Springfield High School |
January Class 1935 |
Abele, Joseph |
Free, Elwood |
Porter, Richard |
Albin, Richard |
Freeman, Benjamin |
Rafferty, Robert |
Alexander, Lloyd M. |
Gaier, Roger |
Reagle, Florence |
Anderson, Dorothy |
Green, Paul |
Reck, Forest |
Ashley, Helen |
Grimes, Stephen |
Reedy, Luther |
Athy, Wilma |
Groff, Christine |
Remsberg, Fred |
Barcelona, Joe |
Gunderman, Horace |
Rhine, Margaret |
Barker, Maxine |
Hammann, Caroline |
Richards, Wayne |
Barnhart, Frank |
Hatfield, Merle |
Roof, Lamar |
Baumgardner, Nadine |
Hixon, Phyllis |
Rousch, Richard |
Black, Horton |
Hoffman, Juanita |
Shaefer, Lawrence |
Blackwell, Edmund |
Hohlmayer, Paul |
Sharp, Louise |
Bodell, Beverly |
Holloway, Mary Alice |
Sharp, Marie |
Boehme, Gordon |
Houseman, Roger |
Sheets, Horace |
Booker, Paul |
Jacobs, Florence |
Shepherd, Edwin |
Bull, Mary |
January, Naomi |
Sherred, Martha |
Burns, Richard |
Johnson, Clarence |
Sloan, Gordon |
Bush, Robert |
Johnson, Noah |
Smith, Lelia |
Carey, Doris Allen |
Jones, Kenneth |
Smith, Ray |
Chesnut, Delcie |
King, Barnville |
Snook, Eileen |
Ciaverella, Anna |
King, Thelma |
Snow, Larned |
Cochenour, George |
Klein, Sylvia |
Snyder, Martha |
Colaw, Waneta |
Kundert, Regina |
Spayth, Eugene |
Coneby, Jack |
Lease, Barney |
Spayth, Maxine |
Cotter, Richard |
Leonard, Linwood |
Speasmaker, Herbert |
Creamer, Dorothy |
Linkenhoker, Chester |
Stanton, Lavonda |
Crompton, Thomas |
Maphis, Opal |
Stevens, Don |
Cromwell, James |
Maurer, Carl |
Stoops, Arthur |
Cundiff, Stanley |
McCauley, Robert |
Sutermaster, George |
Cunningham, Catherine |
McCollum, Marjorie |
Sutton, Miriam |
D'Antuono, Lewis |
McCulloh, Mary Louise |
Swords, Mary |
Davidson, Anna Mary |
McIntire, Clarence |
Taylor, Dale |
Deaton, Kathryn |
McIntire, Lawrence |
Thomas, Douglas |
Duane, Victor |
McKillip, Lucille |
Trout, Julia Ann |
Eddy, John Harvey |
McMorris, Mary Louise |
Turner, Jessie |
Eichman, Paul |
McPherson, Grace |
Washburn, Kenneth |
Evans, Margaret |
Meiser, Richard |
Wells, Boyd |
Fenlon, Kathryn |
Mitchell, Lucile |
Wheeler, Wayne |
Fielder, Mary |
Montgomery, Reba |
Wiant, Robert |
Finfrock, Betty |
Morris, Earl |
Wollam, Shirley |
Fisher, Marie |
Myers, Virginia |
Wright, Virginia |
Floyd, Dorothy Anna |
Organ, Helen |
Young, Janice |
Owens, William |
Adrian, Melvin |
Grant, Alice |
Neff, Geneva |
Anderson, Dorsel |
Gray, William |
Noel, Aileen |
Armstrong, Eugene |
Gregory, Marina |
Norman, Gertrude |
Atchison, Helen |
Griffin, Luna |
O'Connor, John |
Austin, Alberta |
Griffin, Rosemary |
Oesterle, Donna Lou |
Bahm, Mary |
Groner, Betty |
Osborn, Frank |
Baker, Dorothy |
Grote, Dorothy |
Pancake, Martha |
Baker, Zelma |
Grube, Marian |
Park, Raiph |
Ballentine, Ann |
Guyton, Alberta |
Patrick, Clayton |
Barclay, William |
