Samantha McCain 

Updated 11/12/05

Hello there
My name is Samantha.
If you have found me, you probably know my story. But if you don't, I will give you the condensed version so you can spend more time just looking at pictures. I was born on March 1, 1997 in Central CA. At one day old I decided to let my parents know about my secret. My breathing got really bad so I was transfered to Children's Hospital in Oakland. There I was quickly diagnosed by my cardiologist Dr. Saba, with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. My parents were given "The Three Options" (Compasionate Care, Transplant, Norwood)and decided on the Norwood. Dr. Young performed the Norwood the next day. And in a couple of weeks I got to go home. The only real problem after that was the feeding thing. I really did not feel much like eating, so I got my "noodle", some people call it an ng tube. I did not like it much, but got used to it so I kept it for 6 months. Then I had my Glenn by Dr. Hanley. I was about 9 months old then. And in 5 days I was back home. 

I am happy to say that my third (and last I hope) surgery the Fontan was completed by Dr. Hanley on April 30th.  Thank you Dr. Hanley, Dr. Saba and the many other doctors and nurses that took such great care of me.  I spent 10 days at Children's Hospital, and I was very happy to come home!

Here is something I am very proud of. The Western AffiliateWestern Affiliate of the American Heart Association has chosen my photo for their 2000 annual report. Pretty cool, huh?

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