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Quotes for Inspiration

"The quality of mercy is not strained;
it dropeth as the gentle
rain from heaven;
upon the place beneath;
it is twice blessed;
it blesseth him that giveth
and him that takes."

---William Shakespeare---

"Agape is understanding, creative,
redemptive goodwill toward
all men.  Agape is an overflowing
love which seeks nothing in return.
Theologians would say that
it is the love of God operating in
the human heart.  When you rise
to love on this level, you love
all men not because you
like them, not because their
ways appeal to you,
but you love them because
God loves them."

---Martin Luther King, Jr.

"If there is any kindness I can
show, or any good thing
I can do to any fellow
being, let me do it now,
and not deter or neglect it,
as I shall not pass
this way again."

---William Penn---

"We do not remember days,
we remember moments."

---Casare Pavese---

"Put your heart, mind,
intellect and soul even
to your smallest acts.
This is the secret
of success."

---Swami Sivanada---

"The pursuit of life is a
life of purpose."

---Robert Byrne---

"Let us not be satisfied with
just giving money.
Money is not enough,
money can be got,
but they need your hearts
to love them.  So, spread
your love everywhere
you go."

---Mother Teresa---

"To receive everything,
one must open one's
hands and give."

---Taisen Deshimaru---

"It is one of the most
beautiful compensations
of life that no man can
sincerely try to help
another without
helping himself."

---Ralph Waldo Emerson---

"I keep my ideals,
because in spite of
everything I still
believe that people are
really good at heart."

---Anne Frank---

These quotes were taken
from "Random Acts of
printed by Conari Press.

If you have quotes
you'd like to see here,
e-mail me at

If you'd like to submit
quotes to Conari Press,
send them to:

Conari Press
1144 65th St., Suite B
Emeryville, CA 94608

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