Jenna Nicole
November 16, 1999
My silly girl!!
Jenna started doing K4 at home this year. Her "school day" includes listening to me read aloud from chapter books like "Stuart Little", "The Boxcar Children" and "Sarah, Plain and Tall". She writes in her journal and draws a picture for me everyday. At the end of the year we will have the journal bound at the printers and keep it forever! She does math out of her new workbook and she is learning phonics with phonics songs.
Jenna's first story -
Jenna dictated this story to me a couple months back (around October, 2003). We were talking about the letter B and the verse in Galatians 6:2 about "bearing one anothers burdens".
One day Little Bear was lying on a blanket when she was run over by the vacuum. She hurt her arm and her leg. Big Bear carried her to the couch and brought her a Band-Aid and a lollipop.
Click on any photo to see a larger image!
Story Land - August 2003
Old Orchard Beach - August 2003
2000 Pictures
2002 Pictures
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