Haas, Damaris |
Paul, Warren |
Bass, Martha Betty |
Hale, George |
Peck, Alice |
Baungardner, Ed |
Haley, Thelma |
Peiffer, Martha |
Bayley, Robert |
Hamilton, Stella |
Perrin, Littleton |
Beckett, Robert |
Harkins, Arthur L. |
Pershing, Jack |
Bell, Delphine E. |
Harris, Arthur |
Petrausky, Anthony |
Bell, James |
Harris, Marvin |
Petticrew, Jean |
Bell, Janet |
Hartman, Claude |
Phipps, Jessie |
Bell, John |
Hartman, Josephine |
Pierce, Vernen |
Benedict, Robert |
Haskins, Rodney |
Pope, Willard |
Bennett, Rita |
Hauff, Lamar |
Powell, James |
Bevis, Lauramary |
Hawley, Ruth E. |
Pullen, Hope |
Black, Adelaide |
Haynes, Elizabeth |
Rankin, Bonnie |
Black, Ralph |
Heck, Joe |
Recknagle, Paul |
Blackburn, Hilliard |
Heeg, Mary |
Redman, Thelma |
Blue, Edwin |
Heide, Alice |
Reed, Garnet |
Blumenschein, Jeane |
Henderson, Thomas |
Reeder, Edson |
Booghier, Lawrence |
Henery, Bette |
Rehl, Robert |
Bowman, Harry |
Hennig, Richard |
Reynolds, Louise |
Bradhurst, James |
Henson, Arthur |
Richardson, Harold |
Brautigam, Hila |
Heritage, Lucille |
Rider, Lucille |
Brickman, William |
Herman, June |
Ridge, Mary Jane |
Briem, Mary |
Hicks, Naomi |
Ridgely, Dick |
Bright, Harry |
Hinkle, Roger |
Riley, Roberta |
Bright, Robert |
Hoak, Myron |
Rizer, Benjamin C. |
Brinsley, William |
Hoffman, Robert |
Rizer, Callie E. |
Browning, William |
Holl, Frederick |
Robson, Dale |
Brubaker, Edison |
Holl, Thelma |
Roehll, Edward |
Brumfield, Nellie |
Holwick, Russell |
Roeth, Edwin B. |
Bryan, John |
House, Roy |
Rohm, Helen |
Buell, Raymond |
Hudson, Laverne |
Ross, Dorothy |
Burke, Sally |
Huffenberger, Elmo |
Roush, Mac |
Butcher, Robert |
Hughes, Martha |
Routzahn, Donald |
Byrd, William |
Hughey, Marguerite |
Rubinoff, Ida |
Campbell, Hazel |
Hunt, Marjorie |
Rudolph, Helen |
Candaday, Mozella |
Hunter, John |
Runkle, Vivian |
Cannon, Jessie |
Hupman, Carl |
Rust, Verne |
Cappelli, Nick |
Hyser, Alice |
Samuelson, Don |
Carter, Anne |
Isley, William |
Schaefer, Frederick |
Cassady, Betty |
James, Geraldine |
Schlotterbeck, Wilmer |
Castle, Harriett |
Jenkins, Genevieve |
Schmittauer, William |
Chase, Donna |
Johnson, Beatrice |
Seaman, Susan |
Clark, Ethel |
Jones, Claribel |
Seeley, Dorothy Ann |
Closey, William |
Jones, Virginia |
Sewell, Charles |
Collette, Thomas |
Keith, Jack |
Shamhart, Nola |
Collier, Herbert |
Kelly, Edward |
Shank, Jean |
Colliver, Madeline |
Kemp, Corrine |
Shannon, Frank |
Combs, Leota |
Kincaide, Elizabeth |
Shelby, Harry |
Compton, Margaret |
King, Fred D. |
Short, Virginia |
Conover, Kathlea |
Kirchwehm, Timothy |
Shuman, Janet |
Cooke, Alice |
Kirkwood, Cliff |
Shupp, Mary |
Cooke, Elmer W. |
Kiser, Mary Jeannette |
Sise, Donna |
Cooley, Robert |
Knox, Avonelle |
Slagle, Charles |
Cooper, Lenora |
Kohl, Richard |
