence Chritton Home in Sx City, Iowa. Please email me with any info, ANY. Thank You

Joan Murphy Browning - 04/09/00 17:51:27
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:jbudb@hotmail.com
I was born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1951 and adopted in 1952. Not sure, but think I may have been born at the Willows, since no hospital is listed on my birth certificate. Hope all who are searching have luck this year.

patty mccoy - 03/30/00 20:42:03
My Email:leavemlaughing@email.msn.com
Browsing around and thought of dropping you a good luck message. patty

Line Ponton - 03/26/00 00:45:40
My Email:line_ponton@hotmail.com

Jennifer Vanelli - 03/22/00 20:39:56
My Email:jvan@midsouth.rr.com

Linda Susan Peck Mattix - 03/21/00 18:07:46
My Email:halicethecat@aol.com
I just finished touring the willows it was were i was born ther is no way to describe how i am feeling right now many thanks and stars in your crown to who ever made this site possible for over forty years i have searched for this imfo i have been old to have the sence of idenity i do is strange my mother actually got out of that place with me i have been asked how but she never would talk about it my grandparents adopted me which was bad they colored the way i looked at my mother always which is very sad to releize afyter you are grown my father i am still searching for imfor on even though i beleive he died when i was4 or 5 i feel like i could go on and on but i will stop and not even reread this ttank you so much for this site susie

cristi haiser - 03/19/00 21:32:52
My Email:cristi@clipper.net
i was born july 3, 1954 at queen of angels hospital in los angeles calif. anyone who has a similar story or info they obtained in their search ( hospital info or stats on calif adoptions) would be so appreciated. good luck to all

Alexis Silver - 03/03/00 18:25:49
My Email:Alexissil@juno.com
Great Site!!! Ive been searching forever!!!! I am a black/grey market adoptee ISO birthmother. Born in Atlanta GA in july of 1962 Crawford Long Memorial Hospital. Dr.Harry Crider and Attorney Phillip Slotin were the players. If you have any info please contact me.

KRISTE GRETHER - 02/20/00 10:13:11
My Email:hughes10@internetcds.com

casey - 02/08/00 15:22:34
My Email:KatLea30 22@hotmail.com
always told i was crazy and imagined things-I was awake in delivery room for first birth a boy-than put to sleep. woke up being told i was mistaken had agirl not boy. when i started making a problem was transfered out of there. i was ;young and niave. l oking for twin born 06-05-72 las vegas nevada by one Dr. Sol T. DeLee. Thanks.

Diane Searels - 02/07/00 02:32:31
My Email:searels@alltel.net
Thank you.

Nancy Wahl -Friend - 02/06/00 05:41:12
My Email:sainteriorsasid@yahoo.com
Nancy Wahl was born in 1950 at the Willows and adopted in 1951. She is a blessing to all those around her. Need assistance in researching the circumstances of her birth. Please help!

Carla Hlobick - 01/29/00 23:24:05
My Email:chlobick@aol.com
I think this is a wonderful site and I hope that it helps alot of people find out who they are.

Jay Edwards - 01/26/00 00:10:56
My Email:JayMick67@hotmail.com
Would like to talk/write with someone who has information about the Willows. I born there in 2/21/47. Looking for bmom info, information about Stewart's Lab.?? Have non-ID information. Looking for someone who might have more insight into looking up th past. Jay

Jerry Twaddle - 12/17/99 11:02:19
My Email:bengal@myway.com
I was born 04/19/58 or close to that date in Columbus, OH.. My birth mothers first name is "Bertha". My father is Robert Twaddle. My rearing mother was Dorothy Sexton. I am suppose to have bothers and sisters.

Kelly Haas - 11/16/99 03:40:19
My Email:Wbillhaas@cs.com
I am a female adoptee born 12/25/68 Bergen Mercy Hospital in Omaha, NE. I don't have a lot of info to go on. My only dream is to find my bmom/bdad/bfamily. Please let me know if you have any info.

Ruth - 11/10/99 22:23:17
My Email:RAWAL48@aol.com
Cee Cee, You have a wonderful site. Took me this long to get to it. It is so informative. Sorry about your mom. I do hope it was good news you found.

