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Black market adoption and the sale of children.

Types Of Adoption:

Agency adoption -a state licensed adoption agency acts as an intermediary between the childs natural mother and the adoptive parents.. The agency is responsible for the careful screening of all prospective adoptive parents who apply for the services.

Independent adoption -This is sometimes referred to as "gray market" (private adoption). The adoption is arranged by either the childs biological mother or a middle person such as her doctor, or an attorney. Technically the costs to an adoptive couple will entail only the biological mothers medical expenses, which should be thoroughly documented by itemized bills, as well as a reasonable fee paid to the attorney.
Technically, gray market is legal. Although its against the law to buy or sell a baby or any human being, the matter of fee's for adoption remains a hazy area. Therefore in a gray market adoption, if the attorney involved collects only a reasonable fee for services in arranging the adoption and nothing more, he or she is acting within the law. Paying expenses is legal; buying babies is not.

The difference is this:
Black Market Adoption -An independent third party negotiates the childs exchange between the biological mother and the adoptive parents. However, in black market adoptions the costs to the adoptive parents can be astronomical.
In black market adoption desirable couples are not sought to provide homes for unwanted babies, but rather couples fervently search for desirable babies.
The important difference is that in agency adoption the state- licensed organization specifically chooses the parents while in black market adoption, the adoptives parents pick and purchase the child.
Black Market Adoption and the Sale of Children
Elaine Landau

• It is important to note that many birth certificates of black market adoptees have been falsified.
The original birth certificate may have the adoptive parents listed as the biological parents. 
In legal adoptions there are 2 birth certificates issued: 
•An original birth certificate listing the biological parents and after adoption, an amended birth certifcate.
•This amended certificate shows the adoptive parents as the parents. All other pertinent information remains the same.

Every effort is made to insure that all information at this site is accurate and documented. Where doctors names are used is purely for identification. It does not mean that they have participated in black market adoption or any illegal activity. Many times the only information an adoptee and birthparent may know is the name of the delivering doctor and date of birth.
Other additions to this site is where it is known and documented that
adoption records have been destroyed, burned or thrown away.
Examples are: The Willows (some records were piled up and burned-not all.)
Helen Tanos Hope adoptions - adoption records were found in a dumpster.
The listing of Helen Tanos Hope adoptees/birthparents is for the convenience of the adoptees/birthparents-to aid them in finding each other.
If you have any questions, please e-mail: prairiebaby.

        Black Market Adoptee's Registry 


Registry Owner
S. Durham

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