Welcome to my Weight Watchers Pages

I decided to add these pages to my site in the hopes it might encourage even one person on their own journey. This isn't easy to share. These pictures are real and harsh. It's hard to find a picture that shows how fat I really was! I don't usually save those! :o)

I haven't always been fat. I started out 5 pounds 13 ounces!

I was actually pretty thin until puberty set in. Then I became "chubby" or "big boned". I wasn't fat until I had two babies back to back and settled into my role as a housewife and mother. I got comfortable and my weight ballooned up to an all time high of 276 pounds. I'm tall so I carried it better than if I were 5'2" *lol* but I was still fat.

I don't consider myself a professional dieter by any means. I haven't tried every diet under the sun. I really only tried to lose weight once. I lost and gained 40 pounds "Stopping the Insanity" :o)  I was actually comfortable with my weight, or thought I was.

I think it was when I turned 30. I decided I wasn't happy with my weight after all and wanted to do something about it. I joined Weight Watchers before but I didn't stick with the program that time. I guess I wasn't ready.

Over the next few years my weight stayed right around 265 pounds. I wasn't unhealthy but it was more than I wanted to carry. I joined weight watchers again but again I didn't follow through with the program. I was finally ready In December, 2001. I made the commitment to myself and this is what I'm doing for the rest of my life:

I follow the Weight Watchers program.  I don't go off program at all. It's not expecting perfection or anything. I've just decided this is what I'm doing. Before when I'd go off program I'd feel AWFUL - physically and mentally. Besides, I'm paying for it!! :o)

That means I journal every bite. I attend weekly meetings, I try to drink at least 66 oz. of water a day and I reach out for support when I need it!

I work out 6 days a week. It's my salvation. I joke and say I do it for what it does for my head. What it does for my butt is a bonus! :o)

Working from home with small children I don't get a lot of exercise. Oh I'm active all right but it's not heart pounding cardio stuff. That's what I need to burn this fat!

I try to play racquetball a few times a week and I LOVE step aerobics! I got twice a week and then fill in the rest of the days with various equipment at the gym. Sometimes I'll walk on a treadmill or ride a bike but my favorite are the Precor elliptical cross trainers.

Let me tell you here that I was the biggest couch potato around!! You don't weigh 265 pounds and move a whole lot. Not fast anyway! :o) When I first started exercising 10 minutes on the racquetball court about killed me. 2 minutes on the elliptical and I thought my legs were going to fall off! My point is this - if *I* can do it, you can too!

Think you don't have the energy to exercise? It's what GIVES me energy!

I'm completely hooked and I hope I never go back to that couch!

I'll say it again because it bears repeating:

If I can do this YOU CAN TOO!!!


This was taken some time in the summer of 2001. I had to have been very close to my all time highest weight in this picture.  I joined Weight Watchers soon after and lost nearly 20 pounds before I stopped.

Christmas 2001

I re-committed myself to Weight Watchers at 265 pounds.

Current Picture

Weight Graph

WW Recipes



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