Frankie Anne Forgaard - 11/04/99 22:19:54
My Email:fforgaard@hotmail.com
I was born at the Ideal Maternity Home on November 2/43. My birth name was Frances Anne Carr and from the Privacy and Information Act, it would appear that my mother was one Hazel Carr. To date I have had no success at locating anyone. Do you have any ide s that I might not have already prusued? Thank you for any information that you could offer.

Jerry E. Lew - 10/09/99 22:28:36
Thank you so much for this web page. I just recently found out that I was a Cole Baby. Born on June 22, 1957(or around there), in Miami. The search has ended, but hopefully just begun. Mom if you are out there, I want to know you. I have no hard feeli gs, I feel you had no choice. I am 6-4, slender, dark hair, blue eyes, music moves me.

Lisa - 10/05/99 13:42:00
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/hrsewmn4/myhomepage/index.html
My Email:hrsewmn4@aol.com
Hello!! This site made me cry! I didn't fully understand just how things like this could happen. It really wakes you up to the cruel reality of life. Anyway, I am a female adoptee ISO birth family. I was born 12/13/63 in Princeton, Illinois. Perry Memoria Hospital, with Dr. Poppins as the attending physician. As with alot of you I have nothing else to go on. No records anywhere. My adopted parents don't have one paper or record accept and amended Birth certificate. If anyone knows anything please email me at the above address!! Thanks, and Good luck in all of your searches. May we all find peace someday.

Suellen Croy - 10/02/99 14:34:04
My Email:yesjesus@usit.net
Can anyone help me? I can't find any info on my birthfamily. I was born 12/15/49 in Jacksonville Florida. I was placed in three days, adopted in eight. Grew up in Mississippi. My birthname was Suellen Croy, my adopted parents changed it. Can anyone elp me? Florida won't release ANYTHING to me. What else can I do? Please email me. Thank you and God bless.

LANGSTON - 09/22/99 20:21:08
My Email:langston@paducah.com
I am trying to e-mail Peggy back with information she requested however pairiebaby.htm will not connect from my site to hers. please e-mail me correct e-mail address

Connie Danner - 09/18/99 20:41:27
My Email:cjd51@webtv.net
Searching for Birthmother Elizabeth June Nusz. My Birthname was Vivian Elizabeth Nusz. I was born July 28, 1947. Adopted in Frederick, Md. Aug.16,1949. If you or any family member is out there please e-mail at; cjd51@webtv.net Wa ting anxiously, Connie (Vivian)

sharon - 09/18/99 19:24:48
My Email:luv2read@bellsouth.net
I believe I may have been stolen. I can not get a birth certificate as the state says one is not on file. I am a female born Mar 5, 1953 in Hammond, In at St. Margarets Hospital. The doctor was murray stastic & the lawyer was george kohl. My birth parents are John & Connie Brezinski (notpositive on sp lling of last name). Any help would be appreciated if you know of anyone who knows me or is looking for me.

Diane Faulk - 09/11/99 22:40:05
My Email:BlonDi3802@aol.com

Debby O'Connor - 09/06/99 20:34:53
My Email:newell3@sainet.net
I am a female, born 4/17/47, searching for birthparents and/or siblings. I have leukemia and may need a bone marrow transplant soon. Birthmother was a 21 year old Presbyterian secretary and birthfather was a 27 year old v-p of his fathers company. I wa born at the Willows in Kansas City, Mo. My adoptive parents were Noel and Frances Baker of Joliet, Il and they died not knowing I am Ill and searching for birth relatives. I am any only child and have no older relatives, who can tell me about my adopti n. I don't know if I was adopted legally or through the black market. Any information, I may receive will be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Elizabeth Payne - 09/06/99 01:38:41
In 1931 my grandfather was stolen from his birth parents who lived in Lexington, KY, and was sold on the black market to a couple from Memphis, TN. The only information we have is that his name was John Joseph McGowan, he was born April 22, 1931 in Lexington, KY.