Slaughter, Kathryn |
Corley, Robert |
Kohl, Robert |
Smith, Kathryn |
Cramblett, Frances |
Kramer, June |
Smith, Leonard |
Crist, Julia Ann |
Krouse, Michael |
Snow, Bert |
Cross, Harriett |
Kruft, Martha |
Sondergelt, Donald |
Crowell, Mauricette |
Leach, Norman |
Speakman, Vera |
Daniel, Glenn |
Leigh, Alice E. |
Spencer, Alice |
Davis, Lucille |
Levi, Geneva |
Spencer, Betty |
Day, Glenn |
Levine, Thelma |
Stabner, Jack |
Deane, Harold |
Lewis, Elizabeth |
Stalnaker, Carl |
Diehl, Arlette |
Lieb, Alice |
Stein, Alfred |
Dirlam, Harold |
Lieb, Alta |
Stephens, Virginia |
Dowden, Evelyn |
Lloyd, Frances |
Stevenson, Mildred |
Dredge, Howard |
Lockman, William |
Stitts, Curtis |
Duckett, Hazel |
Loe, Eugene |
Stone, Betty |
Dudley, Clifford |
Lotton, Betty Lou |
Stoops, Helen |
Duggan, Ruth |
Lunsford, Albert |
Studevant, Hulda |
Duncan, Ralph |
Lyles, Naomi |
Suggs, Mary Frances |
Dykstra, Florence |
Lyman, Robert |
Sutton, Maragaret |
Eakins, Marjorie |
Mack, Arthur |
Swigert, Robert |
Earle, Harold |
Manning, Betty |
Thomas, Evalyn |
Eastman, Robert |
Marion, Annette |
Thomas, Lois |
Ebright, Ruth |
Marshal, Norman |
Titus, David |
Elder, Nancy E. |
Martin, Frances |
Toews, Janeanna |
Elliott, Charles |
Martineau, Robert |
Truman, Phyllis |
Elliott, Enid |
Mason, Kenneth |
Tuttle, Leigh |
Ervin, Wren |
Mathias, David |
Underwood, Mary Jane |
Espich, Gayle |
Maute, Clara |
Uptegraph, Louise |
Estep, Glenn |
Maynard, Camilla |
Vance, Calista |
Evans, Forrest |
McCain, Hazel |
Vlahos, John L. |
Faudree, Gordon |
McCollum, Thelma |
Voris, Robert |
Fenton, Don |
McKinney, William |
Vrablic, Ann |
Field, Ellen |
McKinney, Wm. |
Walker, Elizabeth |
Filson, Verdia |
McPherson, Marie |
Weadon, Martha |
Fissel, Virginia |
Meinberg, Ralph |
Weast, Audrey |
Follrath, Carmilita |
Melson, Reba |
Wells, Louise Amelia |
Ford, Betty |
Miller, Robert D. |
Westmoreland, Jewel |
Foster, Philip |
Miller, Robert H. |
White, Ineas |
Fox, Glendon |
Miller, Shirley |
Wiant, Lois E. |
Fraley, Gladys |
Miller, Theda |
Willoughby, Addabelle |
Frock, Catherine |
Milligan, Margaret |
Wilson, Ruth |
Frye, Richard |
Mincks, Clarine |
Winkler, Eleanor |
Fulmer, Martha |
Minear, Martha |
Winwood, George |
Fulton, Joe |
Mines, Mildred |
Witherspoon, Verner |
Gardner, Anne |
Moore, George |
Wolcott, Martha |
Garrity, Charles |
Moore, Lorine |
Wurtzbacher, Kenneth |
Gavey, Iva |
Moore, Louise |
Xander, Gordon |
Glick, Jane |
Moorman, Paul |
Yates, Georgianna |
Goddard, Betty |
Morris, Phillip |
Young, Bertha |
Gonser, Pauline |
Morrison, Robert |
Young, Opal |
Gordon, Marie |
Murphy, Martha |
Zahm, Sarah |
Gordon, Mary |
Myers, Mary |
Zimmerman, Robert |
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Dorene Carse
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