SANDRA TIMMONS - 08/22/99 22:28:09

sherry shelby - 08/07/99 21:47:29
My Email:engteach08
Great site and I wish luck to everyone searching, especially to those like me who feel it is hopeless.I am searching for birth mother/siblings. I am a female born April 2,1950, in Texarkana, Texas. I am fairly certain that I was a Hightower baby. My birth mother is listed as Juanita Ewing, which could be a false name. My adoptive parents' names were Arthur and Edra Kruse. Dr. Williams was involved in the adoption.I recently lost both of my adoptive parents, and have become interested in knowing who I am an also some medical history. Having 4 children of my own with some medical problems that obviously came from my side of the family,has made me even more concerned. If you have any information concerning this adoption, please e-mail me at Engteach08.

Keri - 08/04/99 18:43:16
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/bookitty62/page/index.htm
My Email:Bookitty62@aol.com
This site is really good! I have been stuck here for DAYS just going from link to link. I have added this site to my page in the hopes that more people will become aware of what has, and what may still be happening to some of our children. Keri

asearchers haven - 08/01/99 19:17:41
My URL:http://home.infospace.com/ash15

vicki withrow - 07/29/99 18:31:27
My Email:bretvic@netpluscom.com
thank you for having a site like this. family is really important. i have hopes with your help of finding my nieces. i don't have money, but spend all my time searching with no luck. i love them and miss them very much. just please help me to find an ddress so i can send them a card or something. please help dry my tears of pain and worry.

Paul - 07/27/99 17:57:24
Great registry!

Leona Blancke - 06/16/99 23:45:03
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com/kermit/105/
My Email:LBlancke
Hello I'm a Reunited Adoptee I have found 6 of 9 siblings and now take care of bmom. I invite any and all to Please visit our site. It's called Leona & Ron's Parent Support & Adoption RelatedPage. http://millennium.fortunecity.com/kermit/105/ The reason I am visiting your site is I'm Hoping you might be able to answer some ?s for me. My sister inlaw was supposedly Adopted by my Husbands Parents at birth in New York yet she has never seen anything proving this and when she turned 18 she sent for her birth certificate and it was not an ammended one it was the original!! She is Afraid that she may have been stolen not Adopted she even had to get her drivers license and Social Security in her Birth name! Please if you could or know someone who could help us it would be greatly appreciated.

James Beard - 06/12/99 12:24:01
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~christalone1/index.html
My Email:jbpro2@webtv.net
Nice site! I have friend finders on My homepage!

Melanie Haviland - 06/08/99 01:25:24
My URL:/Heartland/Fields/9298/Colebaby.html
My Email:Colebaby3@hotmail.com
Thank you for having this wonderful registry for us black market adoptees. 11-9-54 Miami, Fl. ISO birth family. Adopted through Katherine M. Cole, Ruby Sutera, and The Suarez Clinic. Need medical history. No records can be found. If you have any information on my birth, or the birth of any of the other Cole babies searching, please contact me, or visit our registry. You are our only hope for a match.

Melanie Haviland - 06/05/99 14:01:35
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9298/Colebaby.html
My Email:Colebaby3@hotmail.com
Thank you for having this wonderful registry. 11-9-54 Miami, Fl. ISO birth family. Adopted through Katherine M. Cole, Ruby Sutera, and The Suarez Clinic. Need medical history. No records can be found. If you have any information on my birth, or the birth of any of the other Cole babies searching, please contact me, or visit our registry. You are our only hope for a match.

Melanie Haviland - 06/04/99 14:26:33
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9298/Colebaby.html
My Email:Colebaby3@hotmail.com
Black market adoptee "Cole Baby" 11-9-54 Mimai, Florida. Adopted through Katherine M. Cole, Ruby Sutera, and The Suarez clinic. ISO birth family. Need medical history. Thanks so much for having a place for us black market adoptees to register.

Pocos Coppedge - 05/11/99 16:02:40
I was a child who was taken from my people when I was very young. I was part of the black market scam. Now I am trying to find my people. The one problem is that the lady who took me from my people only told me my name and were I am from. I need your help to find my people. If anyone can help me find my people please send a letter to 10620 Brooks LN. Apt A8 Chicago Ridge,IL, 60415. Thank you for your help. Pocos

StandingOne - 04/07/99 01:59:36
My URL:http://www.adoptiontriad.org
My Email:standingone@adoptiontriad.org
Hi! Youve done a wonderful job here, would like to bring your attention to the link for our registry it should be www.adoptiontriad.org/registry.htm, would welcome you in our chat rooms some time. hope to see you there, StandingOne

Debbie - 03/08/99 10:14:47
My Email:BDavey1166@aol.com

Stacy - 03/05/99 03:09:38
My Email:Adoptee@dol.net
Susan it looks great and I wish you the best of luck with it.

Joan Etcovitch - 03/01/99 22:04:25
My Email:joan@tecsys.com
Just reading the title of your page stirs up pain and longing

Sharon Baumgardner - 02/26/99 16:23:12
My Email:s.baumgardner@albany.edu
I was born 03/21/51 at 12:42 am at Springer Private Hospital, Town of Union, NY. Given the birthname of Wilma Elaine Bowers. Am looking for birthmother/siblings - also very interested in hearing from others born at Springer or even birthmoms from Springer.

Pauline - 02/08/99 07:34:00
My Email:PRowe74527@aol.com
I have been trying to help my husband and brother-in-law find their sister. We have very little to go on. We believe her birth name was Frances Rowe born, S. California, between 1943 & 1951 Mother's name was Allie Cheary or Long & father was Adkins.

Teena Friend - 02/07/99 00:39:39
My Email:teenajhu@aol.com
Mom, I just visited your site and I think it is beautiful. Remember that I love you very much and you always have my support. Love, Teena

Dave Dee - 01/19/99 22:20:01
Nice site keep up the good work

Denise - 01/05/99 03:55:21
My Email:www.ozbod2000@hotmail.com
For the searching and heartache to stop, adoption has to be stopped! In Sydney, Australia hearings are presently being conducted into the legal and ethical practices of adoption - stealing other peoples babies. If you want to access their site, the addr ss is: sociss@parliament.nsw.gov.au America needs a campaign run through an organisation like we have here in Australia, to make these people accountable for their actions in stealing our babies for adoption. You can contact the Origins organisation in Australia on: http://www.angelfire.com/de/lilyorigins Find out how angry we are!

Joe Shaw (Birthname) - 01/03/99 06:47:19
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/4760/
My Email:Sager111@lonet.ca
You have done such a wonderful job on this site..this should be a great assistance..thanks so much for sharing...the best to you & yours..Ron

Marie Lassiter - 01/03/99 03:55:42
My Email:grmateri@alo,com
Bm Betty/Virginia Lassiter dob 8.29.42 Middletown De, Dr. niles Present name Terri Seidler

Roberta Pauline Tyre - 01/03/99 00:23:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/2968
My Email:paulinet@n-jcenter.com
Thank you for your homepage .. I am searching for my sister. she was born March 29,1946 8lbs. Jacksonville,Florida .Dr.Weathers told my mother the girl died and later he went to Raiford Prison for Blackmarket babies... I pray some day soon I find her...If anyone has any ifo on this please get in touch with me.. thank you ,Pauline

Melanie Haviland - 01/02/99 23:20:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9298/Colebaby.html
My Email:melrob@banet.net
Thank you so much, Peggy, for putting up this great site for all of us. It will be a great source of information for those who are searching, and for the education of the general public.

Suzanne Armetta - 01/01/99 21:36:48
My Email:Buckki@aol.com
Great job Peggy!!! I wish those searching all the best of luck... and those reconnected love and peace for the New Year

Suzanne Burns - 01/01/99 14:57:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/mylostangels/index.html
My Email:samsams@auracom.com
Good Idea!!! Great site. I'm a fellow "Sunflower" ISO bson 7/27/70.

peggy B. - 01/01/99 03:33:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4392/
My Email:Degal@dol.net
Happy New Year! I hope that each of you searching will find what you are looking for this year. I wish you good heath and heaps of blessings! Peggy- Delaware Reunion Registry

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